Automatic washing machines have long been indispensable helpers of modern housewives. But, unfortunately, they, like any other equipment, have their own lifespan. Recently, many of us have to deal with the problem when the washing machine does not draw water well. We will consider the reasons for such failures in today's article.
Why is the water supply too slow?
This is one of the most common problems that most owners of such equipment have to face. Of course, it happens that the washing machine does not draw water (the reason for this failure will be discussed below), but most often the liquid still enters the drum, only very slowly. This may be due to several factors.

First of all, you need to check how much water is supplied to the tap. It is likely that its pressure is too weak, so the technique cannot function normally. In addition, it is recommended to check if the inlet valve is closed.supplying liquid to the drum.
If the washing machine does not draw water, the reason may be a clogged filter on the inlet valve. Visually, this element looks like a dense mesh that traps all pollution. Frequent and excessive use of the filter results in loss of initial bandwidth.
Why is no liquid coming into the drum at all?
If you have selected the desired program and turned it on, but the washing machine does not draw water, the reason for such a failure may not be one, but several at once. If you do not have the opportunity to call the master, then you can take a chance and try to deal with the breakdown yourself.

First, you need to make sure that you do not accidentally turn off the valve that regulates the flow of liquid into the drum. This is not difficult to do, since usually this valve is located at the point where the rubber hose of the machine is connected to the water supply.
In addition, such a failure can be triggered by pressure instability. We will immediately reassure those who do not know why the Bosch washing machine does not draw water (the reasons for such breakdowns are often the most unexpected), that this is one of the most harmless and easily fixable problems. To resolve this issue, it is enough to make a call to the housing office in order to rush its employees to establish a normal water supply.
If none of the above reasons apply to your case, then it is likely that you simply did not close the hatch door through which the laundry is loaded. With the door open, the technique simply does notwill turn on, as a kind of flood protection will work.
Why does the washing machine take on and drain water?
The reason leading to such a failure may be hidden in the incorrect connection of the drain to the sewer. Often such a malfunction occurs after the unit is moved to another location. In this case, you need to check the manufacturer's instructions. It is important that the drain hose is fixed above the level of the tank. As a rule, this distance is about half a meter from the floor. This helps to prevent the constant leakage of liquid into the sewer system.

If, after a long and successful operation, the Indesit washing machine does not draw water, the reason may be hidden in serious damage to internal parts. It is advisable that a qualified specialist deal with the elimination of such a failure, since in order to get to some elements, it will be necessary to disassemble almost the entire unit. Those who decide to fix such a problem on their own need to really assess their own capabilities.
Why is my washing machine taking on so much water?
The causes of overflow may be hidden in a malfunction of the pressure switch. It is this element that controls the amount of liquid poured into the drum. It is a small sensor that is triggered after the tank is filled to a certain level. The most common causes of failure of this part are: loss of membrane tightness, burnt or oxidized contacts. Only experiencedthe specialist will be able to accurately determine whether the pressure switch is working.

Also, overflow may be associated with a violation of the sealing of the system that controls the water level. In such cases, the problem occurs due to a malfunction of the hose connecting the pressure switch to the tank. It may be clogged with dirt or let air through. As a result, the sensor receives false information regarding the amount of liquid in the drum.
Often, such breakdowns are the result of a malfunction of the solenoid valve associated with the natural wear of parts. In addition, sometimes it becomes clogged with dirt or rust particles contained in tap water, which has never been crystal clear.
Diagnostic Methods
If the Samsung washing machine does not draw water (we discussed the reasons for this problem above), then you need to immediately look at the documents attached to it. Having found out that the warranty still applies to the equipment, you cannot repair it yourself. It is necessary to take it to the appropriate service center as soon as possible, where specialists will deal with it.

If the warranty period has already expired, then you can try to fix the breakdown yourself. To check how the pressure sensor works, it is recommended to unscrew the water supply hose and blow into it. If it is working, you will hear a characteristic click.
To test the automatic lock, you need to disassemble the hatch and make sure that inwhen closing the door, the relay limit switch is pressed with a tongue.
Faults that cannot be repaired by yourself
If the machine has stopped drawing water due to a breakdown of the sensor that controls the level, you need to contact the professionals. The design of this element is based on the principle of expelling air entering the working hose sleeve. The liquid entering the system begins to put pressure on the air, which, in turn, acts on the stem. As a result of this, the supply is blocked, and the washing machine does not draw water. Pressure cause is hard to fix.

If the malfunction is caused by a breakdown of the programmer, then repairs should also be carried out at specialized service centers. This is one of the main parts of the washing machine, thanks to which it can fully function. All the complex electronic components included in the design ensure the supply and discharge of fluid.
Ways to fix the most common breakdowns
It should be noted that repairs should be done by someone who has a sufficient stock of knowledge about electronics and household appliances. If the malfunction is caused by a non-closing hatch, then you need to disassemble the door and return the metal rod that fixes the lock tongue to its original position. In some cases, it becomes necessary to purchase a new thermal block.

If the problem lies inInlet valve failure, it is recommended to unscrew the water supply hose and check the filter. Maybe it is clogged, then rinse it and put it back in place. If it's a burnt coil winding, then it should be changed.
Breakage Prevention
Most of the malfunctions that cause the machine to stop taking in water occur as a result of a violation of generally accepted operating rules. To avoid problems, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations.
Any washing machine has a special compartment for collecting various small items such as buttons, coins and ribbons. Remember to periodically inspect the bottom of the hatch.
It is also necessary to protect equipment from power surges. To do this, it is advisable to purchase a protective shutdown device. To prevent scale from appearing on the internal parts of the washing machine, it is recommended to add special prophylactic agents during washing.