Crushed limestone is used in finishing works, as well as in the production of mineral fertilizers and lime. This material is produced by crushing and further sieving the rock, which is limestone.
General Description

The most expensive and high-quality crushed stone is the one that is obtained in the process of processing rocks based on calcium carbonate. All sorts of impurities and additives reduce the quality level and useful characteristics of crushed limestone. This material is not very durable, but properties such as low cost, frost resistance, and environmental safety make it the most competitive material for construction work.

Limestone crushed stone has excellent resistance to temperature extremes, has good strength and acts as an environmentally friendly material. Frost resistance and water absorption of crushed stone are at a high level. If athe amount and percentage of impurities is small, then the material has a reddish, brown or yellow tint. If we compare it with granite, then crushed limestone is characterized by low radioactivity and high adhesive ability. Ultimately, it is possible to obtain dolomite crushed stone, which has high qualities of strength and durability. Quite often it is compared with crushed granite also according to the principle of bulk density. The limestone variety has a lower bulk coefficient. This allows you to minimize its consumption. The price of such material is much lower compared to similar products of other breeds and materials.
Basic Features

Crushed limestone has several varieties. The most relevant is the cuboid, its flakiness index is within 10%. A mixture of such a material is practically devoid of voids, which indicates a low consumption of a binder solution. This variety is widely used as a facing stone during the construction of roads, which will not be subjected to an impressive load. The density of the material does not exceed 80 MPa. Its frost resistance is quite high, which is why crushed stone is able to undergo up to 125 cycles of defrosting and freezing. Water absorption varies from 1 to 2.2%. If we talk about abrasion, then it is equivalent to the limit of 0.3-0.8 grams per square centimeter. An important quality is the specific gravity, it ranges from 1260 to1320 kilograms per cubic meter.
Quarry mining

In order to make crushed limestone for construction work, it must be mined. Deposits of material are numerous, for this reason it is economically advantageous to acquire it from nearby quarries. Mining is carried out in an open way, after small-scale blasting. At the next stage, the rock is loaded using an excavator, and large formations enter the crushing machine. Together with fine fractional conditions, sifting occurs using a special sieve. The initial sifting and further sorting into the appropriate fractions are carried out by means of sorting units, “Roar” can serve as an example. After that, it is possible to obtain a material that may have a fine, medium or coarse fraction. Sorting uses modern equipment that allows you to get and determine the area of use.

In the manufacture of the described material, they are guided by GOST, crushed limestone can be used in various works. If we are talking about coarse-grained elements, then they are used in the construction of roads. Whereas small or medium is more suitable for filling the upper layers of roads or arranging reinforced concrete products. Before purchasing the material, it is important to familiarize yourself with the relevant certificates and regulatory documents, where qualitycharacteristics and reliability of the material. Before purchasing granite, limestone crushed stone, experts advise paying attention to its radioactivity. However, if you have quality material in front of you, then this indicator will be extremely low, which indicates environmental friendliness and safety.
Using different fractions of crushed stone

Crushed limestone (GOST 8267-93) may have different fractions. If we are talking about the dimensions of the elements from 5 to 20 millimeters, then you have finely ground material. It is used in the manufacture of concrete mixtures. Reinforced concrete oversized structures are often produced using this fraction of crushed limestone. These materials are widely used in the cladding of buildings, as well as in the manufacture of lime. Crushed stone, the fraction of which varies from 20 to 40 millimeters, is used most often compared to other varieties. The main area of \u200b\u200buse is the ebb of the foundation, among other things, it is taken for arranging sites, as well as paths, which, after solidification, take on a presentable appearance and retain their quality characteristics for a long time. The main direction of use of this material is the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures and the arrangement of roads, which are subjected to intense impact during operation.
Use of coarse crushed stone
If the elements of the material have sizes ranging from 40 to 70 millimeters, then this indicates that it is used quite rarely. The main direction is the ballast layer or the arrangement of the gravel cushion. It is quite rare to find when a material of such a fraction is used for facade cladding. This may only be relevant for large projects.
Thus, crushed stone of the middle fraction is considered the most popular. It acts as an indispensable building material, which has excellent binding characteristics and is an excellent filler. Among its features, one can single out frost resistance, as well as maximum strength, which allows the material to function in a capricious climate with sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
Cons and strengths
Before you buy crushed limestone M600, you should familiarize yourself with all the strengths and weaknesses of this material. First of all, it must be remembered that this type of crushed stone is not as durable as gravel. However, this is where the cons end. Due to its harmlessness, it is successfully used for the construction of various premises and residential buildings. Mining is easier compared to similar materials, which has a positive effect on the cost. Limestone crushed stone has low strength, which is why it is not advisable to use it in the construction of large objects, which is not always convenient. However, it excels at its best performance in the production of small-sized reinforced concrete structures.