Combination of floor and wall colors, features, rules and recommendations

Combination of floor and wall colors, features, rules and recommendations
Combination of floor and wall colors, features, rules and recommendations

Everything wears out over time, becomes unusable. The same happens with wallpaper, painting, flooring of residential premises. Therefore, at least once in a lifetime, a person encounters the word "repair". When planning repairs, the first thing we think about is the color schemes of the surfaces of the room. After all, if old furniture is easy to replace with new, then the main components of the interior, that is, walls, floor and ceiling, remain unchanged for a long time. That is why it is so important to approach the choice of colors carefully and thoroughly.

Why it is so important not to make a mistake

The color combination of the floor, walls and ceiling plays a major role in the comfort of the room. Psychologists have repeatedly proven that color affects a person's consciousness: his mood, mood, and even mental he alth. For example, the color red can causenervous breakdowns, irritation, anger, while orange can put you in a good mood, relieve stress and irritability and improve brain function.

coziness and comfort in the room
coziness and comfort in the room

And if the house is associated by all people with a safe harbor, with a hearth to which one certainly wants to return, where a person can be himself, resting his soul and body, then the colors of this very hearth must be in harmony with each other, causing households have coziness and comfort.

Color Harmony

The room, made in different shades of the same color scheme, definitely winds up peace and tranquility. The combination of the colors of the walls and the floor of the same color, but in varying degrees of saturation, is always pleasing to the eye and, moreover, will suit absolutely any style.

The most win-win option involves stretching the color from dark on the floor to the lightest on the ceiling. So, for example, a brown floor, beige walls and a cream ceiling would be a classic option.

Shades of blue and blue in the living room will look very fresh. Combining wall and floor colors with furniture in a different, more neutral color, such as white, gray, black, milky or beige, will add style and taste to your room.

The darkest shade in the range can be found on light walls as doors, picture frames, photographs, clocks and other details.

It will be good to combine shades of the same color in the interior of the kitchen, where women have to spend most of the day. The lighter of the single-spectrum tones need to be madebackground, and use bright colors with furniture and interior accessories.

pastel colors in the interior of the room
pastel colors in the interior of the room

Decision in favor of light

To give the room space and lightness, visually expand it, you can use a pastel combination of colors of walls and floor in the interior. Pink, blue, lilac, mint, vanilla and cream hues go well together, so they can be perfectly combined with each other.

If you want to draw the attention of guests to trendy furniture or interior details, then the best choice would be to choose a plain wall and ceiling design in pastel colors. As for the flooring, here it is worth giving preference to natural wood in a light gray or walnut hue.

Pastel colors also work well in rooms lacking sunlight, such as sand, peach, pink and lilac.

Pastel colors of the room
Pastel colors of the room

Brightness and style

If you are a movement person and you want to bring dynamics, style and eccentricity to your home, bright accents are perfect for you. There is one risk here - the main thing is not to overdo it. When choosing in favor of brightness, it is worth remembering that the walls should be catchy, otherwise you can make the ceiling heavier, visually making it lower. With bright walls, you need to be careful - the chosen color of the walls should be in contrast with the color of the furniture and doors. The latter should be chosen to match the floor or ceiling. To balance the composition, choose a floor a few tones darker than the walls.

Yellow in design
Yellow in design

Contrast is the best choice

Another option for painting walls is in contrasting shades. For example, yellow and lilac, coloring them opposite to each other.

The following pairs belong to contrasting shades:

  • green and red;
  • blue and yellow;
  • orange and turquoise;
  • purple and light green;
  • bright green and pink;
  • black and white.

Other combinations can be seen in the wall, floor and furniture color combination table below.

wall and floor combination table
wall and floor combination table

The bright surface of the walls is best suited for light furniture, on which small interior details are arranged to match the main color of the room.

Designers do not use contrasting solutions in the design of bedrooms and lounges, because instead of relaxation, they contribute to the activation of mental activity. But in hallways, living rooms, offices, contrasting color combinations of walls, floors and doors will fit perfectly. As for the nursery, here it is worth consulting with a psychologist or going through psychological tests on your own for a child’s preference for colors, since unusual combinations of colors can injure a child’s weak psyche.

Light and airy

If your house lacks light and air, then give your preference to a very dark parquet flooring and light walls with a ceiling. A monophonic combination of the color of the floor and walls will play into the hands of the owner of a small room. Practicalwhite walls and ceiling will visually enlarge the space.

white interior
white interior

When choosing such a color scheme, the main thing is not to overload this lightness with heavy curtains, massive dark furniture. If a dark floor bothers you, throw a small, light-colored rug on it to give it even more airiness.

Greens will look good in such an interior: indoor plants and fresh grass color accents will bring naturalness and harmony with nature to the room.

Naturality is in vogue

Speaking of plants, we need to dwell on a fashion trend that has not lost its popularity for a long time - eco-design. Designers strive to achieve a sense of unity with nature not only through natural materials and indoor flowers, but also through the colors most common in nature: brown, green, blue, gray, sand.

Eco room design
Eco room design

In this case, they try to make the floor as reminiscent of the earth as possible - dark wooden parquet or laminate. The walls are usually decorated in beige, cream or sand. The ceiling remains invariably white. Furniture in gray or light brown tones will give the house a strict, balanced atmosphere.

Fire and Ice

When combining the colors of doors, floors, walls and ceilings, you need to remember one golden rule, you can not mix cold and warm shades. When decorating in warm colors, neutral shades, namely white and black, will help to balance colors or draw attention to a certain color.

To visuallybring interior items or walls closer, take note of warm colors: orange, yellow, peach, brown, beige. Thus, the richer and warmer the color of the walls, the smaller the room will appear. And vice versa, to distance objects or visually increase the size of the room, use cool colors: green, blue, purple, turquoise and others.

When decorating rooms with a complex layout, this rule can play into the hands.

Red in interior design
Red in interior design

Correct space

With the help of different color combinations of walls, floor and ceiling, you can visually correct the imperfections of the room. So, for example, owners of an apartment with a low ceiling should pay attention to an interior with a dark shade of walls with a vertical pattern and a light ceiling and a floor that contrasts with it. Due to the dark floor and vertical lines, the space will be visually deep and elongated.

Another option for visually increasing the space could be an option with light walls, a dark floor and a two-level ceiling (with the lower level in dark colors and the top one in light).

To steal space in a room with high ceilings, choose dark-colored ceiling coverings.

Combination of floor and wall colors in the kitchen

Everything that has been said before applies to living rooms, bedrooms and living rooms.

The kitchen is perhaps the most important room in an apartment or house, because it is there that culinary masterpieces are created, it is there that the whole family gathers at the table, and it is there that they spend the mosttime the average mistress of the house. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the combination of colors of walls and floors in the interior of the kitchen.

There is a rule of three gamuts of colors, which are distributed as a percentage of 60x30x10. To pay attention to only one "favorite" color is bad taste. And a properly designed color scheme, where 10% is just the same “favorite” color, will make the kitchen stylish and seasoned, and the chosen color will not be lost in any case, but, on the contrary, will find a new life. That 10% is the accent you can make in the kitchen, whether it's wall decoration or a work apron or stylish kitchen accessories.

Colored apron in the kitchen
Colored apron in the kitchen

60% is the main color of the walls and ceiling. Modern kitchen designs are based on white, which goes well with wooden furniture, the color of which makes up the remaining 30%.

Today, interior design is also popular, in which all color combinations depend on the working apron. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot combine such a huge detail with bright walls or furniture. The best option is a bright apron (made of glass or tiles) and plain (low-key) furniture, exactly like the monotony of the walls.

The influence of colors in the interior on the mood

As we said earlier, the color that surrounds us can affect our mental state, which is why it is necessary to know which shades to use in the interior to change the atmosphere in the house.

  • white - fills with energy, relieves worries and fears,however, it must be diluted, as its excess can quickly tire;
  • red - leads to severe irritation and nervous breakdowns, especially not recommended in children's rooms and bedrooms. Red details in the interior can help positive thinking, believe in the best and attract well-being;
  • yellow is the color of creative thought, provoking active mental activity, therefore it works well in offices and in the kitchen;
  • orange - fills with energy, relieves stress, and also establishes positive relationships between households;
  • green is the color of financial well-being, but the use of this color in the bedroom is not recommended, as it always makes you sleepy - because of this color you will not want to leave the bedroom. With green walls, the combination of a gray floor will create a feeling of peace and tranquility;
Green with gray in the interior
Green with gray in the interior
  • blue is a healing color in all respects, it is able to restore strength, cure high blood pressure, and also increases concentration. Recommended for use in bedrooms and nurseries;
  • pink is the color of tenderness, femininity, tranquility. Designers advise painting the walls pink in the nursery, regardless of the gender of the child, living room and bedroom, as it calms the nervous system.
  • purple is the color of mysticism, eccentricity and power. The purple color of the walls greatly loads the emotional background, encourages quarrels and conflicts.
