Sedum: cultivation and care

Sedum: cultivation and care
Sedum: cultivation and care

Sedums fit especially beautifully into the garden landscape. Growing these flowers is not difficult, especially since there are many types of them. They are considered the most common in the world. They belong to an extensive genus of Crassulaceae. More than 500 species of sedums are used as ground cover perennials. The most popular species are: stonecrop prominent, stonecrop telephium, stonecrop Caucasian, sedum Purple emperor, sedum white-pink, stonecrop Ruby radiance.

stonecrop cultivation
stonecrop cultivation

Some of them are cultivated in ordinary indoor floriculture. Their height can be up to 80 cm. The stems are covered with fleshy thick leaves of grayish, green, burgundy or reddish color with a slight bluish bloom. In some varieties, inflorescences reach 30 cm in diameter! By the end of summer, stonecrop caps acquire a bright color: lilac, white, pink, carmine, brown, burgundy. In autumn, the flowers darken, but remain on the plants for a long time, gradually losing their attractiveness.

stonecrop cultivation
stonecrop cultivation

Since ancient times, stonecrops have been prominent known to mankind. The fact is that burns and wounds were smeared with juice from the leaves of these plants, and stonecrop is also a biostimulant (like aloe). Note that stonecrop isa honey plant that attracts bumblebees, butterflies and, of course, bees to the garden. In the people, the plant is known under the names "rejuvenated" and "rabbit cabbage".

Sedums, which are not that difficult to grow, require a good start. To do this, you need to prepare a pit 50x50 cm, 20 cm deep. For planting, the substrate consists of sand and humus or humus and sandy loam. It is better to choose a sunny place. The whole point of caring for plants is loosening and timely weeding. These plants tolerate dry periods remarkably, feeding on moisture from their reserves accumulated in thick leaves. Stonecrop does not need additional fertilizers. Many sedums bloom beautifully even in poor soils.

After the stonecrop finishes flowering, its stems must be cut to the ground, while the outlet for the winter should be mulched with garden compost. Plants of this type are affected by weevils, as well as slugs and snails.

sedum prominent
sedum prominent

Sedum prefers cultivation that is caring but not pushy. But when breeding, they need special care. Sedum can be propagated by seeds, leaf or stem cuttings, dividing the bush. Seeds should be sown in spring or autumn in specially prepared boxes. They must be dug into the ground or put in a greenhouse. Soon small shoots will appear. When there are two leaves, you need to dive into the beds. Plants will bloom a year or two after planting. It is excellent to root stonecrops by stem cuttings, producing it in warm weather and preferably immediately in open ground. The lowest part of the stemscan be cut into a couple of pieces, each of which will take root in the sand. You can also leave the stonecrop stalk in a dry and warm place, after a while new shoots and aerial roots will appear, easily rooted on contact with the ground. Dividing the bush is the easiest method of propagation, besides, each stonecrop (which takes a long time to grow) needs to be divided every few years. It is better to do this in the spring.

Sedums, which do not take much time to grow, will decorate any landscape and garden. Therefore, do not doubt their choice!
