Platbands - a decorative element designed to mask the gap between the door frame and the doorway. They are selected according to the required width and texture, and the color is the same as that of the door leaf. Platbands are made from different materials. There are wooden, laminated, plastic products, as well as veneered and made of MDF.
In this article we will look at what types there are and how to properly attach trim to interior doors.

In order to properly install trim on interior doors, you must initially select the appropriate trims. First of all, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture:
- Natural wood. Such products are considered universal. They can be painted to match any door color. Fasten wooden planks with nails without caps. If the doorthe box is well aligned with the wall, the architraves can be planted on "liquid nails".
- Laminated MDF trims. In appearance, they resemble a natural tree. Decorative elements are matched to the tone of the door. Fastening is done using adhesive or nails without hats.
- PVC. This option is more suitable for plastic doors.
- Aluminum and steel architraves. They are usually attached to the front doors.
Today, the construction market offers architraves of various shapes: figured and carved, semicircular and teardrop-shaped.
Depending on the method of fastening, the platbands are overhead or telescopic. The first of them are fixed to the door frame, the second have mounting grooves.

Before attaching trim to interior doors, you must first prepare the necessary tools.
- To make accurate markings, you will need a tape measure, pencil, plumb line, level and square.
- The miter box will help cut the workpiece exactly at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Planks are best cut with a miter saw. If it is missing, you can use a hacksaw.
- Hammer nails.

How to cut the casing?
Before attaching trim to interior doors, they must be cut off. After marking the length and angle, washed it down with a miter saw. Feature of thispower tools - the presence of an adjustable table, which is set at the required angle. In order to cut the platbands on the door without chips and correctly, tightly press the side edges of the workpiece to the stops located on the bed. If a gap occurs, the cut will be uneven.
If there is no electric saw, a miter box will help cut the edge of the casing at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to buy a quality tool, because the cheap plastic ones have deformed thrust elements that distort the size of the angle. A hacksaw for cutting should be with fine teeth that will not leave chips.

How to attach platbands to interior doors?
Easy fastening of flat strips is carried out at an angle of 90°.
Vertical elements from above tightly join with horizontal ones. When fastening wooden or MDF trims that have a complex shape, cuts are made at the ends at an angle of 45 °.
Slats are fixed in 4 ways.

Fastening with finishing nails
Wooden or MDF architraves are easiest to nail with flat-head nails. Such a mount is quite reliable, and at the same time, if necessary, the elements are easy to dismantle. Nails can also be used in a different configuration, and so that the hats are not visible, they are removed with side cutters. The length of the nails is approximately 40 mm. The size is calculated individually, taking into account the thickness of the bar. Having passed through the platband, the nails must enter the body of the door frame withoutless than 20mm.
Before attaching trim to interior doors with nails, mark the attachment points on the workpieces, while maintaining the same distance. Most often they make a step of 500 mm. According to this marking, through holes are drilled, the diameter of which corresponds to the thickness of the nail. When docking with the door frame is completed, the platbands are carefully nailed. For aesthetics, the nail heads are painted over with a wax pencil.
Fixing with liquid nails
Let's consider how to fix platbands on interior doors made of MDF and other materials without nails. To do this, use liquid nails. The advantage of this method is the absence of a visible place of fixation. The disadvantage is weak fastening and inconvenience during dismantling. In addition, liquid nails can only be used if the adjacent walls are perfectly even. Platbands are installed on the door after sawing and trying on the elements. From the back side, the bar is smeared with liquid nails and pressed tightly against the wall surface. For it to stick, it must be held pressed for no more than one minute.

Fastening with self-tapping screws
Let's consider how to fix trim on interior doors without a router. This method is similar to fastening with finishing nails, but wood screws are used instead. They are 25 mm long and 6 mm thick.
Before attaching the trim to interior doors on self-tapping screws, mark places for holes on the workpiece (pitch - 500 mm). Drill use suchthe same diameter or with a small margin (1 mm).
Hats are best to drown in the plank. From the front of the workpiece, a hole is made with a drill of a larger diameter. The depth is 1-1.5 mm. Then the platbands are attached with self-tapping screws to the interior doors. The hardware must be tightened so that the cap is fully inserted into the recess. At the end of the work, the fixation points are painted over with a wax pencil.
Fixing platbands with beaks
This mounting method does not require the use of self-tapping screws, adhesives or nails. The casing is equipped with a lock, the shape of which resembles a beak.
Let's consider how to fix trim on interior doors in this way. Insert the connecting spike into the recess located on the box, and then press until it clicks.
The advantage of this method is the ease of installation and the invisibility of the attachment point. The disadvantage is the delamination of MDF products during dismantling. In addition, after a while, spontaneous destruction of the joints is possible, therefore, additional processing of the joints with glue may be required.

Steps of work
Let's consider the instructions on how to attach trim to interior doors.
- Apply platbands along the height of the door and measure the required length. Then lay the bar on a flat surface and use a square to mark a right angle. The excess is cut off.
- Apply a trim with a ready-made corner to the door frame, align the bottom and along the edges. mark the height,corresponding to the inside corner of the door frame.
- After that, starting from the mark made, measure an angle of 45 degrees with a goniometer and mark with a pencil. The excess is cut off and the casing is temporarily set aside.
- In the same sequence, mark the parallel side. The top trim is prepared last, after the two side strips have been cut and attached. This will avoid errors when marking and eliminate the possibility of cracks at the junction.
- After trimming both side trims, they begin to install them. They drive nails into the door frame, from which the hats are removed with wire cutters, leaving them with an acute angle. To install the casing, the length of the nail on the surface is approximately 5 mm.
- Nails are driven in with a distance of about 50 cm. They are usually located at the bottom, at the top and 2 in the middle.
- To improve the adhesion of the plank to the box, glue is applied to it. But at the same time, its main thing, so to speak, is not to "overdo it", so that when pressed, it does not squeeze out.
- When nailing a plank to a door frame, hitting it directly is not recommended. To do this, prepare a wooden block wrapped in cloth.
- Apply the finished casing and level it, after which they put it on nails through the bar with strong blows.
- After installing the two side trims, they start marking the top one. Its angles of 45 degrees are not measured with a goniometer, but are applied on top of the side strips and the cut point is drawn with a pencil.
Installation of door frames oninterior doors completed.