The order of repair in the apartment: design, approximate estimate, choice of materials and work procedure

The order of repair in the apartment: design, approximate estimate, choice of materials and work procedure
The order of repair in the apartment: design, approximate estimate, choice of materials and work procedure

The apartment sometimes needs to be renovated. It can be both cosmetic and capital. People often do not know where to start this time-consuming and costly process. This article will describe in detail in what order to make repairs in the apartment.


The cost of work depends on the condition and size of the premises. You can repair the entire apartment or its separate room. There are three main finishes:

  1. Major overhaul.
  2. Cosmetic.
  3. Renovation.

Each of the mentioned methods has its own action plan, the implementation of which will depend on the appearance and quality of the apartment.

Overhaul is an expensive and time-consuming method. Replacing doors, windows, electrical wiring, coverings (floor, wall and ceiling) and redevelopment of the building are a small part of the work that will have to be done with this method.

Redecoration is the replacement of individual elements of the room (for example, gluing new wallpaper). Sometimes during these works ona new layer of plaster is applied to the walls to level the surface. In this case, you do not have to spend a lot of money and time. The repair procedure in the apartment begins with a rough finish, which will result in an even layer for applying facing building materials.

Renovation uses original technologies and stylish design solutions. However, its main drawback is the high price, since foreign materials used in this decoration of the premises are too expensive on the construction market.

apartment renovation
apartment renovation

Overhaul: order of execution

This view is the best solution for renovations in new buildings. But the layout of old houses is sometimes completely redone. The main thing is to follow the procedure for the overhaul of the apartment, consisting of the following sequential works:

  1. Remodeling of a building: changing the size of doorways, dismantling or building new partitions. However, you need to know: it is forbidden to destroy load-bearing walls.
  2. Installation or replacement of water supply, heating, electrical wiring, ventilation and sewerage systems.
  3. Plaster work.
  4. Replacing doors and windows.
  5. Decorative trim.
  6. Installation of new furniture.

The first step is to develop a new design of the room, as well as think about how all communication will be placed. Overhaul is a long process, so all items, including furniture, must be removed from the building.

Apartment without finishing: a sequence of repairs

This is the room wherethere are unplastered load-bearing walls, a bare ceiling and a floor without screed. Therefore, partitions in it can be installed at will. An electrical panel is connected to the apartment and a heating system is installed. In addition, water supply (cold and hot) was installed, sewage without wiring was connected, windows and an entrance door were installed.

The procedure for repairing an apartment in a new building is determined by the condition of the rooms. Preparing a room for finishing includes the following steps:

  1. Creating or buying a design project.
  2. Installation of partitions, which can be made of plasterboard, brick, foam block or other building materials.
  3. Replacing the front door and windows (if they do not suit the residents).
  4. Expansion of openings.
  5. Performing holes in the walls for communications.
  6. Installation of water supply, electrical wiring, ventilation and sewerage.
  7. Repair of the ceiling.
  8. Wall decoration.
  9. Floor screed.

The final procedure for repairing an apartment consists of the following steps:

  1. Ceiling, wall and floor cladding.
  2. Installation of interior doors.
  3. Installation of skirting boards.
  4. Installation of sockets and switches.
  5. Installation of fixtures and lamps.

Any repair begins with a rough finish. But first you need to remove the old coating. If the apartment has even walls and ceiling, as well as high-quality communication, repairs can begin immediately with the creation of a design project for the room. In addition, the sequence of execution depends on

wall repair
wall repair

Initial stage - apartment renovation design

Design project can be developed independently. Thanks to modern technologies and the latest building materials, residents give their home a unique style. To quickly create a building plan, you need to use a special computer program. Designing is an obligatory stage, with the help of which you can determine the location of furniture, decorative elements and find the optimal place for installing sockets, lamps and plumbing elements.

It is recommended to make a design project in color, because in this way you can visually evaluate the decorative finish of the room and decide whether the shade is combined with interior items.

In any case, the procedure for carrying out repairs in the apartment begins with the purchase of building materials, and it is necessary to determine their required amount using the project plan.

Installation of sanitary equipment
Installation of sanitary equipment

Preparatory stage

When the design project is created, you can proceed to the following work:

  1. Preparatory activities.
  2. Draft work.
  3. Finishing.

Repair should start from the preparatory stage, the meaning of which is to dismantle all unnecessary building structures. All surfaces must be cleaned of old finishes. Then you can start installing new windows and doors. If the project provides for changing the size of openings, then they must be increased or, conversely, reduced.

Next step -preparation of surfaces for decorative processing. Walls, ceiling and floor must be cleaned of old building materials, as well as defective parts and dirt must be removed to apply a new finishing coating. First you need to wash off the whitewash from the ceiling with a brush or remove the old plaster with a grinder.

Next, you need to remove the wallpaper from the walls with a spatula. If the surface is covered with a layer of paint, then it must be removed with a building hair dryer. Finally, the floor covering must be removed. The repair procedure in the apartment also includes the stage of treating the walls with a primer and leveling them with putty.

repair work
repair work

Rough finish

When the surfaces are clean, you can proceed with the following repairs:

  1. Preparation of technical openings for new communications.
  2. Installation of electrical wiring, plumbing, sewage, ventilation and heating systems.
  3. Alignment of walls and ceilings with pre-mixed mortar or drywall.
  4. Installation of insulation material (it can be mineral wool, polystyrene foam or expanded clay) and soundproofing.
  5. Floor screed.

You already know the procedure for performing repairs in the apartment. We start with finishing the ceiling. This can be done using the classic methods: treat with a paint and varnish solution or paste over with wallpaper. In addition, there are also suspended structures and tension systems. After finishing the ceiling, it is necessary to start lining the walls and installing the floor covering. If the project provides for laying parquet,this means that such repairs should be done after finishing the ceiling and walls.

Installation work

It is recommended to entrust the installation of windows and doors to professionals. Therefore, the construction of partitions is the main repair work, which must be carried out in accordance with the design documentation drawn up earlier. For the construction of structures, you can use foam, cinder, aerated concrete blocks, brick or metal frame, followed by plasterboard sheathing.

Concrete blocks should be used to build strong partitions, as they can withstand a large load. However, this is a time-consuming process, since the surface will have to be plastered for subsequent finishing.

Brick partitions are rarely used, since such a design will take up a lot of space, and its thickness should be at least 17 cm.

Metal frame partition is the best option for indoor wall construction. Thanks to drywall, the construction will be light and with good soundproofing qualities.

photo of repair work
photo of repair work

Ceiling trim

If the repair takes place in a new building, then the concrete slab must be cleaned, primed, plastered and finally covered with a decorative finish. And in old houses, the old building material must be removed from the surface.

The further repair procedure in the apartment depends on the chosen ceiling design. Painting is an economical option, but first the surface must be made even with putty. Tile installation is considered cheap and easya finishing method in which the base does not need to be pre-treated with a plaster solution. In this case, the main thing is to buy high-quality material and liquid nails.

The ceiling can be made of drywall. The advantage of this method is that it will be easier to mount the fixtures and conduct electrical wiring to them.

wall painting
wall painting

Wall repairs

If the building is built of brick, expanded clay blocks or gas silicate, then it is necessary to perform work on leveling the surface. Walls in old apartments must be cleaned of the previous solution. Cracks should be embroidered and plastered, however, it is recommended to simply repair defective places with mounting foam.

There are two ways to decorate walls:

  1. Plaster or ready mixes.
  2. Sheathe the walls with drywall sheets.

If there are irregularities on the surface, then you will have to use plaster beacons, which must be fixed with gypsum mortar.

Gypsum board wall cladding is a less labor intensive option. The free space between the material and the surface can be filled with insulating material or hidden electrical wiring there. The absence of dirt and fast operation are the advantages of this wall repair method. Before finishing drywall with a decorative material, it is recommended to treat it with a primer.

The further repair procedure in the apartment is the work to improve the door and window slopes with plastic panels or plaster.

floor repair
floor repair


At this stage, the procedure for repairing an apartment in a new building begins with the implementation of a screed, which is done in order to get rid of bumps and cracks. To do this, fill the floors with a leveling compound. A high-quality screed is a layer that strengthens and improves the technical parameters of a concrete slab. However, before performing these works, it is necessary to lay a heat and sound insulating layer. Expanded clay is suitable for these purposes, which must be mounted with a layer of at least 50 mm thick.

The flooring can be laminate, linoleum, tile, parquet or planed board.

Estimated estimate

The cost of work is influenced by many factors: the area of the premises, the quality of the building materials used, the complexity of the repair and the condition of the building (new building or old house). The estimate takes into account the price per square meter.

The cost of budget repairs is about 6,000 rubles per 1 m². If high-quality building materials are used, then the price of work will increase to 12,000 rubles / m². Companies require at least 25,000 rubles/m² for European-quality repairs. For old apartments, the price will be 10-15% lower.

Final part

The article described the procedure for repairs in the apartment. What should be installed and in what sequence it is recommended to carry out these activities, we told you. In addition, it is mentioned which materials are best used for certain types of work. If the repair will be done by hand, each of the considered processes must be studied in detail.
