Grapes Academician: variety description with photo

Grapes Academician: variety description with photo
Grapes Academician: variety description with photo

People have been involved in viticulture since time immemorial. The climate on earth has changed, and with it the grapes have changed. The development of genetics has made it possible to open up new and amazing opportunities for breeding various varieties and their hybrids with given traits. New species appear almost every year. One of them is Academician grapes. Other names of the variety are Memory of Dzheneev or Academician Avidzba.

grapes academician variety description
grapes academician variety description

Variety description

Parents of table grapes Academician - hybrid forms: Richelieu and Gift to Zaporozhye. This variety is the result of the selection of the Magarach Institute, located in the Crimea. It was created relatively recently, so it has not yet become widespread due to the small amount of planting materials. You can buy seedlings only at the institute or in private nurseries. According to the reviews of those who were lucky enough to grow it, the variety is simply magnificent. In 2014, he was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

grape variety Academician
grape variety Academician

Varietal features and description of the Academician grape variety:

  • ripening time - early, you can start picking the first berries in 115-120 days;
  • frost resistance from -23 to -25 ° С, due to which, with good shelter, the grapes can successfully winter under the snow;
  • variety has great growth vigor;
  • leaves are large or medium, strongly dissected, having 5 lobes;
  • the front side of the sheet is smooth, from the inside there is a slight pubescence;
  • flowers are bisexual, so the variety does not require pollinators.


Grapes Academician description of berries has the following:

  • Berries are collected in large cylindrical clusters.
  • Weight is 1.5-1.8kg.
  • Bunch of medium density, sometimes loose.
  • The berries are large, reaching a length of 33 mm and a width of 20 mm.
  • The shape of the berries is elongated-oval, the tip is blunt.
  • The color of the fruit is dark blue, a prune (wax) coating is noticeable, which helps the berry to protect itself from atmospheric phenomena and pathogens. Berries with a pronounced prune coating are better stored and transported.
  • The skin on the fruit is dense.
  • The berries are of high quality - the taste of crispy pulp is rated at 9.8 points out of 10. There is a nutmeg pleasant aftertaste and a chocolate aftertaste. Sugar content is high.

Currently, this variety is being tested, but today it is already clear that it is very cost-effective to grow it commercially and in private vineyards. The high quality of the harvest will not leave anyone indifferent. It is worth noting that the Akademik grape variety has an average resistance to the main diseases: mildew and oidium. Protective prophylactic treatment will be required.

planting grapes
planting grapes

Features of cultivation

According to its biological characteristics, grapes are intended for cultivation in temperate and subtropical climates. In other regions, its harvest and survival largely depend on the skill and efforts of the grower. And it is very important at the same time to correctly observe agricultural technology, while taking into account all the requirements of this culture.

grapes academician photo
grapes academician photo

How to choose a seat?

In the south, Academician grapes are grown at high temperatures, sometimes reaching more than 40 degrees, while the optimum temperature for this variety is 28-30 degrees. Under such conditions, it is desirable to shade the plant. In regions that are located further north, it is desirable for this grape to choose places illuminated by the sun all day.

The vine must be protected from the winds. When choosing a place to plant a plant, experienced growers must take into account this fact:

  • seedlings are planted on the south side of houses and other buildings;
  • hedges or tall trees are planted on the north side of the vineyard;
  • install fences or make screens out of reeds and other scrap materials.
grapes academician description
grapes academician description

Planting grapes

Depending on which method of boarding will be chosen,the comfortable existence of the plant largely depends. It can be planted both in spring and autumn. To do this, it is advisable to choose seedlings in a container. If the landing is done correctly, the survival rate will be 100%,.

Planting sequence:

  • Dig a hole whose diameter corresponds to the size of the root system of the grapes.
  • Put aside fertile topsoil.
  • Mix it with humus and mineral fertilizers.
  • drainage from small twigs and gravel is arranged at the bottom of the pit.
  • Reinforcing a pipe made of plastic or asbestos cement, which is designed for applying liquid fertilizers.
  • The sapling is placed in the hole, covered with fertile earthen mixture and watered.
  • Cut off the shoots of grapes, leaving only 2 buds. To prevent the cut from drying out, it is treated with melted paraffin.
  • The hole is mulched with compost or humus.

If several bushes are planted at once, a distance of at least 1.5 m is left between them so that each vine has enough space. When establishing a full-fledged vineyard, the rows should run from south to north so that they are better illuminated by the sun.

grapes academician description of the variety photo
grapes academician description of the variety photo


The planted bushes of Akademik grapes (description of the variety, photos are provided in the article) require the tireless care of the grower, but adult plants cannot be left unattended either.


Because it is a table variety, it needs to be watered regularly. First time doing this since opening.bushes and tying vines to the trellis. For an adult plant, you need 4 buckets of warm water, to which a half-liter jar of wood ash is added. It is good if a pipe is installed near the bush, designed for irrigation and fertilization. In this case, all the water goes directly to the roots.

Vine will need next watering 7-8 days before flowering. When the grapes are in bloom, do not water them, because because of this, the flowers may crumble, and the fruits will not grow to the desired size and pea will be observed.

After flowering, another watering is carried out.

When the berries begin to color, you can’t water the bushes, otherwise they simply won’t pick up enough sugar.

The last watering is carried out a week before the shelter of the plant for the winter.

top dressing of grapes
top dressing of grapes


Grapes Academician responds very well to any top dressing (root and foliar). Consider how the plant is fed:

  • The first feeding is carried out immediately after the winter shelter is removed. For one bush you will need the following composition: 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium s alt. Dissolve all ingredients in 10 liters of water.
  • Repeat top dressing 2 weeks before flowering.
  • Before the grapes begin to ripen, they are fertilized with potassium s alt and superphosphate.
  • After harvesting, potash fertilizers are applied to increase the winter hardiness of bushes.

Every three years in the fall, the vineyard is fertilized with manure, adding ash to it,ammonium sulphate and superphosphate. Fertilizers are applied dry. The first foliar top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers with microelements is carried out before flowering. The second - when the plant fades, the third - during the period of fruit ripening. The last two top dressings should not contain nitrogen.

Preparing for winter season

Academician grapes, the photo of which is provided in the article, has an average frost resistance. It is for this reason that in most regions this variety needs winter shelter. The vines must be removed from the trellis, tied neatly into bundles, and then covered with peat or earth. You can also make a dry-air shelter: wrap bunches of vines in several layers of spandbond, then install low arcs, then cover them with a film. From below, you need to leave small gaps for ventilation.
