As a result of the processing of various rocks in order to produce crushed stone, an additional product is obtained - screenings. It is formed after sifting the crushing residues through special sieves to separate them into fractions. In fact, the elimination of crushed stone is itself a small fraction of it.

Characteristic dropout
The screenings are similar in their properties to the raw material. Like crushed stone, it is characterized by such indicators as density, shape, strength, content of dust particles and clay. It can be limestone, granite, marble, etc. The color depends on the rock of which it is a by-product: gray, grey-green, reddish, pink. Screening of crushed stone is divided into fractions: the smallest 1-3 mm, larger up to 10 mm.
Despite the fact that the screening is a by-product in the production of crushed stone, it can be considered an independent building material that is widely used. Now many manufacturers consider it more profitable for their needs to purchase crushed stone screenings instead of expensive sand.

Application of Dropout
Compared to crushed stone, screening is a cheaper material, and therefore its use significantly reduces the cost of many construction works. It is used for the production of concrete and reinforced concrete products, the manufacture of various architectural details and paving slabs. This bulk material is necessary for the installation of filtration systems for water purification from harmful impurities, in the manufacture of asph alt concrete mixtures, in the production of decorative wall panels and various finishing materials.
Sifting granite rubble is indispensable in landscape design for decorating flower beds and flower beds, decorating garden and park areas. It is practically waste-free environmentally friendly material. It is often used to obtain decorative garden paths, whimsical not only in shape, but also in color. By alternating screenings of different colors, the craftsmen create whole pictures in the garden instead of the boring covering of paths and platforms. If the bulk coating is protected with a small curb, then this permeable material will not be washed away even by a heavy downpour.

In winter, crushed stone sifting is widely used for sprinkling slippery sections of the road surface. The structure, specific gravity and optimal particle size of this material provide an excellent anti-slip effect, in addition, screening is environmentally friendly, as it does not contain chemical reagents. It is cost effective to use, especially if leftovers are harvested in the spring for use next winter.
Cost of dropouts
The cost of this type of product depends on several factors: the remoteness of the extraction site from the destination, the type and type of screening, the scope of delivery, the cost of transport services, etc. established standards and, most importantly, does not contain radionuclides.
The low price, strength and versatility of this by-product of rock processing are the main advantages that make screening so popular in both the construction and home industries.