How to start landscaping a personal plot? Designing is a very exciting and creative process, and it's certainly worth trying your hand at designing your own lot.

First of all, all existing buildings, paths, communications, preserved plants and so on should be transferred to paper.
Secondly, the landscaping of the backyard must be done in some style. And you need to decide what exactly you want to see in the end. This may be the so-called "regular style". It respects the symmetry of lines, strict geometry and impeccable order. You can use the style of the English garden. His leitmotif is natural immediacy. Everything should be arranged naturally: trees, ponds, paths, and flower arrangements.
Chinese-style home improvement is quite popular today. The most important thing here is harmony, everything must be subject to the laws of Feng Shui. You can also use the Japanese style, in which the garden always consists of 13 stones. One of them must be securely hidden.

Very often used country style, where wells, wattle fences, bird figurines and large nests in trees are always present. Well, if you want to get a piece of paradise, then use the Moorish style. The landscaping of a personal plot (photo on the left) in this style suggests a sea of flowers, cozy benches, picturesque fountains and the presence of vociferous birds.
Having decided on the style and having a plan on paper, you can indulge in fantasy in more detail. To begin with, divide the entire site into zones: front, recreation area, utility and fruit garden area. It is desirable that there is a beautiful flower garden in front of the living room windows, the garden is on the sunny side and closer to the kitchen, so that the playground is clearly visible, and the utility blocks are in the far corners of the garden.

Now you can cut out all the planned elements from paper. It can be a pond, a greenhouse, a gazebo, a fountain, a vegetable garden, fruit trees, flower beds, and even a dog house. And move them around on your paper site plan. When planning plantings, remember that they have the ability to grow, and in a few years a small seedling will turn into a huge tree. When you decide for sure that the landscaping of the backyard will look exactly like this, then fix all the paper elements in their places. Now you can start implementing yourplan.

Separately, I would like to note the improvement of the garden. More recently, they got rid of it completely, placing lawns and ornamental plants everywhere. But today more and more people want to have their own beds. And in order not to take up much space with them, you need to use mixed crops, especially since many plants grow better in close proximity. Take at least carrots, they will feel great next to tomatoes, peas or beans. Also, this root crop will not refuse the neighborhood with radishes, lettuce or parsley. But with beets it is better not to plant it. In addition, many herbs and flowers repel pests. For example, daffodils get rid of moles and mice, marigolds - from nematodes, aphids and scoops. Kotovnik repels ground fleas and Colorado potato beetles. And garlic - codling moths, cabbage flies, snails and slugs. By following all these little tips, you can completely do the landscaping of your backyard with your own hands and achieve amazing results.