Electrical shield plays an extremely important role in the organization of the energy sector. And this applies not only to large industrial workshops and enterprises. A high-quality electrical panel in the apartment, with good and reliable automation, will prevent the occurrence of a fire as a result of a short circuit. Such equipment must meet the most stringent quality standards, since people's lives depend on its reliability and non-failure operation. The box must have the necessary margin of safety so that the electric automatics are not damaged upon impact. That is why it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the choice of such equipment and not save on its quality when completely replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment. This article will tell you what types of shields are currently on the market, how to assemble an electrical panel, and how to choose the right equipment.

General description and purpose
When constructing new buildings, as well as during the overhaul of an old residential (and not only)fund, the electrical panel must be installed without fail. And not so long ago, the rules were less strict, and it was enough to install only a junction box. The tightening is primarily due to security considerations. The power consumption of an average apartment is growing from year to year, and this despite the fact that manufacturers of household appliances produce more and more economical appliances and devices. In such a situation, the network sometimes experiences critical loads. This may result in a fire. When overloaded, the electrical panel (more precisely, its automation) opens the network, which prevents a catastrophe.
In addition, the installation of such a shield will allow you to turn off the power in certain sections of the circuit. Such a need arises, for example, when replacing switches or sockets. It would seem that this is not so important. In fact, this is not the case: a power outage can lead to the failure of expensive equipment. And if a refrigerator or a laptop can be at risk in an apartment, then in production the stakes are much higher: from getting a marriage to breaking a precision and very expensive imported machine.
Modern technologies have advanced quite significantly. And today, the electrical panel can not only prevent the ignition of the insulation of the current-carrying wire, but also save the life of a person by instantly opening the circuit in the event of an electric shock.
The shield can be installed on the landing (on the floor), as well as in a specific apartment. He can also be responsible for the security of the entire structure. Therefore shieldsclassified as follows:
- Main switchboard. It is the leading link in the entire energy system. Such equipment is mounted at transformer substations, as well as not far from energy-intensive industries (foundries, rolling, thermal shops, electric arc remelting, etc.). This unit cannot be confused with the electrical panel in the apartment: it has very impressive dimensions.
- Introductory switchgear. Responsible for the power supply of an apartment building, business center, shopping center and other premises. Installed directly at the input of the power cable. This device distributes energy to residential electrical panels. There is a meter to account for the electricity consumed by the entire house. It also includes automation tools that de-energize the facility in case of emergencies and stress loads on the system.
- Emergency backup input. Such a device is installed relatively rarely and only, perhaps, at strategically important facilities and in emergency hospitals. Installing an electrical panel of this type provides backup power in the event of a break in the main power lines or failure of transformer and other equipment. Emergency backup input requires large financial costs for implementation. That is why it is rarely used.
- Shield floor. Provides uninterrupted power to apartments on the same floor of the entrance. Traditionally used as an electrical panel for the counter and machines from 2 to 6 stairwell apartments. Also found application inoffice centers and administrative premises.
- Apartment electrical panel. It is mounted, as a rule, in the hallway, and is responsible for the safe operation of the wiring in the apartment. It does not have electricity metering devices (meters). It is used exclusively for machines. An electrical panel of this type was not previously provided for in design documentation. For this reason, it is absent in old houses. However, the presence of such a shield will make it possible to secure housing, so people are increasingly installing such shields in their apartments on their own initiative.

Flap assembly sequence
First of all, it is necessary to fix a special rail inside the box, on which the equipment will be mounted. This rail externally is a perforated metal plate. To cut pieces of the required length, use a hacksaw.
Then you need to fix the so-called terminal blocks. They are designed to connect neutral wires. For old apartments, one terminal block will be enough, for modern apartments, two elements will need to be installed.
The time has come for the installation of automation (switches). Modern devices are quite easy to mount. This will only take a few minutes.
After installing the machines, they usually mount the counter (if necessary). Counters, especially modern ones, are quite complex devices. Therefore, their installation is carried out by the relevant service upon preliminary requests. This specialistorganization will issue all the necessary documents and put a seal on the device.
The next step is to connect the introductory machine. It is recommended to draw the phase line from below.
When carrying out work, you must strictly comply with all safety requirements for electrical work and the requirements of the product manufacturer.
Classification of electrical panels by installation method
Shields can also be classified according to the installation method. So, they distinguish external (they are also called overhead) shields, built-in shields, as well as floor ones. The place and method of installation of the electrical panel play a very important role. They depend on many factors: the material of the walls and partitions, the purpose of the shield, its dimensions, etc.

Outer Guards
The installation of this type of shields is relatively simple. Therefore, this type is the most popular solution for equipping apartments (and other objects). Such shields tend to be placed in secluded places, as they may not fit into the interior of the apartment and make an unpleasant impression, bring disharmony. Outwardly, it resembles a box nailed to the wall and sticking out. But in some cases, experienced electricians recommend installing shields of this type. This applies to wooden houses and is dictated by security considerations.
Basically, these shields have a plastic case. You can also see outdoor metal shields on sale, but the price of such equipment is much higher for obvious reasons.

Recessed shields
Electrical built-in shield looks more harmonious and does not protrude from the wall. But in order to install the box, it will be necessary to make a recess in the wall. And it is quite expensive, noisy and dusty. And besides, it is not always feasible in panel houses. The complexity of installation is complemented by the problems of connecting wires. For these reasons, this solution is rarely resorted to when carrying out repairs and replacing wiring. But during the construction of new buildings, niches for such shields are provided at the design stage, which greatly facilitates the installation of the box and installation work.
Foot guards
As a rule, they have large dimensions, which makes it impractical to mount to the walls. In an apartment of a multi-storey building, such a shield can hardly be found. But in production, this is not uncommon. Also, such devices are used as control units for complex technological equipment (CNC machines, thermal and chemical-thermal treatment plants, etc.).
Installing a hinged shield
To install this type of shield, you must remove the front panel. The back wall has four holes for screws. If there are no holes (and this sometimes comes across), then they must be done independently. To do this, you can use both a hand drill and a desktop drilling machine. In no case should you drill all four holes in the wall at once. First you need to mark and drill one. After this operation, the box is screwed to the wall onone screw and leveled horizontally using a standard building level. And after that, you can mark up and drill the remaining three holes. The base is screwed to the wall with all four screws.
There is a special hole in the case for cable entry. But if necessary, you can cut a hole in an arbitrary section of the contour. For these purposes, use the grinder.
Installation of a built-in shield
To install such a shield, you need to punch a niche for the box in the wall. It is hard work. It is especially problematic to work with a concrete wall. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully study all the documentation for the apartment at your disposal so as not to inadvertently damage the pipes or wiring hidden in the wall.
Dimensions are made with a minimum margin of 2 millimeters (both around the perimeter and deep into the niche).
The contour of the future niche is outlined by the grinder. Next, you need to use a concrete drill along the perimeter to make the maximum number of blind holes to the depth of the cabinet.
It remains only to knock out a section of the wall. But this is the most time-consuming and difficult part.
Where can I install the shield
The place where the shield will be attached cannot be chosen spontaneously or based on personal ideas of aesthetics and beauty. The main concern is to ensure safety. Room design and style are secondary. So, the electrical shield should be located as far as possible from explosive substances and potential sources of ignition. It is also necessary to ensure that the device is easily accessible. Atnecessary, the repairman must gain access to the control panel in the shortest possible time, without making unnecessary manipulations. Lighting is an important factor. It is desirable that the level of light allows you to control the automation of the shield without the use of additional lighting devices.
Case materials
There are only two options for manufacturing the switchboard housing - steel or plastic.
Metal, as you know, has the ability to deform under the influence of a load, while plastic is very brittle and collapses when a certain amount of force is reached. Thus, the electrical plastic shield has significantly lower performance compared to metal counterparts. But the metal case also has a number of disadvantages: heavy weight, rough appearance. Plastic is more technologically advanced than steel sheet. From this material you can easily get elegant products. For these reasons, plastic electrical panels are installed mainly in apartments, and metal ones - in production workshops and garages. At the same time, you should not chase cheapness and buy cheap Chinese counterparts, because after a short operation the latter turn yellow and look just awful.
This is true for apartment shields. Main switchboards, emergency inputs, floor shields and others are made exclusively of metal.

Existing shield designs
By design, shields can be classifiedas follows: modular, accounting and accounting distribution.
The name of the modular shields speaks for itself - they can be used to mount all kinds of modules. Inside, such shields have special rails with holes on which the elements are attached. Closed with a metal door with a locking mechanism. Basically, shields of this type are used to assemble control units for specific needs.
Accounting are called special electrical panels for the meter, which is mounted on a rail or wall. In addition, there are places for mounting automation.
Metering and distribution boards provide an additional possibility of mounting protective devices on several branches. In addition, there is a special compartment for switching equipment.

Useful tips and tricks for installing the shield
When purchasing a shield, in no case should you immediately take the cheapest option. Usually this is a trap. Unscrupulous manufacturers use poor quality materials in order to reduce the cost of their products. Such electrical panels quickly fail and crack at the slightest load. In addition, there are questions about fire safety (such plastic, most likely, can flare up from the slightest spark).
Experts strongly recommend to provide for the future the possibility of installing additional equipment in the shield. So when expanding the network, there will be no need to purchase and install new devices. Much easierconnect an additional module, rather than disassemble and assemble the entire circuit.

Be sure to sign each of the machines. This will save you a lot of trouble in the future, both during repairs and preventive maintenance of equipment. As a rule, when buying an electrical panel, special stickers are included for this purpose.
If financial opportunities allow, then preference should be given to well-known brands when choosing a shield. This guarantees the quality of products and their normal operation throughout the entire service life.
If small children live in the apartment, then without fail the door of the electrical panel is equipped with a lock with a key.