Beauty and comfort are extremely dear to many. The more effort is invested in the process of creating this comfort, the more expensive the price of labor. But if in order to decorate a room with a table and a vase of flowers, you do not need special skills and knowledge, then painting walls without skills is a waste of time, effort and money. Let's see how to paint the walls so that the result can be enjoyed.
Choosing paint
The very word "paint" has something in common with the word "beauty". And it's true, paints and varnishes are able to bring a new breath, freshness, originality to any room. For interior work, certain dyes are used. The main thing is the safety of the composition for he alth. Experts recommend choosing quick-drying materials - they do not have that characteristic sharp and unpleasant odor. They are easy to apply on the wall without special skills and professional tools.

Wall painting material should be of higher quality and better performance than ceiling products. This is easily explained by the fact that walls are more accessible than ceilings. Also, when choosing a dye, such a characteristic as hiding power is relevant. This is a certain minimum amount of dye that is needed to fully and evenly paint over the original color. Covering power determines the consumption of the paint and varnish composition, as well as profitability.

Further, the dye must be highly resistant to ultraviolet exposure, to aggressive chemicals and compounds, mechanical damage, moisture. Good paint should "breathe". This is a characteristic that ensures the absorption of moisture in an apartment, house. An important characteristic is the resistance of the painted surface to wear. The paint must not react to surface washing.
Also, the material is chosen taking into account other parameters. These are the dimensions of the room, the basis of the wall, the flow rate, the time until complete drying, the purpose of the room. It is also worth knowing in advance how the room should look like. The modern industry of paints and varnishes offers the buyer different textures - these are matte, glossy, semi-gloss. The finished wall surface can imitate natural marble, wood after painting.
How much material do you need?
The amount of dye that you need to paint the walls in the classroom or any other room depends on the brand and type chosen. To calculate an approximate amount,you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - for this, measurements are taken. Do not clean the area occupied by windows and doors. This is an extra margin that can sometimes be useful. If you purchase the amount of dye strictly for the calculation, then for various reasons it may not be enough. This will entail certain difficulties - so, you have to select a shade. Also, when calculating the quantity, take into account that modern wall paints are applied in several layers.
Acrylic for walls
Acrylic is made on the basis of polyacrylates and copolymers. These elements serve to form the film. This is a water based material. The color of the dye appears due to the addition of pigment to the composition.

Among the advantages of acrylic dyes - fast drying speed. The surface does not fade, the color saturation does not change over time. The film that forms on the surface after drying perfectly withstands high temperatures; during long and intensive use of the surface, cracks and other defects will not form on the painted wall. This is a popular indoor wall painting solution.
Latex wall paints
This is also a water-based formulation. The dye is an emulsion in which the binder particles of the pigment float - this is latex. When the material begins to dry, water will evaporate from it, and a film will begin to form on the painted surface. Latex materials are not afraid of moisture, they can confidentlyresist the formation of mold and fungi. They can be used to paint the walls in the bath.
Features include high dry speed, excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces, breathability.
This paint and varnish product is made on the basis of alkyd resins. They are completely safe for humans, retain their color for a long time. The paint is moisture resistant. Best of all, it is held on plastered surfaces, wooden walls, metal surfaces. It takes a lot of cans (15 kilograms) to paint the walls in a classroom, but due to the low cost, this product is very popular in school renovations.

The group of alkyd paints also includes enamel and matte dyes. Lacquer-based enamel dries in one hour. After drying, a glossy, corrosion-resistant surface with a good water-repellent effect is formed. Oil paint is made on the basis of natural drying oils. To work with them, you need a solvent - it can be white spirit, solvent, turpentine. Oil paint dries for a long time - sometimes up to several days. It has a sharp and unpleasant odor, but is still used for internal surfaces. Can you paint walls with oil paint? It is possible, but not worth it. There are more suitable options for interior work.
These are popular water-based enamels. The dye is made on the basis of silicone and acrylic polymers. Also in the composition there are various fillers and pigments. This paint has excellent properties - it has good vapor permeability, has a water-repellent effect. Silicone enamels, due to good adhesion, are able to penetrate deep enough into the surface, resulting in an excellent and durable coating that stably withstands any impact. Painted walls (the reader can see photos of examples in the article) will not crack. The paint is suitable for rooms with a high level of humidity.
Water emulsion for walls
These materials are based on latex, various thickeners, antiseptic additives, added fillers, and polymer particles. After application to the surface and evaporation of water, a strong film with good viscosity remains.

These paints will not flake, breathe and maintain a comfortable indoor climate. How to paint walls with this type of paint, we will consider below.
Choose color
Modern building supermarkets present the colors of paint and varnish products - you can see small rectangles-probes. Often the buyer sees a bright and spectacular shade and is mistaken. According to professionals, bright colors applied on the surface of a large area will become annoying after a while. But the apartment should have a calm design. To get the desired pleasant effect, choose paler shades.
Designers advise what color to paint the walls:
- Walls facing north will require additional lighting. This effect canget painted with warmer and lighter shades.
- If the color is dark and saturated, then visually it will reduce the area of the room. But the opposite effect will be if you paint a wall whose windows face south. In small apartments, in order to visually increase the space, dyes in lighter colors are preferred.
- If the surface is glossy, the colors and shades will become more intense. The matte texture will absorb colors.
If you choose the right color to paint the walls, then an ordinary apartment, house, office will delight residents, guests and clients.
Surface preparation
Before you paint, you need to prepare the room. Furniture is taken out of the room. And what could not be taken out is best folded in the center and covered with something to protect against dust.
When preparing, it is worth observing safety precautions - it is better to purchase and use a respirator, work with gloves and goggles. The process will use soda and phosphates, and they can cause allergies.
The wall must be thoroughly cleaned, leveled, the old layer of paints and varnishes or wallpaper removed, cracks and irregularities puttied, primers applied. How to paint the walls with your own hands? Then, when the primer dries, uneven or rough areas are treated with emery cloth.

When the sanding is finished, rub the wall thoroughly with damp cloths to completely remove the dust. The boundaries of the area to be painted,labeled with masking tape. They also protect places that do not need to be dirty.
Painting the walls
When the surface is prepared, you need to learn how to paint the walls. In order to finally get the perfect result, the material is applied in the most uniform thin layer. Movements with a brush or roller are done in one direction. Then the direction changes - it will be perpendicular to the first. Next, the surface is shaded to obtain uniformity. If this is not done, the excess dye will flow, and the wall will not look very beautiful. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use too liquid coloring compositions in the process, and it is better to apply in several layers.
We use water-based paint
Vodoemulsionka - one of the most popular for interior work. It is used by many to give an apartment or any other room a new, more elegant look. This paintwork material is distinguished by a wide variety of colors and shades - you can get any tone you like. It all depends on the imagination.
This is a water and emulsion based paint. We reviewed it above. You can buy it at any hardware store or hardware store. To dilute it, do not use organic solvents - you need plain water. After adding the liquid, the mass is thoroughly mixed.
Initially, the paint is white, and to give it a shade, you need to add color to the composition. The choice of it depends on what colors to paint the walls. The hue will be more saturated if more color is added to the dye.
Brush application
To work with a brush, you need to purchase a wide brush. The most convenient tool will be 110-125 millimeters in size. The brush should be immersed in a container with dye so that only a third of the working part is covered with paint. Then it is pressed against the wall of the bucket and the excess is removed.
Let's look at how to paint the walls in the apartment with a brush. It is better to start painting the wall from the top. The material is applied in short, overlapping strokes. It is better to cover the surface up to one square meter at a time. The new area should overlap the freshly painted area along the wet edges.
The material is applied sequentially until the entire wall is processed. Then apply the next layer if necessary.
Working with a roller
Continue learning how to paint the walls. This time you should learn about the work of the roller. It greatly speeds up painting work. But if when working with a brush it was possible to get by with one or two layers, then here, due to a thinner layer, three layers will be needed. You can paint the walls with your own hands as follows. First, a special tray is filled with dye, then a roller is lowered there and rolled several times along the bottom.

Next, the paint is carefully applied to the wall. It’s worth starting again from above - the roller is moved in a W-shaped pattern. The strokes should overlap each other.
Electric spray gun
This tool can significantly speed up the coloring process. In this case, the wall will be painted as evenly as possible. The tool will allow you to cover even places where access is difficult. Before the process, it is recommended to check the device on any rough surface. Paint for the spray gun should be more liquid. The technology of how to paint walls is no different from those described above.
This is how you can quickly and inexpensively completely change the room. Coloring has been popular for a long time. Many choose it, and not the traditional wallpapering. With the help of paints, you can create unique multi-color compositions. And if you master the techniques of decorative painting, you can decorate the wall under wrinkled skin or star dust.