Perennial clematis are represented by a variety of species and colors. More than 230 species of this flowering plant are known in horticulture, and only 50 of them are cultivated for home gardening. They attract gardeners with abundant flowering and easy care. Pink, blue, purple and other shades of clematis delight the eye with their abundant flowering from the very beginning of summer until the end of September (see clematis, photo is presented).

Simple types and terry with a variety of combinations of shades and flower shape, clematis can be a hedge instead of a fence, colorfully decorate your terrace.
Growing small-flowered clematis is slightly different from growing large-flowered varieties. These climbing shrubs and shrubs, with proper care, bloom for a long time and profusely. Those that have small-diameter flowers thrive well in loose soil with regular watering in the first year. Clematis species with large flowers need reverent care for them. Originally from the subtropics, they cannot stand drought, love regular watering, but are light-loving.

In order for clematis to bloom for a long time and intensively, you need to grow a wide bush, and the more shoots it grows in spring, the more flowers there will be on the plant.
How to start growing clematis
Successful cultivation of clematis begins with the right choice of location. Therefore, the plant needs to be provided with a sunny, wind-protected place, but it should not be a sunny south side: overheating for clematis is as dangerous as prolonged drought. Clematis is a moisture-loving plant, so it must be watered regularly, then loosened, and the ground should also be mulched with sawdust or peat.
For the winter, perennials are pruned depending on the types of clematis. Small-flowered ones are removed from the support and the shoots are laid in a ring, well covering from the upcoming frosts.

Plants with large flowers are pruned just above the soil, then in spring the bush will sprout strong shoots that will bloom for a long time.
If you purchased an annual small plant, it is better to plant it in the spring, when there are no more frosts, or in the middle of autumn, covering it with a small layer of fallen leaves for the winter. When planting, it is well watered with water, making holes around the planted plant.
Clematis soon take root and give the first shoots. At first it will be 3-4 shoots, but in the second or third year, with proper care, the bush will expand. Already in the first summer after planting, the plant can please the first flower, it is pinched off for the correct formation of the bush.
Successful cultivation of clematis is possible onfertile soil. Plants do not like too hard ground, so humus and sand are added to the soil. Shrubs should also be fertilized regularly: organic or mineral fertilizers 2 times a month.
Clematis grow fast. Depending on the species, they produce shoots from 1 to several meters. Therefore, they need to put up supports, ladders almost immediately after the appearance of the first shoots in early spring.
Reproduction of clematis

In order to breed clematis, reproduction is possible by seeds, cuttings and layering. Seeds germinate for a long period - from 1 to 3 years. Therefore, the fact that the seeds do not grow, there is no reason to worry. It remains to wait. This option is more suitable for breeders.
Clematis are propagated by cuttings. Cuttings can be prepared from lignified stems, but not old ones. To do this, take the middle part of the stem, cut into several cuttings with 3-4 dormant buds. Rooted in peat, sand, fixing the cuttings at an angle. Cover with foil or jar. The soil around the cutting is regularly moistened.
The best option for propagating clematis is to propagate by layering. To do this, in the fall they take a long shoot, bend it over the ground and pinch it with a dart in several places, cover it with earth or pebbles for rooting. So leave until spring, covering the fallen leaves. In the spring, already rooted shoots are separated and transplanted to a permanent place.
In order for the flowers of this perennial to delight you every year, you need to understand that growing clematisrequires constant proper care.