Relatively recently, the very idea of providing private homes with electricity autonomously was considered fantastic. Today it is an objective reality. In Europe, solar panels have been used for a long time, because it is an almost inexhaustible source of cheap energy. In our country, obtaining electricity from such devices is only gaining popularity. This process does not happen too quickly, and the reason for this is their high cost.
The principle of operation of a solar battery is based on the fact that in two silicon plates coated with different substances (boron and phosphorus), an electric current arises under the action of sunlight. In the plate, which is covered with phosphorus, free electrons appear.

Missing particles are formed in those plates that are coated with boron. The electrons begin to move under the action of the light of the sun. This is how electric current is generated in solar panels. Thin strands of copper, which are coveredeach battery, draw current from it and direct it to its intended purpose.
One plate can power a small light bulb. The conclusion suggests itself. In order for solar panels to provide the house with sufficient power, their area must be quite large.
Silicon gears
So, the principle of the solar battery is clear. The current is generated by the action of ultraviolet light on special plates. If silicon is used as a material for creating such plates, then the batteries are called silicon (or silicon hydrogen).
Such inserts require very complex production systems. This, in turn, greatly affects the cost of products.
Silicon solar cells come in many types.
Single crystal converters
They are panels with bevelled corners. Their color is always pure black.
If we talk about single-crystal converters, then the principle of operation of a solar battery can be briefly described as medium efficient. All cells of the photosensitive elements of such a battery are directed in one direction.

This allows you to get the highest result among similar systems. The efficiency of this type of battery reaches 25%.
The downside is that such panels should always face the sun.
If the sun hides behind clouds, goes down to the horizon, or has not yet risen, then the batteries will generate a rather weak currentpower.
The plates of these mechanisms are always square, dark blue. Their surface includes inhomogeneous silicon crystals.
The efficiency of polycrystalline batteries is not as high as that of monocrystalline models. It can reach 18%. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the advantages, which will be discussed below.
The principle of operation of this type of solar battery allows them to be made not only from pure silicon, but also from recycled materials. This explains some of the defects found in the equipment. A distinctive feature of mechanisms of this type is that they can generate electric current quite efficiently even in cloudy weather. Such a useful quality makes them indispensable in places where diffused sunlight is a common daily occurrence.

Amorphous silicon panels
Amorphous panels are cheaper than others, this determines the principle of operation of the solar battery and its design. Each panel consists of several very thin layers of silicon. They are made by spraying material particles in a vacuum onto foil, glass or plastic.
Efficiency of panels is much less than previous models. It reaches 6%. Silicon layers quickly burn out in the sun. After six months of using these batteries, their efficiency will drop by 15%, and sometimes by as much as 20.
Two years of operation will completely exhaust the resource of active ingredients, and the panel will need to be changed.
But there are two pluses, because of which these batteries are still bought. Firstly, they work even in cloudy weather. Secondly, as already mentioned, they are not as expensive as other options.

Hybrid photoconverters
Amorphous silicon is the basis for the arrangement of microcrystals. The principle of operation of the solar battery makes it similar to a polycrystalline panel. The difference between this type of batteries is that they are able to generate an electric current of greater power in conditions of scattered sunlight, for example, on a cloudy day or at dawn.
In addition, batteries work under the influence of not only sunlight, but also in the infrared spectrum.
Polymer film solar converters
This alternative to silicon panels has every chance of becoming a leader in the solar panel market. They resemble a film consisting of several layers. Among them, we can distinguish a grid of aluminum conductors, a polymer layer of the active substance, a substrate made of organic matter and a protective film.
Such photocells, combined with each other, form a roll-type film solar cell. These panels are lighter and more compact than silicon panels. In their manufacture, expensive silicon is not used, and the production process itself is not so expensive. This makes the roll panel cheaper than all the others.
The principle of operation of solar batteries makes their efficiency not too high.
It reaches 7%.
The process of manufacturing panels of this typeis reduced to multilayer printing on a photocell film. Manufactured in Denmark.
Another advantage is the ability to cut the battery roll and fit it to any size and shape.
Only one minus. Batteries have just begun to be produced, so it is still quite difficult to get them.

But there is reason to believe that these elements will quickly gain a well-deserved good reputation among consumers, which will give manufacturers the opportunity to produce on a larger scale.
Solar heating homes
The principle of operation of a solar battery for home heating fundamentally distinguishes them from all the devices described above. This is a completely different device. Description follows.
The main part of the solar heating system is a collector that receives its light and converts it into kinetic energy. The area of this item can vary from 30 to 70 square meters.
A special technique is used to fix the manifold. The plates are interconnected by metal contacts.
The next component of the system is the storage boiler. It converts kinetic energy into thermal energy. It is involved in heating water, the displacement of which can reach 300 liters. Sometimes such systems are supported by additional dry fuel boilers.

Complete the systemsolar heating wall and floor elements in which heated liquid circulates through thin copper pipes distributed over their entire area. Due to the low start temperature of the panels and the uniformity of heat transfer, the room warms up quickly enough.
How does solar heating work?
Let's take a closer look at how solar panels work with ultraviolet light.
There is a difference between the temperature of the collector and the storage element. The heat carrier, which is most often water to which antifreeze is added, begins to circulate about the system. The work done by the fluid is precisely the kinetic energy.

As the liquid passes through the layers of the system, the kinetic energy is converted into heat, which is used to heat the house. This process of circulation of the carrier provides the room with heat and allows it to be stored at any time of the day and year.
So, we figured out how solar panels work.