Mustard is known to all. This is an excellent spice that perfectly complements meat, fish, vegetable dishes, is used in the preparation of pizza, sandwiches. Its medicinal properties are also known: mustard plasters help us out during colds, a hot foot bath with mustard helps to get rid of coughs.
Housewives know that mustard perfectly washes grease from dishes, seeds and mustard oil have found application in the storage and preservation of many perishable products. The ancient Greeks considered mustard to be the strongest aphrodisiac.

Table mustard, which we eat today, began to cook in ancient Rome. This amazing plant is cultivated all over the world. The only exceptions are the Arctic and Antarctica. But most garden pests, unlike humans, do not favor mustard. This should be taken into account by gardeners and gardeners, especially those who are categorically against pesticides and prefer organic fertilizers, which allow growing organic vegetables and fruits
Mustard seed cake
The advantage of organic fertilizers is that they do not saturate vegetables and fruits with harmful chemical compounds, their use eliminates the appearance of side effects when eating the harvested crop. But unfortunately, most of these remedies give a short-term effect.

Mustard planted in the field has a healing effect on the soil for several years after harvest. The plant belongs to green manure, which raise nutrients from the depth of the soil to the surface, repel pests, and slow down the growth of weeds. This is one of the most affordable organic fertilizers that we recommend you use on your site.
But not only the planted plant heals the soil. It is widely used as a fertilizer and mustard cake, which is obtained after processing mustard seeds. In terms of its nutritional qualities, it surpasses biohumus and manure. The substances contained in it repel not only harmful insects, but also rodents, and prevent the development of many plant diseases.
The benefits of fertilizer
Mustard cake is an organic fertilizer with phytosanitary functions and acting as a biofuel. Ten kilograms of this product replaces a cubic meter of manure.
Fertilizer can cure many plant diseases, repel wireworms and slugs, nematodes and weevils, rodents. In addition, mustard cake (reviews confirm this) is used in the fight against carrot and onion flies, cleans the soil fromroot rot, inhibits the development of phytophthora.

This is an environmentally friendly, organic, high-quality fertilizer, which is a homogeneous, coarsely ground powder. Fertilizer improves soil structure and s alt regime, repels ants. It is used both for autumn and spring digging of the earth, and for local fertilization (in the hole) of the plant.
All the elements that make up the fertilizer are in organic form. This contributes to the proper nutrition of plants, and is also guaranteed to prevent the accumulation of nitrates in vegetable crops. Mustard cake, due to its natural origin, guarantees the absence of harmful chemical compounds, heavy metals, radionuclides in the harvested crop, harmful to the human body.
In addition, mustard cake, the use of which is becoming more and more popular every year, unlike many organic fertilizers, does not contain weed seeds, pathogen spores, mycelium, parasite eggs. It is for this reason that many gardeners are increasingly inclined to use this particular tool.

Mustard pomace: horticultural uses
Mustard seed cake is a universal fertilizer: it can be used when planting tomatoes and potatoes, cabbage. In this case, a handful of the substance is added to the well. You can use the composition when sowing radishes, carrots and other crops. To do this, cake in the groovesfall asleep like s alt, powdering on top with a thin layer of earth. Consumption - no more than 1 kg/m².
It is convenient to use mustard cake for spring, autumn or summer digging of a site. The use in horticulture (reviews indicate good results) of this fertilizer is effective for many vegetable and fruit crops. Cake consumption remains the same.

Today, many gardeners and gardeners use mustard cake. The use of fertilizer when planting seedlings improves the structure of the soil, disinfects it from phytophthora.
Shrub fertilizer
In recent years, mustard cake has proved to be excellent. Its use is justified when planting many fruit bushes. For example, a teaspoon of cake is added under strawberries when planting, and it is also used as top dressing, scattering it under a bush and sprinkling earth on top.
Is an overdose dangerous?
The exact application rates are indicated on each package of fertilizer (we presented them to you). But experts assure that a small overdose is not dangerous for either humans or plants.
How to store cake?
Fertilizer should be stored in a cool, dry place, at a positive temperature in a closed paper or plastic container. The composition has no restrictions on the shelf life.

Mustard pomace: application in gardening, reviews
Most gardeners believe that mustard seed cake is really effective, and most importantly, safe,which should be used in the cultivation of vegetable and fruit crops. Its use will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners and gardeners: detailed instructions are attached to each package of the drug.
Many say that with its help they managed to get rid of the wireworm, Medvedka, Colorado potato beetle. Experienced gardeners say that mustard cake is a unique preparation that combines several important characteristics: it is a phytosanitary, an excellent top dressing, and reliable protection against pests. Many claim that after they first tried to use oilcake, potatoes are no longer planted without this fertilizer: the tubers are dug up large, he althy, without wormholes.
And one more interesting feedback about the application. Mustard cake can be used as a means to combat the weevil on strawberries or raspberries: just sprinkle the leaves with cake. In the spring, clear the strawberry plantation (this also applies to raspberries, red and black currants, gooseberries, roses and other perennials). Sprinkle mustard cake directly on the ground around the bushes. Add nutrients ("Biohumus", "Orgavit") and sprinkle with earth, which is better to take in a compost heap or from the place where nettles grow. Thus, you feed the plants, get rid of pests and protect the bushes from fungal diseases.