Polystyrene plates are quite popular in construction for insulation of walls, floors or ceilings. The material is characterized by many positive advantages, ease of use and relatively inexpensive price.
Description of building boards
The material in question is made from expanded polystyrene granules, which undergo special processing in several stages. The production of boards consists in the fact that the granules are first foamed and then stabilized. The latter process contributes to the restoration of pressure, and the plates acquire the necessary shape. After manufacturing, the material is allowed to rest for a day to complete its production.

Polystyrene boards are used in the decoration of facades and for interior work in residential or public buildings. This material is considered harmless to the he alth of people and animals, on the contrary, it creates the necessary microclimate in the room. For interior decoration, it is used to insulate walls, ceilings and floors.
Material features
The plates under consideration have many advantages, among which the following should be noted:
- The thermal conductivity of the material is much lower than that ofwood or brick, so it is characterized by high energy-saving ability. Heat-insulating plates allow saving on heating during the operation of the building, in addition, they are used to protect pipelines from freezing.
- The water resistance of the plates is quite high, the material does not deform, does not dissolve and does not absorb water, so it can be used to insulate the foundation of a building, especially when polystyrene contact with the ground is necessary.
- Slabs are resistant to chemical and biological agents. They do not dissolve or deteriorate when interacting with an alkaline environment, various acids, cleaning or bleaching agents, building materials: cement, paints, bitumen and others. Polystyrene foam plates are resistant to the development of microorganisms, their structure does not allow the appearance of mold, fungus, algae.
- The strength of the material is quite high with its low density, it does not break or deform on bends, during compression.
- The plates are characterized by a long service life, over time they do not lose their shape, thermal and mechanical properties. Resistant to temperature changes, do not rot.
- The fire resistance of the material lies in the fact that polystyrene plates can burn only in the presence of an open flame, outside it they self-extinguish. Their spontaneous combustion is possible at a temperature of +491 degrees Celsius.

Use of material in wall decoration
Slabs retain heat well, so theyquite popular when facing wall surfaces. The thickness and size of the material determines how warm the room needs to be.
Before finishing, it is necessary to prepare the walls so that the plates are securely fixed and do not fall off during operation. All surfaces are recommended to be cleaned of dirt and dust, which can be done with a spatula and a brush (vacuum cleaner). In the presence of large irregularities, pits, they must be plastered. In general, thermal insulation boards do not require perfectly even walls.
When finishing surfaces, the parts of the material should fit snugly against each other. If necessary, they can be easily cut with a hacksaw, holes in the plates can be made using an electric drill.

Decorating the ceiling with polystyrene elements
The material in question is widely used in the decoration of ceiling surfaces. Here, the slabs perform mainly a decorative function, but their heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties help to keep the necessary heat and hear less neighbors from above.
Modern polystyrene plates for ceilings are distinguished by a variety of colors, textures and patterns. You can pick up white classics or material with imitation wood. In addition, there are designer tiles that have various bizarre shapes.
Before gluing the elements, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the ceiling, while the old paint or whitewash is not necessary to completely remove, modern adhesives allow gluing tiles on the old materials. Howeverflaky, cracked parts are best sanded. Then the ceiling must be cleaned of dust, degreased and primed.

Polystyrene floor heating boards
Due to the fact that the material in question can withstand fairly high temperatures, it was used for the underfloor heating system. The tiles have special channels into which the pipes of the heating system will then be laid.
Installation of the floor is quite simple, it is suitable for rooms with low ceilings, in addition, this type of floor frees from the work associated with pouring the screed. A plastic film is laid on the base flat surface, a special damper tape is laid around the perimeter of the room. Then lay the plates, aluminum heat reflector and floor heating pipes.
Close such a system using the dry screed method. For this type of floor heating, any floor covering can be used: laminate, parquet, linoleum.

Tile adhesive
Technologies do not stand still and are constantly developing, this also applies to adhesive materials. A special adhesive for polystyrene boards has appeared on the construction market, which effectively fastens them to almost any surface.
Polyurethane adhesive suitable for indoor and outdoor use, is a foam that quickly and reliably bonds various materials. This tool is able to replace liquid nails, glue for ceiling and heat-insulating elements,drywall.
Thus, polystyrene boards are a durable, reliable building material that retains heat well, is waterproof, durable, resistant to various substances of chemical and biological origin.