Violet "beloved daughter": description, cultivation features. Indoor flower care

Violet "beloved daughter": description, cultivation features. Indoor flower care
Violet "beloved daughter": description, cultivation features. Indoor flower care

Indoor flowers complement the home interior and create warmth and comfort. There are floral works for every taste. Violets are a favorite of many. Varieties, colors and forms of inflorescences - a great variety. The classification of varieties is quite complex and includes several groups.

Violet "beloved daughter" deserves special attention.

This variety strikes the human imagination with its gentle and harmonious beauty.

violet beloved daughter
violet beloved daughter

The history of the creation of the variety

The beauty of violets pleased the Italians and the British a hundred years ago. In the USSR, amateur gardeners grew violets, passing leaves from hand to hand.

Saintpaulia "beloved daughter" was created by domestic breeders Boris and Tatyana Makuni.

To this day, Makuni varieties are admired and win prizes in international competitions.

Botanical characteristic

The description of the violet "beloved daughter" can include the main criteria.

Rosette of dark green leaves. The leaves are oval in shape with a rough surface. The edges of the leaves are uneven. Flowers are large, translucent, delicatelilac shades with lavender notes. Fringes around the edges of petals in darker or lighter colors.

houseplant care
houseplant care

Violet "beloved daughter" pleases with its bright flowering almost all year round. First, small dark buds open. After the inflorescence, they begin to increase and brighten. Dark streaks and edging appear on the petals.

There are up to 8 buds on peduncles. Flowers are on average 5 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks.

Violet also has healing properties. Plant extracts are used in medicine and cosmetology. A beautiful indoor flower contains vitamins B and C. Other substances are also present, for example, salicylic acid and carotene. Undoubtedly, such properties are useful for the body.

Leaves, stems and flowers are used for medicinal purposes, as an antiseptic for colds.

Caring for violets

Caring for indoor plants takes time. If you take due care of the flower beauty, the violet will respond with a fragrant look, will delight the household and surprise guests.

saintpaulia beloved daughter
saintpaulia beloved daughter

Violet "beloved daughter" is not too demanding in content.

One has only to follow certain rules of care:

  • pot to choose a small size, on average up to 7-9 cm;
  • land to use specialized, light;
  • regularly fertilize and prune the plant;
  • watering violets responsibly.

Also worth taking care ofabout the required lighting. Violet "beloved daughter" loves the light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Drafts are unacceptable for keeping a flower.

Watering needs moderate. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system. Drying out of the soil is also disastrous for the plant.

Feeding plants is optimally carried out periodically throughout the year. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied during the period of active growth. And during the formation of buds and flowering, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are suitable.

It is worth remembering that adult flowers need periodic transplantation. It is preferable to replant the plant in the spring and follow some rules:

  • pot should not be large;
  • flower pot is treated with boiling water and vinegar solution before transplanting;
  • expanded clay or other drainage must be used;
  • the root is washed and damaged elements are removed (damaged ones are brown);
  • violet is placed in a pot and covered with a special peat mixture.

The pot needs to be rotated from time to time for even flower growth.

As needed, old leaves are removed and faded flowers are cut off.

violet Makuni's favorite daughter
violet Makuni's favorite daughter

Water and lighting

For the growth and abundant flowering of violets "beloved daughter" Makuni requires certain lighting and temperature. The state of the flower and its external data depend on the optimal conditions.

The place for the flower is chosen with a bright diffusedlight, away from direct sunlight. In autumn and winter, it becomes cool on the windowsills. It is worth placing the pots deep into the room during the cold period to avoid hypothermia.

The optimum temperature for violets ranges from 20-22 degrees.

Watering is sufficient 2 times a week. The water must be warm. Watering directly under the root is not recommended, otherwise it may begin to rot.

Violets are very fond of showers. When spraying, it is important not to overdo it with the amount of water. For newly planted flowers, you can cover the soil area.

It is also worth remembering that adult violets need regular transplantation. It is, of course, better to transplant a plant in the spring.

Flower diseases

If you properly care for indoor flowers, you can avoid a lot of trouble in the form of diseases and death of the plant.

The main enemies of violets are aggressive sunlight and improper watering.

Do brown spots appear on violet leaves? It speaks of sunburn.

In this case, you need to move the flower pot to partial shade. Over time, sluggish clarified leaves will regain their original appearance. Leaves that have been severely damaged should be carefully trimmed.

violet Makuni's favorite daughter
violet Makuni's favorite daughter

Reproduction of violets at home

Violets can be propagated independently. This is possible even for a beginner. Cuttings are considered the most common way.

A he althy leaf is selected. cropfollows at an angle of 45 degrees, this will increase the area of \u200b\u200bformation of roots. The length of the stem should not exceed 4 cm. The leaf is washed in warm water.

Rooting can be done in both water and light soil. When ground rooting, you need to create a greenhouse. This can be done with polyethylene or a glass jar. The greenhouse is removed after a half-moon or a little more.

An easy way to reproduce is stepchildren. It is important, when choosing a stepson, to make sure that there are at least 3 leaves on it. When separating the sprout, it is important not to injure the mother outlet. The separated stepson is placed in a pot of soil, and greenhouse conditions are created for him for 3 weeks.

As a rule, the appearance of a beautiful violet "beloved daughter" at home brings variety and comfort. Regal delicate flowers simply conquer with their beauty.
