Technology has replaced human labor in all areas of activity. A modern household cannot be imagined without a tractor or walk-behind tractor, which are designed to facilitate the work of farmers. Recently, due to the high demand, tractor attachments have increased significantly in price. This affected the resourcefulness of people who learned how to make the units themselves.
Where to start
Making a plow for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands is not so simple. In order for the attempt to be successful, you first need to understand the design of the unit and the plowing process. Experienced farmers know that the technology of plowing cultivated soil is significantly different from plowing uncultivated stagnant soils. Therefore, when working on a homemade plow, this must be taken into account.
The working parts of the plow are the plowshare, blade and field board. The body of the unit with a triangular wedge cuts off a layer of earth, lifts it up, crumbles it, turning it over, and then dumps it into an open groove. This plowing process is based on the interaction of the triangular wedge with the soil, which must cover the furrow evenly.
Make a plow with your own hands

Ploughshare is the bestmake it removable so that you can sharpen it before work. For this, a circular saw blade or steel 45 is suitable. To bend the sheet, sheet bending rollers are needed, through which the steel is passed and then trimmed according to the template with a hammer. There is an option for making a plowshare from a steel pipe, which already has a bend. Just before starting gas welding, you need to cut out a template from cardboard and, attaching it to the pipe, draw a contour.
The body of the plow is made of sheet steel 3 mm thick, having previously drawn and made parts from thick cardboard. At this stage, the main thing is not to change the ratio and size of all angles.

When all the parts are ready for assembly, you will need a welding machine and a sheet of steel that matches the size of the plow.
Do-it-yourself plow: assembly
First, the required angle is set aside on the sheet, under which the plowshare will be attached. It is necessary to grab it from both sides by welding, and then bring the side shield of the rack under it. The shield should protrude beyond the edge of the sheet so that the blade can cut the ground without interference. It should also be welded to the steel sheet and to the share.
The blade must fit tightly with the plowshare, this is necessary in order to make a high-quality plow with your own hands. Here, the size of the angle (approximately 6-8 degrees) should also be strictly taken into account. If the corners do not meet, then everything is finalized with a hammer.

After the spacer bar, base and thrustcorners. When all this is partially welded, it is necessary to inspect the plow and only then fully weld it. The sheet of steel is detached by a grinder. Now you can clean the plow and process it with sandpaper. In order for the unit to work itself, you need to attach a two-wheeled block. It can be built from steel wheels and pipes.
You can still make a plow with your own hands. Only an avid farmer familiar with metalworking is capable of this. Despite the laboriousness of the process, the end justifies the means.