Before starting work on the installation of a metal door, check the dimensions with the doorway. The size of the box should be larger up to 6 centimeters. Installing metal doors with your own hands in the gaps left allows you to do the job neatly. But before proceeding with this process, you should check the complete set of the product, comparing it with the inventory provided by the manufacturer.

Rules for installing metal doors
- Initially, it is necessary to dismantle the old structure from the opening, which should then be cleaned of dirt and chips, and then leveled.
- Then, using masking tape, close all technological holes and fasteners on the metal sheet. Especially carefully it is necessary to isolate the places of all lockable elements and loops. Viaspecial mounting foam, the frame cavity must be filled up to half the volume and after it has completely solidified, you can proceed with the installation of this design.
- In order to have a high-quality installation of metal doors with your own hands, you should carry out this process with an assistant, with the help of which it is necessary to place the door leaf in the opening in the open state in the box at a right angle. At the same time, we place a wooden block as a support under the door. From the side of the location of the loops, this structure must be set strictly vertically using the building level. Then we fix it along the entire height with wooden wedges.
- After the door is leveled, it is necessary to fix its frame with anchor bolts, starting from the hinge, which is located at the top of the structure. To do this, through the mounting hole, a recess of 140 mm and a diameter of 14 mm is made with a drill in the wall. Then we fix the anchor bolt in it with a wrench, which holds the entire heavy structure. These fasteners are included with the specified product. This makes it easier to install metal doors with your own hands. If you need additional fasteners, you can purchase them separately.
- The next step in installing the metal door leaf is to check all verticals and planes with a building level and adjust if necessary.
- In the wall, in the same way, we drill a hole to strengthen the lower anchor bolt. Then we fix it and also install the middle fastener. After each installed bolt should be checked for leveldoor and correct errors.

The position of the structure and its level adjustment
When installing metal doors with your own hands, you should especially pay attention to fixing the anchor bolts at the location of the lock. In this case, you need to be careful. You need to make sure that the door in the closed position is tight, without gaps and distortions, evenly located in the box. Only then is the final fixing of all anchors.

After all the specified parts are securely fixed, install the plug into the mounting holes, and then fill the remaining void between the installed metal door frame and the wall with mounting foam.
Setting locks
After installing this design, all the gaps between the frame and the door metal leaf should be assessed and adjusted. Then you need to make sure that the installed locks work without effort, and the crossbars enter freely into the sockets. After complete adjustment, we attach trim or decorative elements.

The technology of installing metal doors lies in the correct observance of the above rules.