Aboveground and root system of the apple tree

Aboveground and root system of the apple tree
Aboveground and root system of the apple tree

All gardeners should know the structure of the trees that grow on their plots. This is necessary in order to properly care for them. In addition, the root system of an apple tree can say a lot about a whole seedling. Knowing the type of structure of the underground part and its condition, one can correctly determine the landing method.

Aerial part of the apple tree

The aerial part of a fruit tree consists of a bole and a crown, which, in turn, has many different formations inside.

  • Shtamb is a part of the trunk, which is located between the root collar and the first lateral process. When purchasing a seedling, you need to pay attention to the condition of the trunk: it should not show any damage in the form of violations of the integrity of the bark, smudges and traces of frostbite.
  • Krone - the totality of all branches on the tree.
  • Shoots are an annual neoplasm, consisting of a stem and leaves.
  • Leaves are the green part of the tree, where many important processes take place, such as photosynthesis and gas exchange. This element may have differentshape and color depending on the apple variety.
  • Generating branches are divided into many subspecies and components.
apple tree root system
apple tree root system

Let's consider what the forming branches consist of:

  • Fruit twigs change every season, their length does not exceed 15-20 cm, the apical bud is flowering (reproductive), and the side buds are vegetative.
  • Spear - annual shoots, the length of which is from 2 to 15 centimeters. The lateral buds are vegetative, the apical bud can be both reproductive and vegetative.
  • Ringlets. The age of such branches can vary from 1 to 5 years, their size is no more than 5 centimeters, the lateral processes are underdeveloped.
  • Fruits result from the formation of fruit bags after the flowering of the annulus. They are perennial (3 to 6 years).
  • Ploduhi are the oldest formations (from 6 to 18 years). Formed from annulus, pods and fruit twigs.

The difference between reproductive and vegetative buds is that some form flowers, while others form shoots and leaves. As a rule, fruit buds are large and round.

Biological description of the root system of the apple tree

The root system of an apple tree differs little from the systems of other trees in both structure and function. Thick skeletal roots depart from the root neck, from which processes of the second order are formed, and from them - the third. The farther the branching is, the thinner and smaller it is. The outermost part is called the fouling, and the thinnestformations were called "root lobe".

The young part of such branches is the most important in the structure and life of the tree. It is covered with dense thin hairs that actively seek and absorb water, providing all parts of the apple tree with this resource.

Seedlings with open root system

Apple tree, the type of root system of which is characterized as open, before planting is an aerial part and bare roots. Seedlings of such trees are easier to inspect and see the flaws.

apple trees with a closed root system
apple trees with a closed root system

To avoid buying a low-quality plant, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Roots should be white and branch out in all directions.
  • An important indicator of quality and he alth is the absence of mechanical damage and flexibility.
  • Dry roots that crack at the folds, most likely, will not take root in a new place.
  • A small number of lateral processes or their absence may indicate an older seedling, such material is unlikely to take root or will hurt a lot.
  • If swelling is visible on the roots, then most likely this tree is infected with root cancer.
  • Apple trees with an open root system cannot be without soil for more than 2 weeks. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the date when the seedling was brought to the store.

Choosing a place to plant an apple tree

When choosing a place to plant an apple tree, regardless of the type of root system, you need to adhere to the followingrules:

  • The site should be well lit, so tall and sprawling trees should not be nearby.
  • It is advisable to choose a place where there will be no strong and gusty winds.
  • Apple trees are best placed on a plot isolated for this crop, proximity to other fruit and berry plantations is not welcome.
  • To provide trees with high-quality pollination, it is customary to plant different varieties next to each other, differing in fruiting period.

Planting an apple tree in autumn

The root system of an apple tree must get stronger so that the tree can begin to bear fruit. Therefore, when choosing the time for planting, many gardeners opt for the autumn period. This method is suitable for the southern regions or for seedlings with a closed root system. It is customary to carry out these works from the end of September to the beginning of October, while the soil should be loose, pass air and moisture.

planting apple trees with a closed root system
planting apple trees with a closed root system
  • About a month before planting a seedling, you need to dig a pit 70-80 cm deep and 1 meter in diameter, the fertile soil layer must be separated and set aside.
  • In order for the future apple tree to have support, you need to dig a peg, which should protrude 40-50 centimeters from the ground. So that the lower part does not rot, it is pre-fired.
  • The soil should be as fertile as possible, so you need to pour into the pit a mixture of humus, manure, compost, peat and fertile soil layer, which was removed in advance.
  • During boardingyou need to make a shallow hole in which the roots of the tree are placed, then they must be sprinkled with soil. In this case, the root neck should protrude from the ground by 5 centimeters.
  • Then you need to tie the seedling to a peg and pour plenty of water.
  • On average, the distance between trees should be 3-4 meters. When choosing a planting pattern, you need to pay attention to the apple variety.

Planting an apple tree in spring

This method is best suited for areas with a temperate climate and frosty winters. Also, apple trees with a closed root system protect themselves during spring planting.

planting an apple tree with a closed root system in autumn
planting an apple tree with a closed root system in autumn

Its features are as follows:

  • Planting work is best done on the 20th of April.
  • The whole technology of the process is completely similar to the autumn period, except that in spring and summer it is necessary to provide the young tree with the right amount of moisture.
  • Before planting, the roots of a seedling with an open system must be moistened by leaving them for a day in a bucket of water.
  • The soil around the post must be mulched to retain moisture.

Seedlings with a closed root system

Apple trees with a closed root system are grown not in open ground, but in greenhouses in special plastic containers or bags. Moreover, each sprout has its own individual packaging.

The advantages of such seedlings:

  • In plastic containers, the root system of the apple tree is securely hidden in the ground, so this planting material can beuse at any time without fear that it will become unusable.
  • When transplanting a tree into open ground, the roots are not damaged and take root faster in a new place.
  • After planting, such apple trees begin to bloom and bear fruit faster. This is due to the fact that the root system, located in a container with earth, is more developed than those of those seedlings that were taken from their usual habitat.

What you need to pay attention to when buying a seedling with a closed root system

Many gardeners, coming to the store, cannot decide which seedlings are better to buy - domestic or foreign. Based on the issue of adaptation and zoning, gardeners most often opt for Russian trees, but such a decision may turn out to be wrong. Apple trees grown in the southern regions will not take root well in the middle lane, but seedlings from Poland, Germany or Finland will show the best resistance.

how to plant an apple tree with a closed root system
how to plant an apple tree with a closed root system

When making a choice, first of all, you need to start from the characteristics of the variety, its frost resistance and other factors:

  • The container must have drainage holes.
  • Protruding roots should look he althy.
  • When removing the seedling from the container, the soil should retain its shape.
  • If weeds are present in the container, this indicates that the tree was actually grown in the container, and not transplanted there.
  • If in the summer the foliage is yellow and falls off, thismeans that the apple tree was poorly cared for. Such a seedling will not take root well in a new place and will often get sick.

How to plant an apple tree with a closed root system?

The easiest process is planting an apple tree with a closed root system. In autumn, spring or summer, such a seedling will take root perfectly in open ground and will delight gardeners. This type of planting material is stronger and more stable.

  • First you need to dig a hole no more than 60 centimeters deep and 1 meter in diameter.
  • The lower part of the soil should be removed, and fertile soil, humus, compost and mineral fertilizer should be filled in its place.
  • Then, a recess is made in the resulting mixture, equal in size to the container with the seedling. The resulting hole is watered, as is the root system of the tree.
  • The apple tree must be carefully removed from the container and placed in open ground. According to the rules, you can not sprinkle the seedling with earth from above, you need to compact the soil on the sides.
apple tree type of root system
apple tree type of root system
  • The holding peg should be installed so that the integrity of the planting material is not violated. Then you need to tie a tree to it.
  • Planting apple trees with a closed root system ends with the watering procedure. On average, one seedling requires 2 buckets of water. So that moisture evaporates as slowly as possible, the soil around the tree post must be mulched.

Columnar apple trees

The main difference is that the root system of columnar apple trees is devoid of a tap root, whichgoes deep into the ground. It is completely at the surface level, located approximately within a radius of 25 centimeters from the tree trunk. Another difference will be the compactness of such landings. The root system grows little, in connection with this, you can plant a whole garden on a small piece of land.

open root apple trees
open root apple trees

Apple tree is one of the most common fruit trees in central Russia. In garden nurseries, you can find many varieties of different varieties. But there are general rules that were described above, they are associated with planting and choosing seedlings.
