Aeration is the process of saturation and enrichment of water with oxygen. This process is essential in aquariums, especially large ones. In order to create aeration, you need an aquarium compressor. It gives small bubbles, which, rising, top, saturate the water with oxygen. One of the necessary conditions for a compressor is that it should work as quietly as possible, if not completely silent. Since often aquariums are located in rooms where people sleep most of the time, and it must work constantly, especially at night, when plants do not emit oxygen.

A DIY aquarium compressor is the best solution for those who don't want to put up with noise. But first you need to know what it consists of.
The eccentric gear mechanism, pump and motor are the main parts of the compressor. The motor must have a power of at least 50 watts to ensure the normal operation of the pump.
So, how to make a compressor for an aquarium and what is needed for this? To construct the pump, you need to glue the valve tongues in the inside of the case.
Using a gasket and a nut to the body, press and secure the diaphragm. Now let's take onengine. On the side surfaces of the flywheel, you need to attach a plate with 2 screws that has an axis. The motion transmission node is the axle.
This flywheel is put on the motor shaft. The amount of eccentric gearing is affected by a plate with two slots that allow you to move the axle.

From duralumin, you need to turn bushings, flywheel and pump parts on a lathe. Using an anvil and a hammer, disc washers must be made from duralumin washers. From a sheet of rubber one millimeter thick, mount the diaphragm.
To make the aquarium compressor as quiet as possible, you will need a box on acoustic junctions. This will help neutralize vibration and sound transmission from the compressor parts to the floor, bedside table or table. From boards twenty millimeters thick, it is necessary to make a lid and a box. Then fasten them with screws, and put foam rubber on the bottom. A thick, porous cloth is fine for acoustic decoupling, floor wipes are a great alternative. The lid needs to be glued with a cloth so that it closes tightly, and make legs out of foamed polyurethane. In order for the compressor to be ventilated, the hose and power inlet must be closed, but not tight.

You can design a simpler aquarium compressor, for example, using a ball or a rubber bladder. A rubber bulb pumps air using PVC or silicone tubes tosprayer is supplied with air. With the help of such a compressor, air is pumped 1-2 times a day.
And now our silent compressor is ready, now you need to remember to take precautions, do not lower it into the water, be sure to unplug it if you want to open it or clean the aquarium. The compressor is essential for the inhabitants of the aquarium, including the plants in it. Creating such a necessary thing with your own hands will give you a lot of pleasure.