Home is a place where it is very pleasant to be. After all, a person feels safe, an atmosphere of comfort and beauty, dear to the heart, reigns around him. It is for this reason that most people invest incredible effort and money in ennobling their homes. That's just in addition to the house, we are also in other institutions. For example, we go to work, and our children go to kindergarten. The latter also has a building and its own courtyard, so there is also plenty of room for creativity in it. After all, both of these parts of the "children's fortress" must be brought to such a state that they correspond to the proper level.
That's why in this article we explore ideas and options for decorating a garden. We present to the reader various photographs with examples and explain how parents and caregivers take them on their own.
Availability of colors
Each person relaxes and begins to rest his soul and body when he is in nature. That is why, in order to give the kindergarten brightness, liveliness and uniqueness, it is very important to grow many flowers on its territory. Fortunately, the modern goods market allows us to cope with this task perfectly. The main thing is not to forget that you need to choose different flowers. And now it's not about their appearance at all. As for flowering time. So that fragrant plants bloom and delight the kids with their beauty throughout the warm season on the site, replacing each other.

If you don’t want to take care of such creatures, or you can’t plant flowers on the site due to allergies, you can plant various shrubs in the garden. For example, decorative quince, honeysuckle, jasmine, lilac look very nice. Of the evergreens, thuja can be distinguished. She does not reach high growth and helps to design the garden in a natural style, reminiscent of mountain forests.
Beautiful tracks
The next extremely important point in decorating a kindergarten site is the finishing of paths. Of course, the lazy can simply sprinkle them with sand or leave them in their natural form. But it is much more interesting to try to put your soul into this part of the site. It is not always easy to do this. After all, in order to get really beautiful and spectacular, you will have to put a lot of effort. But the result will definitely appeal to inquisitive kids.
So, what kind of paths can you make in kindergarten? In fact, absolutely any materials, even the most unexpected ones, can be used. For example:
- pebbles;
- stones;
- brick (whole or broken);
- natural stone;
- a tree trunk cut into fragments;
- corks or bottoms of bottles;
- caps from twist jars.
And this is not a complete list of materials, many of which we usually throw in the trash, which can be used to decorate the garden. It remains only to show imagination and decorate the place of daily stay of children.
Interesting fences
A few words should also be said about this detail of the kindergarten. After all, kids spend quite a lot of time outside. Especially when the weather is good outside. For this reason, the task of educators and parents helping them is to provide children with a proper place for walking. That is why simply planting flowers on the site and constructing paths is not enough. You also need to take care of the fences. After all, it is very difficult for little crumbs to explain that it is absolutely impossible to walk in the flower beds. Therefore, it is best to block off a place for them in advance. Perhaps even place a sandbox, plastic house or other thing for games on it.

So, what kind of fences can you use to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands? Here, too, there are no clear recommendations. After all, it all depends on the imagination of the participants in the process. For example, you can make fences from glass bottles, bricks, chopped branches, willow branches, special shrubs, and more.

Building decoration
Traditionally, all kindergartens look pretty boring and monotonous. That is why many children go to such institutions with great reluctance. But if they were painted in bright colors or painted with interesting pictures,it was much easier for babies to bear the separation from their parents.
So, if one of the educators or parents has the skills of painting walls, we recommend that they implement the following garden design idea. The photo below will tell about her much better than any words.

Decoration of the door to the children's room
Children are big inventors. That is why parents and educators can, before starting to decorate a kindergarten, discuss with the kids how they would like to see the institution in which they spend a huge amount of time. By the way, not only the preparatory process can attract little crumbs. Equip the children's room should also be together.
For example, in order to decorate the door to the playroom in an unusual way, you should give each child a sheet of colored cardboard. And then cut out the balloons together. Attach the name and surname of the artist to each, and then decorate the door with the resulting details. As shown in the following photo. By the way, there is also another interesting idea for decorating the door.

Thus, decorating a garden with your own hands is not a difficult matter, but very fun and interesting. The main thing is not to sit on the sidelines and not deny because of a thousand cases.
Decorating the walls of the children's room
Spring is the time when flowers and buds on the trees bloom, birds return from the warm edges and start vying with each otheramazing trills. That is why it is very important to convey this atmosphere to the room where the children are. Moreover, it is very important that not only educators take part in the improvement, but also parents. Especially if they can draw, take beautiful photographs of landscapes, have the skills to work with various computer graphics editors, etc. Yes, we all understand that each of us has a lot of urgent things to do, work and a great desire to relax a little, but it is important to remember that our children will be in the room. Therefore, we simply must carve out at least a couple of hours in order to once again improve their habitat and life in general.
How can I decorate the walls in kindergarten? It is simply impossible to give a definite answer to this question. After all, in this case, the law "who is what much" works. For example, some paste over the walls with ready-made store stickers. Among which you can find even luminous ones. Others prefer to make applications completely on their own. And still others pick up a brush and paint and begin to paint the walls with unusual paintings. For example, when designing a garden, you can take plots from fairy tales and cartoons as a basis. Or come up with something yourself.

Decorating the wall with balls
Another great option on how to decorate the walls in a children's room can be seen in the next photo. As you can see, if you show a little ingenuity, even from store goods you can create a unique masterpiece. Which children will be passionate about the whole upcoming season.

Decorating the wall with pictures of babies
Sometimes, to give the room the necessary freshness and spring mood, you do not need to "reinvent the wheel". For example, you can use the following beautiful garden design idea. Take funny pictures of kindergarten students and stick them on the wall, writing some interesting facts about each kid. Then decorate a kind of wall newspaper with various patterns, pictures, etc.
Or you can make some kind of family tree. Approximate options for both ideas are presented in the following photo. It remains only to prepare the necessary materials and make the same masterpiece in your kindergarten.

Ceiling decoration
To make the room unusual, you can decorate the ceiling in addition to everything. For example, the idea presented in the following photo will be an interesting and rather easy to implement option.

Moreover, the biggest advantage for parents will be that they only need to provide the children and the teacher with materials such as:
- color paper;
- satin ribbons or serpentine;
- simple pencil;
- scissors;
- PVA glue.
Because we are studying the theme of "Decorating a group in the garden in spring", this idea will be the most suitable. And yes, it is also easy to do. After all, you need to make stencils and distribute them to the kids. Then, together with them, outline and cut, andafter collecting interesting flowers.
You still have to do the "dandelions" yourself. To do this, you will need to prepare glue, knitting threads, a needle with a large eye and a balloon. Which must first be inflated. We thread a needle and pierce a tube of glue. We remove the needle to the side, and gradually wind the thread around the ball. When its surface is completely closed, leave the product to dry. And then we pierce the ball with a needle and carefully pull it out of the "dandelion".
Finally, we start decorating the ceiling, focusing on our own desires and capabilities. Thus, we completed the most difficult part of the work on decorating the garden group with success. It remains only to admire the results and start applying the final touch.
Windowsill decoration
To make the children's room look completely spring-like, we recommend decorating it with plants as well. But you should not take ordinary ones, it is much better to use such as onion sets, dill, cilantro and others. And by imitating a wattle fence and a vegetable garden behind it on the windowsill, it will be possible to finally beat the idea. For example, a great option for decorating a window sill in a kindergarten is shown in the following photo.

As you can see, making it with your own hands is not difficult at all. You just need to get creative. Some materials can be purchased at the store, while others you can prepare yourself.