Terrazite plaster - application technology, features and properties

Terrazite plaster - application technology, features and properties
Terrazite plaster - application technology, features and properties

Any owner seeks to make his home attractive both inside and out. Therefore, it makes the walls of the premises and the facade of the building such that it meets all the requirements and standards, and is also beautiful.

A distinctive variant of reincarnating the design inside and outside the premises is the use of terrazite plaster, which provides a high quality finish. In most cases, this material is used for outdoor work, although it is quite suitable for interior repairs.

Terrazit plaster
Terrazit plaster

Recently, this material is used more and more often. Despite the wide range of compositions on the market, it is this material that is preferable to others, because it attracts buyers with its appearance.

What is terrasite plaster

This mixture is included in the list of materials belonging to the category of rough decorative plaster mixtures and is more often used in repairing walls than in decorating them. The composition is affordable, does not cause difficulties in the processoperation, and application on the walls is easy to do with your own hands.

What are the advantages of the material

The distinguishing features of a positive character include:

  1. Impressive service life without losing the visual appeal of the surface.
  2. Environmental and weather resistant.
  3. Sleek appearance.

What the material is made of

The composition of terrazite plaster includes:

  • lime;
  • 30-35% cement;
  • fillers: marble flour, quartz sand, mica, textured stones or other decorative components.
Terrazit plaster technology
Terrazit plaster technology

When applying the material, you can give it the desired texture due to the grinding features, which allows it to organically fit into the style of the house: exterior or interior arrangement. The material with the selected type of filler is applied in advance to the prepared wall surface. Let's take a closer look at how the technology of terrasite plaster is carried out, namely the process of applying the mixture to the walls.

Features of the material application process

The technology of application is somewhat similar to the process of applying a decorative agent for walls "Bark beetle", but has its own differences, since the compositions differ in their component composition. To apply the material, a metal floor is used, and the desired thickness is achieved by applying plaster in several layers. Then they start grinding, since the different texturerequires and different material thicknesses.

Pay attention! Before starting work, terrazite plaster should be moistened abundantly for better adhesion of the layers. After applying the material to the surface, it is left to dry for 12-24 hours, after which it is ground and cycled. To do this, use special embossed graters, including those with sharp spikes that help achieve the desired texture. When forming a coating, try to capture the maximum area, otherwise the joints of the layers will be too noticeable (an analogy with the application of "Bark beetle").

Technology of applying terrazite plaster
Technology of applying terrazite plaster

Please note that the joints are thought out in advance, trying to make them in inconspicuous places. Plastering of the entire surface is carried out entirely, avoiding interruptions. Otherwise, you will have to carry out additional processing of the dried edge to get rid of it. To do this, you will have to moisten the surface and wait until it softens.

To eliminate cracks use trowels. If the snatch layer is covered with cracks, then it will have to be redone again. Having distributed the mixture over the surface completely and evenly, the beacons can be removed, and the places where they were located can be sealed with a colored primer.

How long will this coating last

When doing the job right, you don't have to worry about any difficulties or problems in the process. During the operation of the building, you will be able to check how high-quality this material is, how well it is operated, regardless of the microclimate of the room and the place of surface finishing (insidehome or outside the building).

Terrazit plaster technology
Terrazit plaster technology

Thanks to a special technology for making terrazite plaster indoors, such a coating will last at least 20 years (and up to 10 years when performing facade work). The method of applying the mixture and the texture of the future surface depend on the addition of aggregates of various sizes and types to the composition of the mixture.

How to make the composition ready for application

Dry mix and water are poured into the mortar mixer to get the finished composition. The technology of applying terrazite plaster involves the use of a uniformly mixed composition, which is obtained after processing in a special apparatus for 5 minutes.

Terrazit facade plaster
Terrazit facade plaster

When mixing manually, increase the working time to 10 minutes. To obtain a certain density, you will have to use a special reference cone. For a coarse-grained mixture, the indicator is set at 7 cm, for medium-grained - 8 cm, for fine - 9 cm.

Once the mixture is ready, soak it for at least 30 minutes before starting work. After that, the solution is ready for use, and it is desirable to apply it within the next two hours after preparation.

What the application process looks like

The application of terrazite plaster begins with the preparation of the walls, which are first cleaned of the old coating. To do this, use a sandblaster, which to some extent simplifies the process. In order for the material to be finished in the future, fillers are added to its composition, notdiffering in grit type.

Application of terrasite plaster
Application of terrasite plaster

First, a layer of primer is applied over the entire surface to level the surface. On flat ground, lines are made up to 3 mm deep at a distance of 30 cm from each other. This is necessary in order to ensure excellent adhesion of soil and terrasite plaster for the facade.

Please note that it is recommended to apply the plaster in even layers, and after completing the work, after evaluating the result, poorly adhered grains should be swept off the surface.

Terrazite plaster price

The material is affordable. It varies depending on the type and packaging of the plaster. The price of terrasite plaster fluctuates around 500 rubles per package, but at the same time, you will have to pay about the same amount for work on 1 m2 of the wall if you plan to hire a master. This adds up to a round sum. Therefore, before starting work on finishing the interior or the facade of the house, it is worth calculating the budget, deciding on the choice of material and checking how much repair work on finishing this or that type of material will cost.

Terrazite coating is beneficial in all plans, especially if you do the reconstruction yourself. Knowing the intricacies of preparation, the details of application and the features of this material, the task can be easily handled without any unnecessary problems.
