Bulgarian peppers, growing them in the garden

Bulgarian peppers, growing them in the garden
Bulgarian peppers, growing them in the garden
growing bell peppers
growing bell peppers

Pepper seeds in different parts of the country are planted at different times. It is important to remember one rule here: whenever you sow seedlings, it must happen before March 1. It is recommended to plant pepper seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other and 1.5 cm deep. It is best to sow in boxes, and water no more than once a week. After the first shoots appear, the bell peppers, the cultivation of which we are considering here, should be transferred to cups or bags.

Open ground planting area

Before planting seedlings in the soil, you need to find a site that will be protected from the wind. Of course, fertilizers should be added before planting in the ground. Now you can start planting seedlings. The plant should be on

bell pepper varieties
bell pepper varieties

40 cm apart, and if you plantseveral rows of bell pepper, then the gap between the rows should be at least 60 cm. It is best to plant in the evening, and after all the work has been done, it is recommended to cover the bed with polyethylene. When the plant gets stronger, the film can be removed. The thing is that at first the pepper is still weak, and polyethylene helps the seedlings not to freeze on cool nights.

If there are difficulties

It may happen that bell peppers, which should be in full production, suddenly slow down their growth. In this case, you should loosen the soil shallowly, and also reduce watering. After some time, it will be possible to return to the weekly watering of the beds, but do not stop periodically loosening the soil. It is recommended to use warm water and increase its amount after the plant blooms. Growing bell peppers is not that hard, but what a tasty and he althy reward awaits you at the end!

Benefits of bell pepper

The beneficial properties of this plant have been known for a very long time. To list them all for a very long time, but there is no doubt - it has a beneficial effect on the he alth of hair and nails, as well as vision and immunity. In addition, the fruits of this plant thin the blood, lower blood pressure and increase appetite, improve the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. Varieties of bell pepper are very diverse both in appearance and in useful properties. Green varieties will help you cleanse

growing bell pepper
growing bell pepper

organism, while red inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells. Excellent tastethe qualities of this vegetable allow it to be used in the preparation of various salads, first or second courses. Eat and be he althy.

Everyone has their disadvantages

And yet, bell peppers, the cultivation and useful properties of which we are considering, also have contraindications. For example, for people who suffer from an ulcer, the use of bell pepper is undesirable. This also applies to patients with epilepsy, gastritis, people with liver or kidney disease, as well as people with increased excitability. This does not mean that this product should be completely excluded, but it should not be abused.

Do not be afraid to experiment, plant bell peppers, which will bring pleasure and enrich your diet. Have a good harvest.
