Glazed balcony - good weather protection

Glazed balcony - good weather protection
Glazed balcony - good weather protection

It just so happened that the glazing of balconies has become a common practice. It started back in Soviet times, and today many construction companies in the process of building a house independently perform glazing of balconies. The reasons are quite clear. Glazed balcony provides additional protection from atmospheric influences (snow, water, dust, etc.) and sound insulation. In addition, such a balcony can be used as an unheated storage room or as an additional room. It depends on your choice.

glazed balcony
glazed balcony

The most commonly used cold and warm glazing. When cold, they simply install frames with glasses, without taking additional measures for heating. In this case, the glazed balcony keeps the temperature slightly different from the outside, but it protects well from adverse effects from the atmosphere. The balcony in this case is most often an unheated warehouse and serves to store seasonal or rarely used items.

In cases where warmglazing, special frames and double-glazed windows are used. In addition, in many cases, additional thermal insulation of the ceiling, floor, walls is performed, heating and lighting are carried out. As a result, the glazed balcony turns into an additional room serving, for example, as a winter garden, a workshop, a kind of sports hall or a relaxation room. Although the purpose of such a room can be absolutely anything, because as a result of warm glazing, you received an additional, albeit small, but ordinary room.

However, despite the possibility of obtaining an additional room, cold glazing is most often used. True, there are various options for its implementation. The main elements in this case are the frames and the frame on which they are installed. They are:




In addition, it is worth mentioning frameless or panoramic glazing. In this case, glazing is carried out without the help of frames from floor to ceiling. How similar glazed balconies look like, the photo below makes it possible to evaluate in detail. However, conventional wooden frames are most often used, although over time they began to give way to aluminum and plastic. There is a completely understandable explanation for this - an aluminum profile at a very reasonable price allows you to get high-quality and durable glazing.

glazed balconies photo
glazed balconies photo

Everyone who was engaged in the improvement of the apartment asked himself a completely justified question about how much it costs to glaze a balcony. There is no on himan unequivocal answer, everything will be determined by the choice of a specific glazing option. The wooden frame and the simplest wooden frames allow you to get the result at the lowest cost. True, its durability is several years, and the wooden structural elements will need regular painting, but such improvement turns out to be cheap and eliminates the direct impact on the environment of the apartment.

how much does it cost to glaze a balcony
how much does it cost to glaze a balcony

At the same time, the use of an aluminum profile, not to mention plastic, including those with double-glazed windows, provides more durable, but also more expensive glazing. When choosing it, it is necessary to decide in advance what should be the result of such a task? If a cold storage room is planned, then the price of the work will be the same, if a winter garden, then all this will cost much more.

A glazed balcony has now become almost the norm for any apartment. Glazing can be made in a variety of ways using different materials. And the final result can be very different depending on the type of glazing chosen and the materials used in the work.
