Should I use terminal blocks for electrical wiring?

Should I use terminal blocks for electrical wiring?
Should I use terminal blocks for electrical wiring?

When building any house, sooner or later the question arises of how to lay the wiring. And if there may be no problems with the choice of the thickness of the copper wire, then in the places of its connection it is quite the opposite. After all, using the old method of twisting is unsafe and simply unreasonable. But how then to be? Soldering and welding is a practical option, but very laborious. And if the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is more than 60 square meters, you can solder the cables for a whole week. What is the way out of the situation? The most convenient and most practical way to connect wires today is to use terminal blocks. We will talk about them today.

terminal blocks for electrical wiring
terminal blocks for electrical wiring

Device and benefits

By their design, terminal blocks for electrical wiring (including Wago) are a small plate with special-shaped holes,which have a latch or clamp device. Thus, the cable can move in it in only one direction - inside the device, while bending the plate during the forward stroke. In the opposite direction, such a wire cannot be pulled out, which explains the reliability of its use. According to electricians, modern terminal blocks for electrical wiring have a very correct design, as a result of which they can be used both in everyday life and in industry. This is their main advantage over screw terminals.

terminal blocks for electrical wiring
terminal blocks for electrical wiring

However, this is not all the advantages of this device. In addition to the reliability of fastenings, terminal blocks for electrical wiring are easy and quick to install. Their installation is done in a matter of seconds, while soldering requires long waits for the device to heat up, great care and accuracy of work in general. Thanks to the use of terminal clamps, the installation, or rather, the connection of wires, is the fastest and easiest compared to the old methods and methods that were used back in the USSR. Of course, the level of security of devices such as terminal blocks for electrical wiring is at the highest level.

terminal blocks for electrical wiring price
terminal blocks for electrical wiring price

Connection principle

This tool works very simply: a pre-stripped cable is inserted into the hole and then pressed with a small spring. Everything, on this wiring installation is completed. Indeed, this design greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of laying cables in the house.


wago wiring terminal blocks
wago wiring terminal blocks

Another important feature of the terminal blocks is their versatility, which consists in the possibility of connecting several wires at once, consisting of different metal alloys. For example, terminal blocks for electrical wiring can connect copper and aluminum wire to each other. In this case, the current carrying capacity of the device will remain at the standard level, without any loss. Welding and soldering certainly cannot boast of such a feature. It should also be noted that terminal blocks for electrical wiring are presented on the Russian market, capable of connecting up to 8-10 cables at once. On imported devices, it is possible to test the conductive wiring using a special device.

How much do wire terminals cost?

The price of such devices ranges from 12 to 40 rubles per unit.
