Home craftsmen simply need a workbench for various types of work. You can buy it, but this option can be expensive, it is better to do it yourself. And now we will discuss in detail how to make a metal workbench with your own hands. After all, if you adjust its design to your needs, it will be much better and more convenient than the factory counterpart.

Workbench - what is it?
For convenient work with wood, metal or other materials, use a workbench. It is a table that is massive enough to withstand the enormous mechanical load due to the manual processing of the object. Workbench can be carpentry, plumbing and carpentry.

Materials for workbenches
Workbenches can be made from wood or metal. For a carpenter, the first option is ideal, and for a mechanic, the second. Often, both metal and wooden workbenches are collapsible, this is essentialmakes them easy to transport.
What kind of work are benches used for?
Do-it-yourself locksmith workbenches can be excellent assistants for installation, adjustment, straightening, finishing, as well as for any locksmith work. Such equipment is used everywhere: from garages and utility rooms, to maintenance services and industrial-type enterprises. The design of any workbench can be equipped with the necessary additional elements, such as a vice and lighting units. In addition to them, masters often install other additional devices necessary for work.
Equipment such as do-it-yourself locksmith workbenches can significantly increase work efficiency while taking up very little space in the room. Often they are designed taking into account the individual work that will be carried out, and even the area of \u200b\u200bthe room for production or repair is taken into account. If there is not enough space, then you can make a smaller workbench, for example, with one cabinet.
Constructive elements of a locksmith's workbench
A locksmith's workbench, assembled with your own hands, must have a fixing element for convenient processing of objects. To store tools, it should have drawers where you can put everything. In addition, for the convenient work of the wizard, the design must be adjustable in height.

The frame of the workbench, which is called the underbench, as well as the tabletop, are its main elements. The first part is made of pine, and the secondhardwoods such as ash, oak and beech are used. The thickness of the countertop should be between 60-80 mm. The width can be up to 500 mm, it all depends on the work that will be done on this workbench.

Before you make a locksmith workbench with your own hands, you need to decide whether it should be collapsible or stationary. If a structure is planned, for example, for a garage, then it can be made monolithic. In the case when you need to create a workbench, which is planned to be taken to the dacha in the summer, and then brought back, then it will be more convenient to make it collapsible. In general, everything is worth considering in advance.
Often they make a do-it-yourself locksmith workbench on a metal frame, welding it from pipes. Then, on this basis, boards are fixed, which are the table top. For the convenience of work, they need to be upholstered with linoleum, sheet aluminum or ordinary plywood. This is done so that small parts, such as screws or nuts, cannot get between the boards, from where it will be difficult to get them. In addition, the lid should be upholstered with sides so that parts do not roll off it.
To store tools or other necessary items, drawers are installed under the countertop. Each master chooses their sizes individually, based on the items that will be created or repaired on this workbench.
In order to install mechanical devices on a bench made with your own hands, you need to connect an electric line to it. If the room is large, it is worth making its frameon rollers, with the help of which the entire structure can be moved where necessary.
Do-it-yourself metal workbench
The design of such a workbench should have a rigid frame welded from metal corners or pipes. It is better to take them not rounded, but square. It is also worth choosing the material for the lid, it should be massive. After all, only good materials will give the necessary rigidity of the structure to withstand heavy loads during operation. A wooden flooring upholstered with sheet steel, textolite, or linoleum is also suitable for the countertop. If you need to do work on a workbench related to hitting with a hammer or a sledgehammer, then the tabletop is made of sheet metal about 5 mm thick. On such a powerful structure, you can install the same vise that will hold securely on this tabletop.

When designing a metalwork workbench, constructed from metal with your own hands, it is worth strengthening the structure with numerous stiffening ribs. They will allow you to withstand the impact of the countertop and frame. In addition, the workbench will be heavier, which is also good when bending metal, because it will be very difficult to move if it is not fixed. Naturally, such a model is not made collapsible, because it is too heavy for transportation. This method is often used to make a do-it-yourself locksmith workbench for the garage, because it is able to withstand any work.

Under the tabletop make boxes forspare parts and tools. In addition, a barrier of metal mesh or ordinary sheet steel is often created on its three sides. It will not allow pieces of metal to fly apart (when chopping).
Make a workbench
First of all, you should decide how the workbench will be used. If steel objects are made or repaired on it, a metal frame must be made for it. When you have to work only with wood, you can make a carpentry workbench.
Workbench location
To make in comfortable conditions, you need to carefully choose a place in the room. It is desirable that the outlet is close, and the lighting can be installed from several sides. All these nuances should be especially carefully considered if a do-it-yourself metal workbench is installed in a garage or any other small room.
Making a locksmith's workbench
To carry out the planned, we need:
- corners;
- metal profile;
- dried and impregnated boards;
- welding machine.
In addition, you need to get sheets of stainless steel or galvanized. Of these, if necessary, protective boards will be created so that when cutting or chopping metal, its pieces do not scatter. In addition, such sheets can be upholstered on the countertop so that its surface is perfectly smooth.

It is necessary to cut the metal parts of the frame to size, and then weld them, strictly maintaining allcorners. This is necessary so that the do-it-yourself locksmith workbench, the drawings of which are presented here, is stable. That is, by creating a frame, as presented above, you can then add as many boxes, boards and everything that a particular master needs for his particular work. After all, it is impossible to imagine a design that would be universal, but a single base will make it easy to add various individual design delights to any professional or amateur.
If additional shelves are not needed, then you can strengthen the frame with stiffeners. Their most advantageous place is ten centimeters from the floor, and just as much below the countertop or workbench lid. It should also be strengthened so that it does not deform under heavy loads from blows from a sledgehammer or hammer. In order to be able to attach the workbench to the floor, for its reliable fastening, it is necessary to weld special plates to the ends of the legs. They are part of a square tube measuring 5 x 5 or 10 x 10 cm, depending on the material found and the thickness of the legs themselves. Holes are made in them in the part that will be in contact with the floor. Then they are welded to the legs of the finished product and a workbench is fixed through them. So it will hold firmly and will not move during operation.
When the main frame is ready, make the design of the countertop. For its manufacture, corners are needed, from which it is necessary to assemble a cover, whose length will be 10-15 cm longer (on the sides) of the main frame. This is necessary in order to then fix the vise at any necessary point on the workbench. Screens can also be easily welded here.to prevent flying pieces of metal in the process of cutting it.
If you create a do-it-yourself locksmith workbench, the dimensions indicated on the drawing will suit most craftsmen. However, depending on the room where the structure is planned to be installed, they may vary. Therefore, it is only worth repeating the image exactly if there is enough space to install such a workbench.
Holes are drilled in the fixed countertop to fix the boards. They should first be covered with a composition from decay or painted. After that, the boards are sheathed with sheet metal, which will give a flat surface without cracks. It is fixed with self-tapping screws.
To make the workbench live long and not rust, it is painted. To do this, it is better to use resistant paint, which is used in the automotive industry. After all, this coating must withstand huge loads.
Workbench vise
To make it convenient to work on a part or object, they need to be well fixed on the workbench. To do this, use a vise that is installed on a manufactured locksmith workbench with your own hands (photos are presented in the article). There are several types: manual, chair or those that have parallel sponges. When developing a project, you should immediately decide on the type of vice, under which purposefully prepare a place on the surface.
Chair vise
They are called so because the surface to which they are attached resembles a chair. Over time, they began to be installed on workbenches. Such a vice is used for heavy work when cutting or riveting.metal.
Parallel Jaw Vise
There are three kinds of them that can move the front jaw freely, and those that can turn and not. To make them last longer, additional pads with a corrugated surface are installed on the clamping points. They are fixed with screws, and the dimensions of such false sponges can be from 80 to 140 mm.
The non-rotating vise has a solid jaw and a base with holes for the bolts. Thanks to them, the whole structure can be tightly attached to the surface. It is always worth choosing models only with removable sponges. After all, when they wear out, they will need to be replaced during operation. The jaws must be made of tool steel, and also have notches, thanks to which the part is securely fixed. If their surface is smooth, then the object may pop out, which can damage it, and besides, it is inconvenient.
Universal Vise
Their purpose is to fix small objects. They are fixed on a workbench or other surface with bolts. Their advantage is that they can not only be rotated, but also tilted in any plane. The disadvantage of them is that the design is weak to impact due to the many moving parts. Therefore, it is undesirable to use them where dead fixation is needed, because they will not be able to fully provide it. However, they are ideal where you need to rotate the workpiece at different angles during work. They are more often used on carpentry workbenches.
The vise jaws themselves are made of hard steel to ensure reliableobject fixation. However, in order to ensure that the surface of the part is not damaged during operation, special muffs are installed. Their metal is softer, which makes it possible not to damage the part when exposed to it.