Petrol trimmers are absolutely indispensable in the elimination of weeds in the backyard, as well as in the preparation of hay. Yes, as grandfather's "Lithuanian" they also proved to be indispensable helpers. There is only one problem: even the old braids had to be repaired after the season.

What to do when the petrol trimmer breaks down? Repair in a service center is not a cheap pleasure. Is there a chance to somehow fix the situation on our own?
What not to do
It is known that prevention is much more preferable than cure, and therefore do not forget to take care of the instrument so that it does not need repairs. First of all, after every 15 minutes of work, you need to give the device at least ten minutes of rest. Also, you don't need to mow the grass above the one specified in the instruction manual.
If prevention did not help
What should I do if my petrol trimmer breaks down? Do-it-yourself repair is a good option! Straightawaywe will make a reservation that we will talk more about engine malfunctions, since almost everyone can fix a broken rod. In extreme cases, you can simply secure it with some kind of tire and clamps.

So, if you have problems with the fact that the tool does not start or stalls immediately after starting work, you first need to pay attention to the state of the ignition system. Try to unscrew the candle and inspect it. In the case when the device is completely dry, something must have happened to the fuel mixture supply.
Is the candle wet? Completely “thrown” with a gasoline-oil mixture? Your petrol trimmer, the repair we are trying to describe, has problems with carburetor adjustments. This often happens when non-specialists tried to configure it. If you have no experience, we strongly advise you to contact the service center, as by your actions you may well burn the entire piston system.
It's not all that bad, though: if you break the cold start rules by trying to add fuel all the time, it can easily lead to a refueling.
It's different when the candle is covered with a thick layer of black soot. In this case, the gasoline trimmer, the repair of which we describe, was exposed to a poor-quality fuel mixture. Maybe the point is again in the wrong adjustment of the carburetor, which produces a too saturated fuel mixture. Just change the spark plug.

Fuel supply
Often, the lack of gasoline entering the combustion chamber is due to the fact that a lot of dirt has accumulated in the gas tank, which simply clogged the supply hose. Disconnect the fuel hose. If fuel does not flow from it, then a clogged fuel filter or breather is to blame. The latter can be cleaned with a needle, and the former should be completely changed every three months.
Among other things, the repair of gasoline trimmers "Patriot" often requires the replacement of the air filter. When clogged, it prevents the formation of a normally rich fuel mixture.
And one more thing: often a muffler clogged with soot is to blame for everything. It must be dismantled, washed in kerosene or burned on a burner. This is especially common for those for whom repairing Husqvarna petrol trimmers is a daily job.