The choice of finishing for the interior of your apartment mainly consists of two options that are most common and economical - wallpaper and painting. Other options - tiles, wood paneling - are more expensive, and in the latter case, they also require special conditions if you count on long-term service.

Most often, the walls of residential premises are decorated with wallpapers - multi-colored, striped, large or small flowers or with an inconspicuous ornament - in general, the range is wide in color, material, and price. But trends are changing. The fashion for painting walls is more and more proving its worth not only in terms of costs, but also in many other ways. So, why is interior paint better than wallpaper?
Question 1 - price
There are many parameters by which interior paint is divided. The price in this case directly depends on them. So,important features of paints:
- shine level (deep matte to semi-matte);
- base (acrylic interior paints, water-based, water-dispersion).
Also important to consider:
- coloring method (roller, brush);
- wall paint texture;
- number of components;
- odor.

Taking into account all the parameters, prices start from 38-45 rubles per kilogram of paint and above. Material consumption depends on its base and even color. A kilogram of oil paint, depending on the color, is enough for an area of 5 to 20 square meters. A liter of water-dispersion paint (base - acrylic) is enough for 6-7 square meters. m, and water-based - by 7-11, sometimes by 14-18 square meters. m, depending on the absorbency of the wall surface.
So, if you need to paint a 4x3 room with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, you should calculate how much wall paint is needed. It turns out that the staining area is 30 square meters. m (subtract the area of windows and doors). If you take acrylic paint, then it will need 5 liters. Depending on the manufacturer, this can cost 300 rubles or more.
It remains to calculate the area of the room being renovated, ask the price of the current offers on the market in your region and choose the most suitable option.
Question 2 - application and aids
What can interior paint require? Consider auxiliary tools:
- Applicator- brushes or rollers. In the case of a spray gun for coloring, you will save a lot of time, and the coverage will be uniform. If there is no such device on the farm and there is no one to borrow it for the time of repair, this is an additional expense item, exceeding ten times the cost of rollers and brushes. The latter are better suited for painting small surfaces or hard-to-reach places. Rollers are convenient to handle large areas. For smooth walls, the minimum pile length is suitable, the more roughness and irregularities, the longer it should be.
- Thinner - for different types of paint, either white spirit or water (everything is indicated on the package, so read the instructions that the interior paint is supplied with).
- Gloves and special clothing (or old stuff you don't mind), mask, and additional paint supplies: tape to protect adjacent coatings, paint pan (if using a roller).

Question 3 - maintenance and repair
If it happens that the walls get dirty (accidentally, or just moisture and dust will show themselves in all its glory over time), all that needs to be done is to wash them with a sponge or cloth with ordinary detergent or soap. If mechanical damage appears and the paint chipped, it is also easier to "repair" such a defect than in the case of wallpaper.

First you will need to find exactly the type of wallpaper that you have chosen, while the tones of colors do not go anywhere. And wall correctionstaining will be localized, at the site of damage. And in the case of wallpaper, you will need to change the entire strip, which you can’t buy in the store, so you have to take a whole roll (if it is pasted end-to-end, and removing one strip will not pull all the wallpaper on the wall; otherwise, re-paste everything).
A weighty embarrassing moment
The only drawback that interior paint has is the smell. Some species are less "fragrant", some are more. But there is only one outcome - it will be impossible to stay indoors for a long time (without a protective mask) while the paint dries. If the doors do not close tightly, then the "aroma" runs the risk of spreading throughout the house.