There is no need to be mistaken and not to believe that the design of our interior is not so important, but to consider the quality of work and the price of materials as the most important. Wall painting in the interior, artistically executed frescoes, corrugated wallpapers and many other finishing works give our interior not only individuality, but also sophistication.
Everyone is familiar with the complexities of the repair process. When we prepare ourselves for the thought that repairs will soon begin in the house, very often we forget to give due time and effort to the preparation and thinking through the creative side.
Painted walls in the apartment

Many of us prefer practicality and longevity in the end result of a renovation. Naturally, no one wants to find cracks in just a plastered ceiling or find a peeled off piece of wallpaper in the corner of a room. And such a desire is natural for every sane person. Therefore, when you decide that there should be artistic wall painting in the interior, you should pay attention not only to the professionalism of the workers,but also on the choice of materials they are going to use for painting and priming.
If you are planning to purchase paints and primers for work yourself, take the trouble to consult with the employees of hardware stores. Explain what exactly you want to get as a result, how durable the painted panel on the walls of the apartment should be and which manufacturer can really suit you.
How to choose a design for the hallway?

Oddly enough, but designers around the world over the past few years have come to the conclusion that wall painting is the perfect decoration for an apartment hallway. The price of such pleasure depends directly on the size of the room and the desired picture. If you have a small hallway with low ceilings, and you want to put the desired painting on one of the walls, then you should not be afraid that such a “work of art” will ruin you.
Of course, in fact, the price bar ranges from completely cheap wall painting services to incredibly expensive ones. It all depends on the picture you choose, the high cost of materials and the colors used.
Which style of painting do you prefer in the bathroom?
One of the coziest places, of course, after the bedroom is the bathroom. You can stay there (especially the fair sex) for hours. The world has long been recognized style for bathrooms, which has no equal - Provence. Designers, on the other hand, advise when choosing a Provence theme for bathroom renovation, do not forget that you needwall painting in the interior. Photos of lavender fields or just drawings of prairies and waterfalls can best relax a tired body when taking water procedures.
Don't forget about aesthetic pleasure. When your house has a small part of the province of France recreated by interior artists, then you want to smile more often in the morning.
But it is important to know that choosing a design in such a theme will practically force you to renovate the entire apartment in the same style. The Provencal interior looks harmonious only when this theme is distributed throughout the house.
Decorate the baby's room
Who, if not children, has to suffer from a lack of brightness and "fabulousness" of modern interiors. The way out of this situation can be painting the walls in the children's room. Despite the fact that many parents do not want to make repairs in the child's room several times (in order to save money on materials, or consider it pointless), doing this is necessary for the full development of their son or daughter.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on decorating a nursery. All it takes is your desire and creativity. First, select a wall in the child's room that is open from cabinets and other bulky furniture. Invite a master who will help you paint the walls in the interior. The price for the work done can be minimal if the picture is simple and unpretentious. Alternatively, you can put portraits of your child's favorite fairy tale characters on the wall. Most importantly, withAs you age, the picture on the wall can be repainted, and, who knows, perhaps just such a creative process will awaken artistic talent in your child.
Decorate the living room with frescoes

For many people, home is more than just a place where they live. For the majority, it is a place where you want to return after a hard day's work, where it is always cozy and comfortable with friends and relatives. From our attitude to the house depends on its appearance.
The living room is a place for meeting and receiving guests. The very name of this room indicates the presence of a large number of people in it, and therefore its interior should be rich, colorful and impressive. If you decide to decorate your home and make a wall painting in the reception room, the picture should definitely be large-scale. Since ancient times, the presence of frescoes in the house was considered a sign of the excellent taste and we alth of the owner. So now, the choice in wall painting offers a huge number of magnificent frescoes that are suitable for the interior of modern houses and apartments.
Art painting. Style selection
The scale of the diversity of artistic movements is simply amazing. Wall painting in the interior allows designers to play not only with textures and colors, but also with painting styles.
There are many examples of abstract and avant-garde painting that have gained popularity (no less than classic images of landscapes or still lifes). Modern painting gives not only free rein to the imagination of artists, but alsoallows you to decorate the interior with original paintings, making it original and individual.
Wallpaper pictures. Can they replace art painting?

Sometimes, choosing a design style, we want to diversify and improve the atmosphere in the house and make wall paintings in the interior. But due to lack of money, or perhaps the lack of a suitable master, we prefer not to strain ourselves and purchase wallpaper with a printed pattern (landscapes, etc.). But when expecting a spectacular result with such a choice, we are very often disappointed.
It is worth being aware that photo wallpapers can never replace a picture applied to a wall or thick wallpaper. The artwork created by a wall painter cannot even be compared to a self-adhesive finished painting.
We select the master and find out the price

It is worth discussing the financial side of the issue. Like any other technical side in the design decoration of an apartment, wall painting in the interior requires money. Unfortunately, it is impossible to name the exact amount. So, for example, painting a wall in a children's room measuring 13 square meters using the artistic airbrush technique will cost you 10,000 rubles.
Of course, it must be admitted that this is an expensive pleasure, but sometimes the interior requires that it be present wall painting. The price also depends on the quality of the materials to be used, on the presence of stucco and other additional elements on the panel. But notworth getting upset. If you still want to decorate your house with wall paintings, you can go for a little trick.
Nobody is forcing you to turn to expensive masters. Of course, if you have planned a large-scale fresco for half the room, then you will have to fork out, but in the case when your desire is in a simple unpretentious drawing, you can do otherwise. There are art universities in every city, and graduate students will certainly agree to work part-time for much less pay. Of course, no one guarantees you quality in this case, but in absentia you can ask the teachers of the faculty and ask for advice from the most talented and diligent student.

Art painting of ceilings. Give your child a "starry sky" in the bedroom
When there is artistic wall painting in the interior of a child's room, the child's imagination and character can develop much brighter and faster. Well, tell me, did in childhood, when my mother put us to daytime sleep, did we immediately fall asleep? Of course not. Surely each of us remembers these minutes of looking at the ceiling. And those children who had at least some wallpaper over their heads were lucky, and many had to peer into the cracks in the plaster.
Thanks to new ways of interior design, we have a great opportunity to "decorate" the world of a child. Give your little one a “starry sky” or “fluffy clouds” above their heads with artistic ceiling painting.