Floral secrets: making a bouquet of beautiful roses

Floral secrets: making a bouquet of beautiful roses
Floral secrets: making a bouquet of beautiful roses

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Rose is the queen of flowers. This title was assigned to her for a long time, and no other green-leaved handsome man could challenge it. She's amazingly good on her own. But, perhaps, all the charm and magical charm of a flower is most revealed in composition with other plants.

Rose to rose

beautiful bouquet of red roses
beautiful bouquet of red roses

A wonderful ensemble can be obtained by combining flowers of the same species, but in different shades.

For example, a bouquet of beautiful roses is formed by a combination of dark and light tones. Dark red, burgundy to black flowers look extremely impressive next to snow-white, cream or old ivory buds. Such a bouquet is the embodiment of aristocracy, fine taste. It is sustained in the best traditions of the classics. All other accessories will be superfluous here. Therefore, its design should be the simplest: transparent cellophane, a modest ribbon. They will only emphasize how luxurious such a bouquet of beautiful roses is. Naturally, you should pay attention to the length of the stems - they should not be shorter than 25see. The flowers themselves are better to pick up half-opened or in almost blossoming buds. Do not leave a lot of twigs with leaves so as not to disturb the color accent. All attention should be attracted, first of all, by a bouquet of beautiful roses, and not by its decorations. The composition should be placed in water either in a strict crystal vase-“column”, massive and stable, or in a transparent glass jug. This miracle of floristry is suitable for especially solemn, important, significant occasions: anniversaries, parties, weddings, official meetings, etc.

bouquet of beautiful roses
bouquet of beautiful roses

But if you want to please your girlfriend or girlfriend, pick up another bouquet of beautiful roses - in pink. You can combine light and dark colors, insert pink and white buds. Decorating elements will also be very successful: openwork chill with berries, asparagus branches, cereals. Cellophane for packaging should be in harmony with the color scheme. This is what fundamentally distinguishes a beautiful bouquet of red roses from pink ones. The latter, for all their tenderness and grace, still need additional entourage, as well as yellow, orange, as well as exotic blue and purple. A container for flowers can be either strict, made of sparkling crystal, or quite modern - made of colored glass, plastic, aluminum, etc. The length of the stems is arbitrary.

Extravagant, very beautiful bouquets of roses are obtained from exotic blue buds combined with white or yellow. Such a composition is associated with the expressions "cosmic fantasy" or "icysymphony". Gypsophila lacy sprigs will complete the impression, turning the bouquet into a work of art. You need to give this miracle at special, significant and significant moments of life: declaring love, making an offer, etc. The composition is suitable for adult girls who have crossed the 20-year mark, and young women under 40. But older ladies should not present it: due to the peculiar color scheme, such a bouquet can be perceived as a hint of age.

very beautiful bouquets of roses
very beautiful bouquets of roses

Assorted bouquets

Roses look great against the background of other flowers: daisies, asters, levkoy and others. True, when combining them, the principle of proportionality should be observed. It consists of the following: next to the queen of the garden, put simpler plants. Then the roy alty of the rose and the special unpretentious charm of other types of flowers will be perfectly shaded. The harmony of colors is also important: multi-color and riot are not welcome.
