Building drywall walls with your own hands: step by step instructions, useful tips

Building drywall walls with your own hands: step by step instructions, useful tips
Building drywall walls with your own hands: step by step instructions, useful tips

Redesigning the interior space can make living in a country house or apartment much more comfortable. You can perform such a procedure, including with your own hands. Partitions in apartments or houses can be erected using different building materials. However, when doing do-it-yourself redevelopment, in most cases drywall is used to assemble such structures.

One of the main advantages of this modern material is the ease of installation. The construction of drywall walls is a relatively simple procedure. It will not be difficult even for a novice home master to assemble such a design.

Plasterboard partitions
Plasterboard partitions

Main steps

Installation of plasterboard walls and partitions in country houses and apartments is usually carried out using this technology:

  • indoors using a level or level, marking is performed;
  • the partition frame is mounted from a metal profile;
  • if necessary, soundproofing material is installed in the frame;
  • wiring in progress;
  • the assembled frame is sheathed with drywall on both sides.

At the final stage, the self-mounted GKL wall is primed and plastered or pasted over, for example, with wallpaper.

What tools will be required

Before you start assembling a plasterboard wall or partition, of course, you need to prepare all the necessary tools. Needed for installation of a similar design:

  • Puncher with a drill for concrete;
  • grinder and metal shears;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • level or level;
  • rule, plumb line.

Selection of drywall

For the installation of plasterboard walls, according to the regulations, it is supposed to use sheets with a thickness of at least 12 mm. For ordinary rooms - a bedroom, a living room, a hall - you can purchase simple cheap material in white or light gray. In wet rooms - in the bathroom or in the sauna - it is supposed to mount more expensive green GKL.

The price of moisture-resistant drywall in construction supermarkets is approximately 240-250 rubles. per sheet 2500 x 1200 x 12.5 mm. An ordinary plasterboard of the same size costs about 160-200 rubles.

When choosing drywall sheets, of course, you should pay attention to their brand. Good reviews from consumers deserved, for example, GKL "Knauf", "Volma", budgetary "Decorator".

Bin addition to simple GKL sheets, in most cases, simple steel self-tapping screws are purchased. Green moisture-resistant drywall on the frame is fixed using galvanized fasteners of this type. Such self-tapping screws in conditions of high humidity will last as long as possible.

When buying plasterboard, therefore, it is important to pay attention to their thickness. And the size of drywall sheets, however, is also quite an important indicator. It is believed that for standard rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, for example, GKL with a length of 2.5-3 m is most suitable.

How to choose a frame profile

Thus, we found out which drywall for walls is best suited. But for the construction of reliable structures of this type, it is important to choose the right profile, of course. In building supermarkets, if desired, you can purchase both metal elements for assembling the supporting structure of a plasterboard wall, and those made of timber. The material of the first variety is the most popular among consumers.

Frame profiles
Frame profiles

Metal profiles are no more expensive than wooden elements. However, they can last longer. After all, they do not rot over time, do not dry out and do not become infected with a fungus. In addition, such elements are easier to install. To choose for the installation of plasterboard walls, the profile should be:

  • CD - guide parts;
  • UD - guides for mounting CD;
  • CW - filter for carcass development;
  • UW - guide for CW.

Intermediate elements of the frame of plasterboard walls are fixed with special connectors and direct hangers.

How to markup correctly

Gypsum board walls are attached to the main structures of the building during construction through the upper and lower profiles, as well as through the racks. It is under these elements in the shared room that markings should be applied. Perform this procedure in most cases in the following sequence:

  • draw a line on the ceiling for the top profile;
  • mark the same line on the floor using plumb lines;
  • draw lines along the walls on both sides of the future partition, connecting the upper and lower markings.

For marking, in addition to the level and plumb, it will be very convenient to use a paint cord. The use of this device will allow you to make the most even, uninterrupted lines on the walls, floor and ceiling.

How to properly assemble the frame

First, the ceiling and floor guides are mounted in the room. Then they are connected with profiles along the walls. All frame elements are fixed at this stage with dowel-nails, placing them in increments of no more than 60 cm.

Further, when assembling the frame, intermediate vertical racks are installed. They are mounted in increments of 60 cm. In some cases, to increase the strength index, walls or partition walls are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. A profile of the PP type is used to assemble the vertical plane of the frame. Such elements are pre-cut to the desired length. fastenvertical posts to the upper and lower rails using self-tapping screws with a press washer.

Frame assembly
Frame assembly

Installation of drywall walls: useful tips for assembling the frame

Drywall - the material is known to be quite fragile. Of course, it is impossible to hang any objects directly on it - a TV, a locker, etc. In this case, support for furniture or household appliances should be provided precisely at the stage of assembling the frame. Additional profiles are mounted under such items in the supporting structure of the partition.

If desired, when assembling the frame, the home master can also save on material. When cutting a profile, there are always a lot of scraps, the length of which is not enough for the installation of the main elements of the supporting structure. Such pieces, however, can still be used. It will not be difficult to lengthen the trimmings if necessary using special elements called connectors. With the help of the same additional elements, the main profiles are also connected if their length is not enough. This is usually done when installing plasterboard wall frames in rooms with very high ceilings.

The frame assembled from a metal profile in most cases turns out to be strong and reliable. However, when installing GKL walls and partitions of a large area, it is desirable to further strengthen the supporting structure using wooden bars. Such elements are placed horizontally over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe frame. A very good solution would be to use such reinforcement when building walls.from drywall in a damp room.

How to mount soundproofing

The quality of the noise-absorbing material when assembling walls and partitions from plasterboard is most often used:

  • mineral wool;
  • styrofoam.

In this case, mineral wool is considered the most suitable option for soundproofing material. The advantages of such sheets include, among other things, ease of installation. When assembling a plasterboard partition, such material does not even have to be additionally fixed with anything. Mineral wool differs, among other things, in elasticity. Therefore, you can simply install it in the frame by surprise. In addition, this material has earned good reviews for its low price. The cost of building drywall walls using mineral wool can in any case be significantly reduced.

Before proceeding with the installation of the sound insulator, in the frame of the future partition, of course, you need to conduct electrical wiring. When performing this procedure, first determine the location of the sockets and switches. The wires themselves inside the future partition are pulled in a special pipe. When using this technology, it will be extremely simple to replace the cable in the future if necessary. The pipe for laying wires inside plasterboard walls is supposed to be corrugated according to safety requirements.

DIY plasterboard wall: step-by-step instructions for installing sheets

GKL themselves are attached to the assembled frame using, as already mentioned,self-tapping screws. Previously, drywall is cut out depending on the configuration of the supporting structure. Cut sheets using a construction knife. At the same time, cardboard is pre-cut on both sides along pre-drawn lines. Then the sheet is carefully broken along the line of cuts.

Sheet fastening
Sheet fastening

Fasten GKL "Knauf", "Decorator" and any other to the profiles of the frame, sinking screws into their body. At the same time, fasteners are located in increments of 20 cm. When sinking self-tapping screws, among other things, they try not to tear the cardboard. In any case, the hats of such fasteners should not protrude above the plasterboard surface. Otherwise, it will be impossible to finish the finished wall in the future with tiles or, for example, paste over with wallpaper.

Using this technology, both ordinary and moisture-resistant drywall are fixed. The price of both these types of sheets is relatively low. However, this rather fragile material must be carefully cut and mounted. This will minimize waste, and therefore reduce the cost of building a wall.

GKL installation advice

Sheathe the assembled frame should be slowly, carefully aligning the drywall sheets. In order for the wall to subsequently look as even and tidy as possible, before installation on the gypsum plasterboard, markings can be applied according to the location of the profiles of the supporting structure. The easiest way to make these marks is with a long ruler and a simple pencil.

What rules should be followed when sheathing

Mount sheets on the frame when erecting drywall walls should be withfollowing these recommendations:

  • each sheet should have at least 3 profiles - one in the middle and two along the edges;
  • 2 adjacent sheets must be joined in the middle;
  • each drywall sheet on the frame must be securely fixed to the profile with self-tapping screws around the entire perimeter.

Before installation, it is advisable not only to cut the sheets, but also to make a small groove along their end. This will subsequently greatly facilitate the sealing of seams between sheets.

Finished partition
Finished partition


Walls and partitions assembled from drywall usually have a flat surface. Thick wallpapers or, for example, PVC panels can be attached to such structures without prior puttying. In all other cases, such a procedure is considered necessary.

Gypsum plasterboard putty is chosen depending on what type of fine finish they are going to use in the future. For example, on sale today there are compositions of this variety, intended for application to wallpaper, for painting, for tiles, etc.

In any case, the puttying technology itself will look something like this:

  • coat with the selected composition the pits remaining above the recessed screws;
  • glue the joints between the sheets with a sickle;
  • pass joints with putty in such a way as to completely close the sickle;
  • remove blemishes with sandpaper.

At the next stage, when erecting drywall walls with their own hands, they begin to apply the main layer of putty on the plasterboard. At the same time, using a spatula 40 cm long, coat the walls with the selected composition and carefully level it. Thus, the entire plasterboard surface of the partition is treated. Then they wait for the applied layer to dry and proceed to its processing with sandpaper or a paint grater. Instead of a grater, if desired, you can use a regular wooden block.

Serpyanka for seams
Serpyanka for seams

As soon as the walls are completely aligned, they begin to prime them. With this procedure, you can make the drywall surface not only smoother, but also more durable. In addition, when priming, dust is removed from the GKL mounted on the frame. The composition for this procedure, of course, should be chosen for working with plaster.

Doors and window

Of course, in almost any partition mounted in a residential area, including plasterboard, doors are equipped. Sometimes windows are also made in such structures. Of course, sheathing openings in plasterboard partitions and walls should be correct.

A CW profile is usually installed at the location of the window or door. It should be mounted with the front side inside the opening. In such elements, among other things, you need to insert bars of the appropriate section. First, it will strengthen the frame. And secondly, if there is a bar between the profiles, it will be easier to install a frame or a box in the future.

Door assemblydrywall interior walls are mounted as follows:

  • a box is going on the floor;
  • the box is installed in the opening and fixed with wedges;
  • using a level or level, the evenness of the installation of the box is checked;
  • the box is fixed in the opening by screwing through it and the profiles of self-tapping screws reinforced with timber;
  • The gap between the uprights and the box is filled with mounting foam.

At the final stage, an interior door is hung on the hinges in the box. Approximately according to the same technology, when assembling plasterboard partitions and walls, double-glazed windows are also mounted. Sometimes such openings in plasterboard walls inside the premises are left unglazed. In this case, the profile along the edges of the window is also reinforced with bars. Next, a decorative frame is inserted into the opening. If desired, the last element in the window can not be mounted. In this case, its slopes will simply need to be patched up with drywall strips.

Self-tapping screws for drywall
Self-tapping screws for drywall

Instead of a conclusion

Here is such a step-by-step instruction for assembling GKL-partitions. A plasterboard wall, built with your own hands in accordance with all the rules, will subsequently last for many years. When assembling such a structure, it is important to observe the step between the fasteners, carefully, with preliminary marking, cut and install the sheets, use a suitable putty. In this case, the wall or partition of the GKL will turn out to be smooth, beautiful and reliable.
