Raw brick: production technology

Raw brick: production technology
Raw brick: production technology

Raw bricks are produced in the same way as ordinary ordinary bricks, except for the use of firing. It is used in the construction of low-rise structures or fences, because it has little strength.

  • The main difference from ceramic is the firing stage, in connection with this, the raw material has little moisture resistance. For this reason, the use of such bricks is in demand only in continental areas with sharp precipitation.
  • Raw bricks are fire-resistant, have fairly good sound insulation and heat insulation. With such important advantages for the building element, the cost of the material is quite low. By using mud brick in climatic zones with unusually warm air temperatures, people solve many problems at the same time.
  • The production of raw building material can vary significantly, as various additives are introduced, it all depends on the climate of the area. This is necessary to improve those brick qualities that are required in the climatic zone. To increase the strength of the material, a small amount of straw is added, liquid glass is required for plasticity, and moisture resistance increasescement.
  • Most often, raw material for construction is used in the regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia. These zones have a hotter climate in the summer, and warm winters without much precipitation. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not used for the construction of houses due to the sharply continental climate.
raw brick
raw brick

Getting clay

The quality of the natural clay material directly depends on the area where it is planned to be mined. In this case, the clay layers are located in the lower levels of the soil. Most often, mining is carried out in specially designated areas, that is, quarries. To determine whether there is clay on the site or not, it is necessary to pour water on the ground. If an oily surface forms, then clay is present in most cases.

Before starting to produce mud brick, you should analyze the clay. The quality of the material is determined by the density of the fat content of the natural material. The analysis is carried out as follows: a sample of clay is taken and mixed with water until a sticky layer forms on the block. After that, it is necessary to make clay balls, about 10 pieces. They are then subjected to a drying process.

The next step is to test the material for strength, dried clay balls are taken, and then thrown from a height of 1 meter onto a hard surface. If the balls remain intact, the material is ideal for making mud bricks for construction.

raw brick fromclay
raw brick fromclay

Cooking the mass

Ordinary natural material (clay) is mixed with water. This process can be carried out in the same way both in a special container and in a shallow pit. In order for the raw clay brick to be of high quality, all debris should be sifted out at the time the mortar is made. To improve the characteristics of the building material, various elements are added at the time of production.

  • To reduce shrinkage, sand or fine gravel is added at the time of drying. But they bring a significant disadvantage to the product, it becomes more fragile.
  • In order to speed up the drying process, a small amount of cement is added to the finished mass. It not only speeds up the hardening process, but also makes the product moisture resistant.
  • Improved mud brick with straw has light weight and good thermal insulation properties. In some situations, wood shavings or manure is used instead of straw.
raw brick production technology
raw brick production technology

Molds for making products

For the manufacture of building-type products, molds are needed. They can be different, for example, made by yourself.

For the manufacture of molds, wood material is required, with the help of which a frame of the required size is assembled. This option is suitable for the production of products in small quantities. The formed raw brick, the photo of which is located below, is suitable for a good example.


This formation is completely unsuitable for the industrial production of raw products. In this case, special equipment is used, which allows the production of products in large volumes. This equipment presses the material.

Mechanical type forming allows material to be pressed up to 20 tons. At the same time, more than 15 building material products are being manufactured. Such a raw element number cannot be produced at home.

raw brick photo
raw brick photo

Drying step

The drying process is one of the most important and responsible, so you need to treat it with the utmost care. In order to avoid moisture getting on the products during the drying process, it is necessary to build an open type canopy. In this case, the wind can freely blow over raw products from all sides.

This process lasts approximately 14 days or more from the moment the products are laid out under the canopy. The number of days directly depends on the weather conditions. It is important to remember that bricks after complete drying are reduced in size by 12 percent. For flooring, it is best to use boards of medium thickness so that they do not sag under the weight of raw elements.

mud brick with straw
mud brick with straw

In many cases, mudbrick, which is a complex process, has many advantages. After drying is completed, building bricks can be immediately used in the construction of buildings.


The main value of raw material production technology for construction is considered to be any little thing. At the time of making the clay mass solution, the exact composition of the future building material is important. The quality and characteristics of the products will depend on this. The drying process is best done in the spring season. This is necessary so that the planned construction of the house is ready for operation at the end of summer.
