Gypsum board is a building material that is used by many for its positive qualities. The result is a smooth surface. In order for the design to be durable, you should pay attention to the fastening rules. If the actions are thought out, then everyone will be able to cope with the task, without experience. Installation will be easier if a good assistant is nearby.
How to fix drywall? The first thing to think about is the required tool. The simplest and most affordable method is the use of aluminum profiles. The work will require:
- Cutting a profile with scissors.
- Building level.
- Punch.
- Screwdriver.
- Tape measure or string.
- Knife.
- Spatula.

After the material for work is purchased:
- Profiles and hangers. Guides, bearing and transverse.
- Dowels.
- Secrets.
- Gypsum board sheets.
- Putty and mounting mesh.
As soon as the whole set is ready, the main work begins. No need to work in a room with high humidity and low temperature. After purchase, the best storage option is strictly horizontal. Any construction work has its own algorithm. Don't break it.
Stages of work
How to fix drywall to the wall with your own hands? Do not rush and miss moments. You need to follow the sequence:
- Purchasing material.
- Markup and preparation.
- Installation of a frame structure from profiles.
- Fixing work.

Getting Started
The first thing you need is to get rid of dust on the surface. If this is the ceiling, then you will have to move to the walls. How to do:
- The site has the lowest point. Building level applied.
- Then the distance of the profile is measured to understand where the work surface is.
- Using a measuring cord, a mark is made.
- A guide profile is fixed on the top line, a screw is used. The bottom edge matches the line on the wall.
- After the direction of the drywall sheets, marks are made after about 50 centimeters.
- Hangers are located at this place.
- When measuring the profile, it is better to cut it shorter so that it fits into the guide.
- In order not to be mistaken, the thread is pulled - a landmark follows it.
- Further, the structure is aligned and fixed.
- Protruding ends of hangers are bent.
- Longitudinal profiles will not have the required stiffness. They will need to be fixed with transverse segments.
- If you want to install wires and other communications, they are laid at this stage. Only after that drywall sheets are fixed.

All components must match and fit together. Can drywall be fixed with self-tapping screws? Yes, this is a convenient and affordable method. What screws to fix drywall? Their hats should sink, but not tear the surface. If a screwdriver is used in the work, then it must be with a limiter nozzle (so we will not damage our surface). When working on the ceiling, do not forget about lighting fixtures.
Finishing with such material has its own characteristics. This is the formation of seams. They are hidden before finishing. Putty is applied. If there are large holes, a mounting grid will help. When the seams are sealed, you can work on the rest of the surface. How to fix drywall? It was a phased work of elementary finishing. It is suitable for the ceiling. When everything is clear at this level, you can proceed to complex editing.
How else is finishing done?
Using aluminum profiles is not the only method. Often used wooden crate and adhesive masses. But there are problems with the tree.

One of them is the impactmoisture and temperature fluctuations. Glue will be appropriate if the finishing surface is even, and if possible, the structure can be strengthened. The advantage of glue is that there is practically no loss of space. It is worth completing several steps, and drywall fasteners without profiles will be completed:
- Surface treated with a primer.
- Adhesive mass is applied to the sheet itself, after 40 centimeters, up and down.
- When the glue dries, it is worth reinforcing the structure with plastic dowels.
- Only after that the surface is puttied.
This method is the most convenient and does not require extra time for mounting the frame. Although the builders talk about the shortcomings. This is the impossibility of dismantling. These methods are suitable for finishing the ceiling, but sheets are also applicable to the walls. Such material is considered universal, because it is suitable for the bathroom and the hall, as well as the loggia. It remains only to choose the appropriate method of attachment.
Frameless wall decoration with drywall sheets
Today, there is a regular gypsum adhesive on sale, which allows you to attach sheets to the wall without using an additional structure. Before the plasterboard finish appears on the wall, you need to do the following:
- Maximum surface leveling.
- If finishing in the bathroom, then exclude shedding of plaster and the presence of fungus.
- Exclude the formation of condensation and freezing.
Before starting installation, it is worth preparing:
- Drywall. Moisture-proof is applied depending on the room.
- Gypsum mixture.
- Tools for applying glue and containers for breeding.
- Sharp knife.
- Rule.
- Putty and tools for its application.
- Meta measure and pencil.
- Building level and twine.

Walls are marked first. In this case, cruciform fixation is not allowed. It is believed that the procedure is comparable to the process of working on the ceiling. The surface is also initially prepared so that the grip is as reliable as possible. Any movable old trim is removed, otherwise everything will come off. The application of the adhesive base should be carried out using a corrugated spatula. Now it’s clear how to fix drywall to a wall without profiles.
Important aspects of work
According to the builders, the use of a frame is the best solution, as it turns out to level the surface. After the sheets are attached, the wall becomes smooth and even for finishing in the available ways. In each work, the set of tools is standard, but the sheets need to be well calculated so as not to acquire too much.
Depending on their size, the required amount is taken for the processed area of the wall. To avoid downtime in work, it is better to immediately mark the wall. The wall becomes the beginning so that the frame does not go beyond. There is a building level in the work. The lines must be precise and even, otherwise the work will not work.
Today, some use a wooden frame, but its service life is less than that of aluminum. Be sure to purchase a guide profile. In the work, do not forget about the sealing gum. The guide element is fixed to the ceiling. This is done carefully, slowly, taking into account the marking lines.
In addition, with the help of self-tapping screws, a rack-mount profile is attached to the ceiling and floor. Step for fasteners - half a meter or a little less. What's next:
- When the frame is completed, insulation is placed under it, wiring is laid. Insulation is also necessary for sound absorption. It is better to choose from materials that are not subject to combustion. Today, mineral wool is considered the leader in the market, because it meets all the requirements.
- When the necessary work is completed, it's time to attach the sheets themselves. The desired size is measured and cut off. For this, a carpenter's knife is used. The edge is cleaned taking into account the standard direction. Each element of the finish is checked and, if necessary, adjusted. It is worth mounting so that all joints fall on the guide profiles. Fasteners are recessed, but not deep.
- After you need to carefully fix the coating. Holes are carefully cut out at the locations of sockets and light bulbs. Butt channels and the location of the caps of the screws are smeared with putty compounds.

That's all there is to it. After that, any decorating coating is already applied. But do not forget that, if necessary, a primer is applied. So that the seams are beautifully and quickly filled,you need to use construction tape. It helps to avoid further cracking. There are various tapes on the market, it remains to choose the right one for your repair.
What should not be forgotten?
Sometimes without building experience, you can take some information for the truth, as a result, such a finish does not meet the requirements. Dismantling is not always convenient, for example, after applying glue. In order to prevent anything like this, before starting it is worth understanding the details and trifles. It's good to watch videos and read advice from people in the know.

Some believe that the best way is to use adhesive masses. Of course, this method saves time, since there is no need to mount the frame. But it is suitable for those walls and ceilings, the surface of which is perfectly flat. And this is rare. Sometimes it is better to spend a little more time and get a finish that will last for many years than to ruin the material and waste time.
Where can I apply?
Today, many at the construction level are wondering which way to finish walls and ceilings is preferable. To create a perfectly flat surface, there is no better material than drywall. It is used in any premises:
- Houses and apartments (including bathrooms).
- Dachahs.
- Offices.
In the process of work, everyone will see a number of positive qualities. The main ones are:
- Possibility to finish without experience.
- Getting a perfectly smoothsurface.
- Possibility to use any decorative coating.

When the choice is made, then the decision on the method of fixation is made at the discretion. The easiest and most convenient method is to use special glue. Although the installation of an additional frame will help in removing any errors on the surface. The only negative in the case of a large wall or ceiling skew is the reduction in space. Also, under drywall, insulation or soundproofing material is well included. Therefore, materials for this purpose are used in regions with any climate.
So, we found out how this material is mounted on different types of surfaces in the room. Drawing conclusions, it is easy to understand that drywall sheets are the best solution for finishing a room. There are not many questions along the way. Now you know how to fix drywall to the ceiling or floor. This operation can be completely done with your own hands.