Thuja is a gorgeous evergreen plant belonging to the genus coniferous. It is popular with gardeners due to its beautiful pyramidal crown, and also due to the fact that in comfortable conditions it can reach several meters in height. But there are also species that are grown in pots at home. Despite the fact that thuja transplantation is of interest to many gardeners, there is very little information on how to do it correctly.
Transplanting Potted Species
Thuja grown in a pot should be transplanted at least once every two years.

In this case, a pot is suitable for one whose size is slightly larger than the diameter of the roots. It must have enough drainage holes.
When preparing the soil, it should be remembered that thuja loves slightly acidic lands. If the pH level of the soil is neutral, pine needles or bark should be added to it. It is important to ensure the maximum flow of oxygen to the roots. Adding perlite or expanded clay to the soil helps to do this in a closed pot system.
Thuja is transplanted in the followingsequences:
- Pull the plant out of the pot, preserving the earthen room as much as possible.
- Pour a drainage layer of expanded clay, crushed brick or other suitable materials on the bottom of the pot.
- Install the earth ball in the pot so that the root neck is at the same level.
- Fill potted voids with soil.
- Water generously.
Nuances of transplanting garden specimens
Transplanting a thuja growing in a garden is a much more difficult process. This is especially true for large adult plants. You should also follow a few rules:
- It is important to plant a tree with the same orientation to the cardinal points. Therefore, before digging up a plant, you should determine where the north is and tie a ribbon on this part of the crown. Subsequently, when landing, it must be oriented to the north side of the pit.
- Thuja is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, after transplanting, it is important to water it regularly until it takes root.
- The pit for planting should be prepared in advance. It should be wider than the proposed root ball of the earth by about thirty centimeters. The depth of the pit should ideally be about a meter.

Choosing a landing site
It is not so important whether the thuja is transplanted in August or in any other month, you should choose the right place for these purposes. An open, well-lit area is ideal for this evergreen.

Kthuja is undemanding to soil characteristics. But the soil must be sufficiently well fertilized. In addition, if the soil is too heavy, a layer of drainage should be poured at the bottom of the pit, and the soil to fall asleep should be mixed with expanded clay. This will help avoid moisture stagnation and root rot.
Thuja can be grown as single trees or in combination with other conifers. It is perfect for creating a hedge, as it protects the site from prying eyes all year round.
How to dig correctly?
For the successful transfer of a tree to a new location, it is important to preserve the root ball as much as possible. If an adult thuja is transplanted, this can be quite difficult to do. There are a number of rules that can greatly simplify this difficult procedure.

- The tree is thoroughly watered the day before digging.
- First, you should dig a trench around the tree. Its diameter should be 20 centimeters from the edge of the crown.
- Dig deeper into the hole gradually, reinforcing the walls of the pit with covering material or burlap.
- When the depth of the trench reaches 60 cm, you can begin to dig under the tree. In this case, the covering material should be bent. You can completely pull out the thuja with a crowbar.
- When the clod is dug up, the burlap is tied up to preserve it as much as possible.
The best option is the advance preparation of the thuja for transplantation. To this end, they begin to dig a trench about a year before the procedure. If large roots come across, they are cut off, covered overcuts with garden pitch. The trench is covered with loose soil and watered thoroughly. Such measures will help the tree form new thin suction roots.
Transplant procedure
Tui transplantation should ideally be done in the spring. A layer of soil should be poured into the prepared pit in such a way that after installing the thuja in it, the root collar rises about ten centimeters above ground level. The tree should be placed in the center of the hole. In this case, the burlap can be left on.
Further, all voids are sprinkled with earth and trampled down. After that, the soil is thoroughly watered. It would be useful to cover the surface of the root circle with any mulching material.

After transplanting, it is important to keep the soil moist. Two weeks after the procedure, it is advisable to feed the tree with fertilizers.
Rules for transplanting in autumn
If for some reason it is not possible to wait for spring, a thuja transplant can be carried out in the fall. At the same time, the tree should be moved to a new place before the onset of stable frosts. Ideally, this should be done before mid-October, otherwise the roots will not have time to take root. As a result, it will be very difficult for him to endure the winter.
After transplanting, it is advisable to sprinkle the root circle with fallen needles or compost. Thanks to this, weakened roots will be protected from freezing.
Many believe that it is impossible to transfer a plant such as thuja to a new place without damage. Transplantation in the fall, as well as in the spring, must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. ATin this case, it will almost certainly be possible to save the thuja.