How can you put out a fire? What can put out the fire?

How can you put out a fire? What can put out the fire?
How can you put out a fire? What can put out the fire?

Whatever the cause of a fire, it always starts and develops according to a certain scenario, and there are physical reasons for that. In any fire, several stages can be distinguished. The correct firefighting tactics depends on what phase it is in, as well as on the means available.

Disaster scenario

Let's take a closer look at the phases of the fire. In the initial stage, the fire spreads to all possible space, combustible materials caught in the flame zone flare up. The rate of spread of fire, as well as its temperature, is still low. At the end of the first phase, the fire column reaches its maximum height and can spread to neighboring buildings. Individual fires merge together.

In the second stage, all or almost all combustible substances are destroyed and the supporting structures of buildings are destroyed. In the final, third phase, the remains of everything that can burn burn out, after which the building collapses. In terms of radiation intensity and fire temperature, the flame is weaker than in the middle of the fire.

What can put out the fire
What can put out the fire

What can put out the fire onopen space

Tactics of extinguishing forest fires can be different. It is possible to take the burning area into a ring with its gradual narrowing, annealing the oncoming lane. Sometimes embankments, trenches or channels with water are arranged. This option is most often used in situations of extensive peat fires, when protective channels are dug around the perimeter of the burning area.

If a fire broke out in an open area, but not in a forest, the surrounding area is poured abundantly with water, and the fire itself is knocked down with improvised means, such as brooms.

If the fire has spread over a wide area, it is eliminated by isolating or cooling individual sections. For example, in the case of a forest fire - a method of phased localization of fire areas. If containers with combustible material ignite, each of them must be isolated from the others.

What can put out the fire
What can put out the fire

Apartment or office on fire

How can you put out a fire in an office or any public place? It is eliminated with the help of hydrants and fire extinguishers, which, according to fire safety standards, must be available in all administrative buildings. Also, any bulk materials are used - earth, sand, etc.

Those inside the building at the time of the fire should remember that in the first phase of ignition, smoldering materials intensively emit invisible carbon monoxide, which is very dangerous. At this point, the risk of poisoning is high. It is necessary to have time to leave the building before the structure collapses.

How can you put out a fire in an apartment? If the fire is strong, it is better not torely on your own strength, call firefighters and quickly leave the premises. For a small fire, some household products can be used.

Curtains engulfed in flames should be quickly torn off, trampled under foot and thrown into a bath of water. If the fire is rapidly spreading in a certain direction, when extinguishing it, you need to move towards it, and not after it - it is easier to deal with it. Thick smoke with a pungent odor, making its way from under the door into a closed burning room, indicates a lack of oxygen released during combustion. Such a fire will soon go out without outside intervention. It is required to plug the cracks even more tightly with a wet cloth. Windows cannot be opened at the same time - oxygen will cause a new attack of fire.

About fire extinguishers and more

Fire extinguishers are a classic fire fighting tool. Each of them is designed for a specific class of fire. Class A is designed to extinguish standard combustible materials - paper, wood, household waste. Class B - for liquids that are easily flammable (gasoline, paint, grease). Class C fire extinguishers eliminate fires caused by electrical short circuits, while class D extinguishers are able to cope with combustible metals such as aluminum. In order not to aggravate the situation, one should clearly understand what is impossible and what can be done to extinguish a fire of various types. It is advisable to always have a small fire extinguisher at home and keep it in a conspicuous place.

The easiest and most affordable handy tool is water. It is fast acting, easy to dial, and effective on Class A fires where debris, paper, cloth, wood, orplastic. But in no case should it be used if spilled liquids are burning - the addition of water causes lubrication and increases the fire. If the electrical wiring is shorted, wetting the fire can cause electric shock.

That is why it is important to know how to put out a fire when the wiring is on fire. In the event of a fire in a household appliance, you must immediately turn off the power supply, throw a thick blanket over the ignited appliances, then fill it with foam from a fire extinguisher.

What can not and can put out a fire
What can not and can put out a fire

If the kitchen caught fire

How can you put out a fire that broke out in the kitchen? An affordable household fire extinguisher is ordinary baking soda, a bag of which is available in every home. She will help with a fire on the stove.

If food flared up in a pot or pan, a lid from the same dish with a heat-resistant handle is ideal for stewing. Quickly closing the lid on the flaming container, cut off the supply of oxygen to the flame. Table s alt will also help out when ignited on the stove or in the oven. Its chemical composition promotes heat dissipation and oxygen uptake.

How can you put out a fire if there is no fire extinguisher in the house? Any fabrics, blankets, curtains and towels will help to bring down the flame and limit the access of oxygen. They are especially often used if clothes and hair on another person caught fire. A thick cloth should be quickly thrown over the victim or wrapped around the body.

If you have soil free of combustible organic materials on hand, it can also be a good fire extinguishing agent. Largeit is better to extinguish fires with sand than with soil, as it is drier. But when extinguishing combustible metals, sand is not reliable enough.

How to put out a fire when the wiring is on fire
How to put out a fire when the wiring is on fire

Large containers with the most ordinary beer are also suitable, they will need to be shaken until foam forms. In this way, you can put out a fire on a grill or a suddenly flashed car engine. Sometimes just a few cans are enough. In general, any liquid containing a large amount of water is suitable for extinguishing a fire, especially a small one - even urine.