How to make a bunny costume with your own hands?

How to make a bunny costume with your own hands?
How to make a bunny costume with your own hands?

Various Halloween costumes, matinees, themed holidays are sold in many stores. But to surprise your friends and appear before them in an exclusive costume, you can make an outfit yourself. A bunny costume can be created from improvised materials. It is very easy to make it. This costume is suitable for both children and adults. This article will show you how to make a gorgeous handmade outfit.

Material for work

Nimble bunny is one of the most beloved children's heroes. Younger children will love to wear such a wonderful outfit. A bunny costume for a girl is best created from pink material, for a boy - from blue. The use of white, black and gray shades is allowed. The use of natural fabrics is recommended, since synthetics do not allow oxygen to pass through. In an artificial suit, the child will feel bad. It is allowed to decorate the outfit with fur, plush, interlining, felt or velor. For a fluffy ponytail, use a colorful pompom. for earsyou will need a small piece of fabric to decorate with light crepe satin or satin.

bunny costume
bunny costume

List of required items

To create a DIY bunny costume, you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • wire;
  • strings or laces;
  • decorative eyes and nose;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle and thread;
  • foam rubber or batting;
  • paint;
  • elastic band;
  • bezel;
  • zipper.
bunny costume for girls
bunny costume for girls

Creative process

The selected workplace should be well lit. The surface must be even. When making an outfit, it is better to involve a child. This will make the process much more fun. The kid will have a craving for creativity. The child will know that he made an exclusive, festive or New Year's bunny costume himself. At the same time, fine motor skills develop in young children. It is responsible for speech, behavior and thinking. Children with whom parents engage in creativity develop much faster than their peers. Your baby will feel much more confident and joyful in a handmade costume.

Creating bunny ears

It is necessary to cut out one piece of light shiny material, which will serve as a decor for the ears. Then two parts are cut out of dense fabric - non-woven fabric, plush, faux fur. The length of the ears should be 30 cm, width - 10. At the top we make a smallrounding. At the bottom of the ears we narrow, leaving a width equal to 6-7 cm. This edge will be sewn to the cap. We must not forget that it is necessary to leave 1-1.5 cm of seam allowance. Two parts made of dense matter are sewn together and ironed. A wire is inserted along their edge, thanks to which the ears can be bent to the desired position.

bunny costume for boy
bunny costume for boy

With the help of wire, they can become vertical, bent down or in different directions. Thanks to such ears, the bunny costume will be unique and unusual. The material is then turned right side out. Cardboard is placed inside. A fabric for decoration is sewn on top of the dense matter. Everything is ironed. The bottom of the ears is bent 0.5 cm to the wrong side. A bezel is threaded through the resulting holes. With inconspicuous stitches, the details of the ears are attached to the rim.

Bunny hat

To create a bunny costume, you need a hat on which ears are sewn. The cap is made of 4 wedges. You need to measure the circumference of your head. The bottom of one wedge is calculated by the formula: (Head girth + 1) / 4=AB. The piece is folded in half. It will be equal to the length of the cap. A perpendicular segment is constructed. It should be equal to the length of AB. Then the points AC and also BC are connected. The resulting segments are divided into 3 symmetrical parts. Then at these points it is necessary to put perpendiculars. The lower perpendiculars will be equal to 1.3 cm, the upper ones - 1.6 cm. The pattern is connected by a smooth curve. According to the sample, 4 wedges are cut out. Leave a 1-1.5 cm seam allowance.

new year bunny costume
new year bunny costume

The wedges are connected together, sewn on a sewing machine, turned inside out. The ears are sewn into opposite seams. Separate holes for the rim do not need to be made. It is best to place the bezel 3 cm from the center. Then a strip of dense material is cut out. In width, it should be equal to 3-5 cm. The length depends on the girth of the head. It is measured around the circumference of the cap. 4 cm is added to the circumference for an allowance. The strip is folded in half and sewn to the bottom of the product. It is important that the rim is between the two layers of the strip. An elastic band is sewn on the inside, which should be 2-3 cm shorter than the girth of the head. Ribbons, laces or ties can be sewn to the edges of the cap.

Sewing overalls

Carnival costume "Bunny" can consist of a turtleneck and shorts or overalls. In the first option, you can use ready-made things. The second option is the most difficult. The outfit from the overalls seems much more spectacular. To create a costume, you need to measure the height of a person from shoulder to floor, waist circumference, length of legs, arms, back width. It is necessary that the overalls fit freely. Therefore, more than 10 cm are left for allowances. The patterns of the shelf and back should be identical. You will need 2 shelves, 1 folded back, 2 sleeves, 2 front leg halves, 2 back leg halves. All cut products are ironed with a hot iron. Shoulder seams are overlocked. The neck and sides must be processed with an oblique inlay. The back halves of the legs are ground down by 10-20 cm.

bunny costumedo it yourself
bunny costumedo it yourself

All remaining allowances are carefully ironed. The back halves of the legs are sewn to the back. Then the cuts of the sleeves are ground. All products are carefully sewn on a sewing machine. The outfit is turned inside out. To make the bunny costume the most comfortable, a zipper is sewn into the middle. Recommend the use of iron zippers, as plastic breaks quickly. There must be darts on the chest. If they are absent, then the outfit will be uncomfortable to wear. The bottom of the trousers must be narrowed so that the edges of the legs fit into the shoes. The edges of the sleeves and trousers can be finished with a tapered overlock.

Making carrots

Various accessories will perfectly complement the bunny costume. There are many photos and videos on creating accessories. The easiest way is to make foam rubber carrots. Create a shape and cut out the product along the contour with sharp scissors. A thin emerald-colored material is sewn on top. The carrot itself is painted with paints. It is necessary to choose paints from natural ingredients. They do not affect human he alth. The use of food coloring diluted in water is allowed. Such paint does not harm and does not stain the fabric when wet. The most difficult way is to make a carrot according to a pattern. Cut out 2 triangular shapes. They are sewn together and turned inside out. The empty space is filled with batting. The wide edge is sewn by hand. Green fabric scraps are attached to it.

carnival costume bunny
carnival costume bunny

Costume decoration

Bunny hat can be gluedfinished eyes and nose. They will give the costume the effect of decorativeness and unusualness. A bunny costume for a boy can be decorated with blue ribbons, sewn-on carrots, shiny rhinestones, and beads. The girl's costume is decorated with bows, imitation pearls, pink ribbons, gold appliqués. New Year's outfits are decorated with tinsel. Costumes for adults can be left in their original form. They are complemented only by exclusive shoes. The most important decoration of the costume is the ponytail. It is made from a pom-pom, a piece of artificial or natural fur.
