Playing football in the yard or in nature is a young thing: even if you are over 50, regularly playing sports, you will feel like you are in your 20s. But what to do if the ball taken with you is blown away, and the question arises, how to pump up the ball without a needle and a pump in artisanal conditions (beach, nature, someone else's yard)? Naturally, it would be better to take care of this, and take a bicycle pump and a needle with you (the cost of which is no more than 150 rubles).

But if the above equipment is not at hand, all is not lost! But remember that the methods listed below are far from the safest for your ball: you can simply pump it over and ruin it, so if we are talking about a rarity with an autograph of your favorite football player, then it is better to postpone such manipulations.
How to inflate a ball without a needle: "Medical" way
Advantages: cheap method, availability of materials. Everything can be found in the roadside pharmacy and the glove compartment of the car.
Disadvantages: in the outback, there may not be such a pharmacy. In addition, the instructions below are not an answer to the question of how to inflate a ball without a needle: this is an instruction on how such a needledo.

The essence of the method
If trouble overtook you on the road, then with some effort and a little ingenuity, you can pump up the ball with a simple bicycle pump, electrical tape and a needle from a syringe. The needle must first be blunted: it should not pierce the nipple, but smoothly enter it. Needles from blood transfusion systems are ideal: they are quite thick and durable. The tip of the needle should be blunted on asph alt or a knife sharpener. The result should be a needle with a blunt end, which will serve as the basis for the adapter from the pump to the ball. Next, carefully wrap the tape around the base of the needle. It will take about 12 layers. This is done so that the needle fits snugly into the pump hole.
The road way: how to inflate a ball without a needle with the help of a car service
Benefits: A fairly effective way to inflate a football/basketball/volleyball that has deflated on the road. Car service assistants will come to your aid, who will be happy to help for a purely nominal fee. In addition, many may find the right needle. The method is suitable if there is neither a needle nor a pump at hand.

Disadvantages: at the right time, a car service may not be nearby. An inexperienced worker can pump the ball, which can cause it to burst from excessive pressure when inflated carelessly or during the game.
The essence of the method
It is known that in car services the most popular service is tire inflation. Compressor usedfor this, it can supply air under high pressure, which is what we need. The deflated ball should be pressed very tightly against the nozzle of the compressor and inflated until the desired level of rigidity is reached. You should be very careful to monitor the density so as not to pump and explode the ball. The procedure is best done by three people: two press the ball, one - on a signal, must turn off the compressor. By the way, many modern models of compressors have a nozzle for inflating balls.
Making air injections: how to inflate a ball without a needle: an alternative but very exhausting way
Benefits: Another "medical" way, but this time it doesn't require a needle or a pump. At hand should be only a first-aid kit with a syringe and a few hours of time, depending on the volume of the syringe found.
Disadvantages: the method is exhausting and inconvenient. It is possible to permanently damage the nipple of the ball, and it will deflate if you do not use special oil.
For those who didn't have any duct tape on hand or a car service down the road, there's another way to save a beach volleyball or street football tournament. The bottom line is to introduce air into the ball through a simple syringe. Depending on the volume of the syringe, the amount of work to be done depends: a 20-cc ball can be pumped up in about half an hour. 10 Ml - per hour. 5, 2 Ml - is the game worth the candle?.. This is the most affordable and artisanal way to pump up a basketball without a needle, without a compressor at hand. To facilitate the introduction of the syringe and the safety of the ball, the nipple should be moistened with oil.
If there is a needle, but notpump
Benefits: Quite a fun and creative way to pump. Most likely, it will not work to pump up the ball to the desired density, but the pleasure of the process is guaranteed! In addition, the method is suitable for soft beach balls.
Disadvantages: need to find a strong plastic bag or bottle. The need to make an adapter.

There are those who don't know how to inflate a soccer ball without a needle. But the lack of a needle is, as it becomes clear, this is a third of the trouble. The worst is for those who, for some reason, cannot use the pump, since it is still possible to create high air pressure from improvised means, but it is very difficult to direct it to a certain point (ball). As a compressor, you can use a plastic bottle or a tight bag. Some folk craftsmen manage to solder a needle into the cap of a bottle and pump the ball over and over again, standing or carefully jumping on this bottle.

After the air from the bottle passes into the ball, the structure is taken out, one more portion of air is pumped into the bottle and the manipulation is repeated. And so - to the bitter end!
There is a more advanced way using vinegar and soda: vinegar and soda are poured into the same bottle, and carbon dioxide is injected into the ball. But this is provided that the needle is firmly soldered into the bottle cap.
As we can see, there are a lot of ways to pump up a ball without a needle. None of them are comfortable and light, howevera true athlete is one who, despite all the obstacles, goes to the bitter end!