The surest way to give your site freshness, make it truly spring and light is to plant pink flowers in its flower beds. The names of such plants with a brief description will be presented in the article below, but it should be noted in advance that among them there are both single flowers and bushes, and even trees. Also, pink representatives of the flora can be annuals or centenarians. Consider this when designing your site.

The pink flower is a characteristic feature of the perennial plant brandushka. These tuberous bushes begin to bloom in mid-April, and delight the eye with such beauty almost until the end of summer. Following the brandushka, the first flowers appear at the colchicum, its closest relative. They look like small almost lilac stars that can be planted throughout the site for a magical spectacle.
Pink small flowers literally stick around the branches of the bergenia plant. As a rule, they tower over many other representatives of garden flora, so they always turn toyourself attention. Next to it, a low almond, or a beaver, will look very harmonious. Its small flowers bloom in spring, along with leaves, and form a weightless cloud that becomes an indispensable decoration for any garden.

The pink flower is also characteristic of many ornamental varieties of almonds. Among these, one can name Georgian, Lideburg, Petunnikov almonds. But the flowers of a dark pink, saturated shade are characteristic of the three-lobed variety of this plant. It has more impressive dimensions than other ornamental species, so it fits best in the orchard.
Phloxes have incomparable beauty. Their long stems are literally strewn with bright pink flowers that do not wither for two months. It is easy to form a flower carpet from them, as they always grow close to each other. If the phloxes are properly cared for, they will bloom in the fall.
A stunning pink flower - a tulip. It, as a rule, pleases the eye only in spring, starting from March. At such a time, a pink terry tulip, pink with a blue bottom, or pink with silver edges may bloom in your flower bed. Closer to May, a terry pale pink variety will become a worthy decoration of a flower bed.
Among the most common plants that are characterized by this delicate color is lilac. It blooms by the end of May, and with proper care does not lose its small flowers for another month. In any garden, lilacs will be a great alternative to small fences.

Perhaps the most charming yet simple pink flower is the daisy. Among them there are terry varieties, and winter-hardy; with large flowers and very small, dwarf ones that can form a stunning spring carpet on your site.
Pink color is characterized by a whole lot of representatives of the flora. Here you can name a tea rose, and an iris, and a hawthorn, and a dahlia, and a clematis, and even a peony. Decorative pink plums create a stunning effect in the garden.