Almost always, walls are leveled before interior decoration. They do this in several ways, but the most convenient of all is plasterboard sheathing. To work with this material, special skills are not required, it is very easy to cut, simply attached and allows you to get a perfectly flat surface. Since installation is quite simple, do-it-yourself plasterboard wall decoration does not take too much time and saves money.

The benefits of drywall
Drywall is a unique building material for wall cladding with many advantages:
- possibility of obtaining a perfect surface;
- drywall is easy to handle;
- easy to cut;
- it can be bent and shaped;
- light weight;
- fire safety;
- it is a flame retardant and non-combustible material;
- has good heat andsoundproof properties;
- ecological cleanliness;
- affordable price;
- Possible behavior of spot repairs with minimal cost and time.
In addition, communications can be placed between the drywall and the ceiling, sound insulation can be laid. Also, the use of this material allows you to make shelves and niches built right into the wall, which is a big plus in small apartments.

Installation Methods
Finishing the walls in the house with drywall can be done in two main ways:
- By erecting a frame and screwing GKL to it.
- Glue drywall to the wall.
In some cases, both options are combined.
The most reliable way to finish walls and ceilings with plasterboard is precisely the frame version. The frame is formed using a special metal profile for plasterboard, to which the sheets themselves are screwed with screws. Among the disadvantages of this method are the complexity of installation, additional costs for materials and the fact that the design takes up a lot of space.
Fastening GKL to glue is an easier and cheaper way, but only possible with a slight curvature of the surface. In addition, the strength of such a finish will be less.
Let's consider further how the walls are finished with drywall in a wooden house with our own hands.

Sequence of work
- Preparatorywork.
- Markup.
- Installation of metal profiles.
- Fastening GKL.
- Seaming.
Preparatory work
Before finishing the wooden walls with plasterboard, the room must be freed from unnecessary and bulky items, the old coating must be removed to the very foundation, communications and wiring must be removed. Since the cladding will cover all defects and irregularities, there is no need to level the walls. Cover all existing gaps and cracks with putty. Then the surface must be cleaned of dust and primed.

What you need for work
- GKL.
- Metal bearing profiles and rails.
- Pencil.
- Building level.
- U-brackets.
- Roulette.
- Sharp knife.
- Capacity for putty.
- Reinforcing tape.
- Hacksaw.
- Spatulas.
- Secrets.
- Screwdriver.
- Insulation.
Installation of metal profile guides
First of all, you need to prepare the floor along the walls. It must be clean and even. Then, stepping back a little from the wall, draw a marking line to install the guide profile. If the sheathing is carried out on all walls, the marking is done parallel to each wall and connected at an angle of 90 °. Further along the line, a guide profile is applied and screwed to the floor with screws.
One profile has a length of 3 m. Extension is carried out using special metal connectors and screws, the length of which is 9,5 mm. To make a corner connection, the end of the profile is cut on both sides, then the sides are bent and screwed to the side edge of another profile with self-tapping screws. Vertical guides are attached to the sides of the walls: the lower ends of the profiles are inserted into the floor profile, vertically aligned using a plumb line. Screwed to the ceiling and at the base. The ends of the ceiling guide profile are inserted into the left and right wall profile, aligned with the floor profile and then screwed.
Installation of bearing profiles
To carry out the mounting of load-bearing profiles, it is necessary to make markings on the wall. To do this, vertical lines are drawn from the ceiling to the floor itself every 40-60 cm. Further along the marking, after 60 cm in height, U-shaped brackets are attached to the wall. If the wall is wooden, the brackets are fixed with self-tapping screws, if the wall is concrete or brick - dowel-nails. After that, the carrier profiles are inserted into the upper and lower guides, markings are made parallel and screwed on both sides with self-tapping screws. At the last stage, each profile is vertically reinforced with brackets.
Laying communications
After the frame is installed, wiring and communication pipes are laid between the profiles. Throughout the plane, they should not go beyond the guides. Fastening communications to the surface of the walls is carried out with special clamps and brackets. It is important to pay attention to sealing the pipe joints and insulating the wires, since the drywall will have to be dismantled to repair the damage.
If the walls are insulated from the outside, you can do without internal thermal insulation. Although under the skin a layer of insulation will not be superfluous. This material has high soundproofing properties. Before the insulation is laid, it is cut into strips, the width of which is 2-3 cm more than the distance between the profiles. Then it is laid tightly so that there are no gaps.
Finishing the walls with drywall
Cut out the GKL sequentially. To cut the material evenly, draw a line on its surface and cut it with a knife. Further, according to the markup, the sheet is broken and cut on the other side.
Finishing the walls with plasterboard starts from the corner. To do this:
- The first sheet is applied to the carrier profile, aligned along the edges and screwed to the posts with self-tapping screws every 25-30 cm.
- The second sheet is screwed side by side. The joints must be aligned on the carrier profile.
- Before installing the corner, holes are cut in the sheet at the exit points of communications.

Since the GKL have rounded or truncated edges, when joined, recesses are formed at the seams. To seal them you will need:
- putty;
- reinforcing tape;
- spatula.
First of all, you need to knead the starting putty, then cut off a piece of reinforcing tape, apply putty mixture on the seam, attach the tape on top, gently spread it in the center of the joint. Next, apply the putty again and distribute it well with a spatula. After the solution dries, it is necessary to processjoints with fine sandpaper.

Wall finishing
In order to get rid of even the slightest defects, GKL is covered with a very thin layer of putty on top. This is done with a wide metal spatula. Work starts from the edge of the wall. A solution is collected on a spatula, placed against the wall surface at an angle of 10 °, pressed from below and led up.
If the walls are to be painted, two layers of putty are applied. The surface is sanded and then primed. After that, the walls can be wallpapered, painted or covered with decorative plaster.
Frameless wall cladding method
Internal wall decoration with drywall can be carried out without the use of profiles. This option is used in the following cases:
- when the height of the walls is not more than 2.5 m;
- vertical deviation does not exceed 2cm;
- no insulation required;
- if the room is dry and there are no sudden changes in temperature.
GKL should not be glued to decorative plaster, wallpaper or old peeling paint, as such plasterboard wall decoration will not last long.
Wall preparation
A wooden or concrete base is well cleaned of dust, all cracks are sealed. If paint is applied to the walls, and it is firmly held, it can not be removed. It is enough to make small horizontal and vertical notches every 25-30 cm. Then the surface is primed and dried.
Laying communications
If the wiring is low current, it can be fixeddirectly on the surface. To lay power cables and communication pipes, you need to punch strobes in the wall, then close them with special strips and seal the seams with putty.
Fixing drywall
Finishing the walls with plasterboard is carried out as follows. The glue is diluted according to the instructions, then, using a notched trowel, it is applied to the back side of the GKL with one wide strip around the perimeter and two strips in the center. After completing the mounting wedges from below, apply the sheets to the wall, align and press well. Level check verticality and horizontality. In the same way, the next sheet is attached, while trying to join it as tightly as possible with the previous one.

After fixing the GKL, the seams are sealed. If they are thin and have a width of no more than 4 mm, they can simply be puttied, and for wider ones, a reinforcing tape is additionally used. Also, the joints can be filled with glue. Puttied places must be sanded with fine sandpaper and cleaned of dust. The gap formed between the floor and the gypsum board should preferably be filled with a waterproof sealant.
At the final stage, the surface is leveled with finishing putty, sanded, dusted and primed. Finished walls can be whitewashed, painted or wallpapered.
The price of plasterboard walls is different and depends on many factors. On average, it is 300 rubles/m2.