Strange as it may seem, but the reservoirs in the suburban areas of our fellow citizens until recently were an incredible rarity. The appearance of such a pond, the smell of water and the play of a rainbow over its surface - all this allows you to escape from the hardships of life and relax. The only difficulty is that the arrangement of a decorative reservoir for most summer residents is a real secret. In this article, we will try to reveal the main points of the device of a compact pond.

If you do not delve into the wilds of professional construction using concrete and heavy equipment, then the easiest way is to make a pond from ready-made forms, which can be purchased at many specialized stores. In this case, the device of a decorative pond becomes available to everyone.
Note that it is best to buy a form, in the design of which there is a special swamp zone. This will allow youplant moisture-loving plants in the pond that will make the pond even more beautiful. If such a product is not on sale, then you can buy special hanging baskets that are hung to the required depth. However, for the same purposes it is convenient to use containers made of coconut nuts. With them, you can make a real water garden from a decorative pond, which will have an indelible effect on all your guests.

The hardest part is getting the form right. It is very important to choose the right place for the pond. It is necessary not only to place it in the most successful place in the garden, in which it will successfully fit into the overall composition. Please note that there should be a decent distance from the decorative pond to the trees, as their roots can destroy the form.
Before starting work, you need to carefully mark the perimeter of the pond, using pegs and twine for this. It should be noted that 15-20 cm should be thrown over the perimeter so that there is space for adding soil. The entire fertile layer is removed to later use it in the garden.
You need to dig a pit 15 cm deeper than the height of the form. The base is carefully rammed, and then coarse river sand is poured on it. It is necessary to constantly monitor the process using the building level. Then the device of a decorative reservoir is continued, setting the form. It is 1/3 filled with water, after which they begin to fill the gap between it and the excavated river sand. To make it lie as tightly as possible, the sand is slightly moistenedwater.

Note that the soil near the form will still settle, and therefore, for a couple of days, it is periodically watered with water and sprinkled with sand. Only after this period can planting and decorating the coastal area be started.
By the way, in the gardens you can often see decorative ponds made from old barrels or bathtubs. Of course, it is difficult to call this option optimal, but if you have at least some design skills, then even such a decorative pond in the garden can become a real decoration of your backyard.
The shores are best decorated with beautifully shaped boulders, snags and moisture-loving plants. Of course, all decorative elements must be fully combined with each other.