Electric shield: classification

Electric shield: classification
Electric shield: classification

Every object that connects to the electrical network needs power from distribution boards. These activities are carried out in accordance with the norms of technical documentation, as well as the PUE.

Electric shield
Electric shield

The assembly of electrical panels is the final stage of the installation work, which involves not only the installation of the shield itself, but also equipping it with the appropriate "stuffing". Usually, systems for disconnecting power lines, as well as automatic controls, are installed there. The electrical board can be represented as a local control unit, which can include various power relays, circuit breakers, grounding and zeroing buses, as well as various automation elements.

Electric panels have a specific classification. So, they distinguish:

- Switchboards.

- Lighting boards.

- Input distribution panels and devices.

- Electricity metering boards.

- Distribution points.

- Boxes, lintels, tires, etc.

Traditionally, an electric switchboard is completed with everything necessary at the factory, where specialized equipment is installed. The quality and reliability of manufactured products mustmeet high requirements, which means that they directly depend on the accuracy and accuracy of installation.

Assembly of electrical panels
Assembly of electrical panels

The main switchboard (MSB) is a device that includes a set of devices for supplying the building with electricity. This device has found wide application in residential, administrative and commercial buildings and structures, as well as in industrial enterprises and transformer substations. The main switchboard is designed to distribute electricity throughout the building, as well as to protect against overloads and short circuits of internal and external lines. An electric switchboard of this type can also perform various functions related to protection in case of emergency power off, when it is necessary to quickly switch the power to the backup input.

ASPs are used to receive and transmit electrical energy. At the same time, power distribution between receivers is carried out, as well as protection of installations from short circuits and overloads. The electrical switchboard of the VRU type is designed to provide infrequent operational switching on and off of power circuits. To accommodate it, it is necessary to equip a special room located directly in the center of loads.

Automatic transfer switch (ATS) is used to restore the power supply to the receivers by connecting the backup power source during the shutdown of the worker, as well as to subsequently re-enable the source of the working supply. This device is widely used in networks of industrial buildings, factories and enterprises, as well as intransport and communication networks to achieve the required level of reliability of supplying consumers with electrical energy.

Electrical panels
Electrical panels

When designing a future electrical panel, you need to know the exact number of connections. This serves to determine the overall dimensions of the apparatus, as well as the type and number of protection and control devices in it.
