Dry mixes "Terta" - this is reliability and quality

Dry mixes "Terta" - this is reliability and quality
Dry mixes "Terta" - this is reliability and quality

Terta's products have proven themselves well in the building materials market. It is the largest manufacturer of quality dry building mixes.

About company

Every professional builder knows how seriously the quality of the masonry mixture affects the durability and reliability of the walls being built. The Terta company produces dry mixes for the installation of various facing materials, such as bricks, tiles, etc. All products comply with European and domestic quality standards. It is used in a wide variety of construction applications, from furnaces, pipes, liquid storage tanks to multi-storey buildings.

terta it
terta it

LLC "Terta" is a developing company, part of the production and trade holding TERTA. Partners today are the largest developers, for whom high quality products and reliable supplies are important.

Features of Terta dry mixes

Specialists know that the weakest point of a structure is masonry made of bricks or concrete blocks. Moreover, the strength is significantly reduced when using a low-quality solution. Along with this, cracks, s alt release and loss of color may appear,which affects the visual perception of the wall. Terta products are known for their high quality characteristics, as they are made according to the original recipe.

All mixtures of this manufacturer quickly gain strength. They have excellent adhesion to absolutely all used elements. "Terta" - mixtures that are not afraid of precipitation. They are highly stable and durable.

The ability to choose the color scheme of the material allows you to achieve the aesthetic beauty of the masonry. At the same time, the colored seam does not lose its original color over time.

The use of high-quality components in the manufacture of dry mixes minimizes the risk of s alt release. All components are environmentally friendly natural materials and additives. Dolomite flour and washed sand create additional strength to the seams, eliminating cracking.

grated mixture
grated mixture

"Terta" - mixtures completely ready to work with different types of bricks, foam concrete slabs, artificial or natural stone.

Instructions for the use of dry mixes "Terta"

Preparation of the base on which the mortar will be applied includes thorough cleaning of masonry materials from traces of paint, grease, oil, mortar, etc.

To prepare the solution, a container with cold water is taken, where the mixture is gradually poured (0.17-0.18 liters of water per 1 kg of the mixture). Mixing is carried out mechanically, with an electric drill with a nozzle or a concrete mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Within 5minutes, the solution is aged, after which it is mixed again. During the drying period, the mixture must be protected from high humidity and direct sunlight.

grated dry mixes
grated dry mixes

You should take precautions when working, because "Terta" - dry mixes containing cement. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin and eyes from prolonged contact with the solution with rubber gloves and special goggles.

Winter dry mixes

Many people are afraid to work with building mixtures in winter, when the air temperature drops below zero. To ensure that the process does not freeze, manufacturers of finishing materials offer a range of products that withstand low temperatures during the laying process. The disadvantage of these "winter mixtures" is that s alts are added to their summer counterparts during their manufacture. They lead to further problems such as slow curing, corrosion of reinforcement, high porosity, etc.

Dry mixes "Terta" are high-quality compositions that can be used at temperatures down to minus 10⁰С. At the same time, their unique recipe, developed by the company's specialists, allows you to avoid all the problems mentioned above. For winter work, the following mixtures are used:

  • "Extrabond Winter" - used for facing the facades of buildings, balconies with large-format tiles or stone.
  • "Thermobond Winter" - reinforcing and adhesive mixture for bonding thermal insulation.
  • "Blockbond Winter" - used for foam concrete and gas silicate blocks.
  • "Planikrit Winter" and "Tertamur Winter" - mixtures used for finishing facades, leveling walls in rooms with high humidity.
  • terta heatmax
    terta heatmax

Heat-insulating masonry mortars "Terta"

This is a very popular material, especially in the climatic conditions of Russia. Recently, the construction market offers a large number of products with high thermal insulation properties (porous blocks, on porous aggregates, from cellular concrete, etc.). The materials require the use of a masonry mortar with appropriate thermal conductivity. In conventional masonry mortars, these figures are not high enough. Therefore, it is recommended to use special mixtures. The composition of the company "Terta" "Teplomax" enjoys a good reputation. Thanks to such components as perlite sand and cellulose ether, these mixtures perfectly solve the problem of thermal insulation.

All Terta products are high-tech materials suitable for professional use in construction.
