White plaque on an orchid: a description with a photo, diseases, methods of treatment and advice from flower growers

White plaque on an orchid: a description with a photo, diseases, methods of treatment and advice from flower growers
White plaque on an orchid: a description with a photo, diseases, methods of treatment and advice from flower growers

Many flower growers are faced with the problem of white bloom on the orchid during the growing process. This is an alarming sign that something is wrong with the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to initially identify the underlying cause that provokes this symptom, and treat it. And you should also familiarize yourself with preventive measures that will minimize the likelihood of its reappearance.

Main reasons

Dejected looking plant
Dejected looking plant

If an orchid is covered with white bloom, then its immunity is weakened. This increases the sensitivity of the plant to the effects of pests and diseases. Improper flower care is the main reason why white bloom appears regularly on orchids.

Provoking factors:

  • low or high humidity;
  • high or low temperature content;
  • overwatering;
  • stagnation of water in the pan;
  • excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • use of raw substrate;
  • Untimely removal of fallen flowers and leaves.

In addition to these provoking factors, a gust of wind through an open window can be a carrier of infection or pest larvae. Therefore, it is important to periodically examine indoor plants and respond in time to the first dangerous signs.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on an orchid
Powdery mildew on an orchid

This disease is often the reason that white bloom appeared on the leaves of the orchid. Initially, an alarming sign is observed in small areas, but subsequently the area of the lesion increases. This happens as a result of the vital activity of powdery mildew mycelium, which multiplies rapidly when favorable conditions are created.

In this case, the white bloom on the orchid looks like it was sprinkled with flour. The main reason for the development of powdery mildew is excessive watering and temperature fluctuations. In the absence of measures to combat the disease, the plant may die.



A characteristic sign of the appearance of this pest are sticky leaves and white bloom on the orchid. This occurs as a result of non-compliance with the conditions of detention and excessive use of nitrogen supplements.

The mealybug is covered with protective hairs, and therefore, when it accumulates in mass, it looks like cotton wool, which was carelessly scattered.

Mealybug accumulation places resemble cotton wool
Mealybug accumulation places resemble cotton wool

Initially, the pest is localized in the leaf axils, which makes it difficult to fight it, but as it reproduces, it moves to the upper roots, leaves and flowers. Subsequently, sticky drops appear, which is a product of his life.

The appearance of a mealybug on a flower indicates a weakened immune system, since a he althy plant is able to independently withstand the negative effects of the pest.

What is the danger of white plaque on an orchid?

The mealybug feeds on the cell sap of the plant, and is also able to inject a special food enzyme into the places where the leaves are bitten, which leads to a decrease in the vitality of the plant. In addition, the sticky coating secreted by the pest leads to the development of a soot fungus, which prevents the full respiration of the leaves and the process of photosynthesis. Against this background, the plant becomes pale and loses the elasticity of the leaves. If left untreated, the orchid may die.

In the case of development of powdery mildew, the plant begins to slow down in growth, and flowering may be scarce or completely absent. As the fungal mycelium spreads further, the leaves become lethargic, turn yellow, and subsequently fall off. In the absence of adequate treatment measures, the flower dies over time.

What to do first?

Initially, it is necessary to wipe the affected leaves
Initially, it is necessary to wipe the affected leaves

When a white coating appears on an orchid, it is necessary to initially examine not only the diseased plant, but also those adjacent to it. All flowers on which suspicious signs were found must bequarantine, moving to a secluded place.

In case of development of powdery mildew, it is necessary to initially limit watering, allow the substrate to dry out, and also adjust the temperature of the content.

When a mealybug is found on a plant, it is necessary to prepare a soap solution at the rate of 40 g of rubbed product per 200 ml of water. And after dissolving it, wipe the leaves of the plant.

But all these measures can bring a temporary effect, so if the leaves are severely damaged, it is necessary to resort to professional preparations that will help cure the flower.

Now let's look at how to deal with white bloom on orchids in each case, and what means when and how to apply.

Ways to deal with a fungal disease

To eliminate powdery mildew, it is recommended to use fungicides "Topaz", "Fitosporin", "Skor". The treatment should be carried out by spraying the plants from a distance of 20-30 cm. 1 hour after the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the leaf axils with a cotton swab in case of moisture stagnation in them.

Processing should be carried out 2-3 times with a frequency of 5-7 days, depending on the preparation, until the signs of the fungus disappear completely.

Flower growers who do not accept chemicals are advised to use folk remedies to eliminate the disease:

  1. Garlic. Grind 5 cloves of the plant component and pour 500 ml of warm water. Infuse the mixture for 5 hours in a closed container. Subsequently clean and usefor spraying.
  2. Field horsetail. 100 g pour 500 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, clean and use to treat the affected plant.

It should be understood that folk remedies are effective only at the beginning of the development of the disease, as they have a sparing effect. When the situation is critical, it is better to use fungicides.

How to get rid of a pest?

Insecticide treatment
Insecticide treatment

If a white sticky coating appears on the orchids, then it is necessary to fight it with the help of insecticides. Moreover, it is necessary not only to spray the leaves, but also to water the plants with a working solution. The treatment must be repeated every week until the mealybug is completely eliminated.

Main drugs:

  1. "Aktellik", "Fitoverm". Dilute any of these insecticides at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water. Mix thoroughly and spray the leaves. In case of mass accumulation of the pest, it is necessary to additionally moisten a cotton pad in the working solution and wipe especially affected areas.
  2. "Aktara". Dissolve 1.4 g of the drug in 6 liters of water. Apply the resulting product for watering orchids. This will allow the poison to penetrate the roots and then the leaves and stem. This will lead to the death of pests when sucking out cell sap.

An alternative to chemicals can be folk remedies for a pest, but it is recommended to use them only at the first sign of damage. During the period of mass reproduction of the mealybug, they will be useless.

  1. Olive oil (50 ml) add to1 liter of water at a temperature of 40 degrees. mix the product. Use to wipe the front side of the leaves in places of mass accumulation of the mealybug.
  2. Mix 10 ml of alcohol, 15 ml of dishwashing liquid and 1 liter of water. Use the mixture to spray the affected plants. It is unacceptable to use the product for narrow-leaved orchids.


Warm shower
Warm shower

In order not to subsequently observe white bloom on orchids, certain rules of maintenance and care must be observed:

  1. Choose east or west window for plants.
  2. Irrigate as the substrate dries in the pot.
  3. Periodically arrange a warm shower with further wiping of leaf sinuses from moisture.
  4. Reduce watering when temperatures drop.
  5. Use phytolamps during short daylight hours.
  6. Containment temperature must not fall below 12 degrees.
  7. New plants should be initially quarantined for a week.
  8. Periodic preventive treatment of flowers once every 3 months.
  9. Use nitrogen fertilizing from February to May, reducing the concentration of fertilizer by 1/3 of that indicated in the instructions for the drug.
  10. When transplanting, it is necessary to use a specially prepared medium fraction substrate, which will allow the roots to breathe and not stagnate in water.

Indoor flowers need to meet the basic requirements of their maintenance, as close as possible to their usual habitat. Otherwise white patchwill appear regularly on the orchid, which will negatively affect the growth and development of the plant.
