The beginning of autumn and the end of winter are just the times when it's time to start gardening. At about -2 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to start pruning trees. This procedure is performed every year and is needed to form a crown and remove diseased and dried branches. A special tool is used to trim trees, vines, roses. Let's talk about how to choose a garden pruner. There is nothing complicated here, but every detail is important.

Scissors design
Gradually the scissors were modified. And today on the shelves of stores you can find the final version, since it is quite difficult to change or add something. For example, the working blade of the tool is hardened. This makes it especially strong and at the same time sharp, which allows you to cut off plant fibers without splitting them. On the support blade (lower) there is a special groove through which the tree sap flows. This contributes to the fact that sticking does not occur during operation, and the blades do not get dirty so much and quickly.
Besides thisdepreciation system. It allows you to work for a longer period, since the gardener does not make sudden movements that could quickly tire or lead to injury. A clamping bolt with a nut is needed for parallel fixation of the blades, and a lock allows you to fix them at the end of work. This will prevent accidental opening. By the way, before choosing a garden pruner, pay attention to the handle, it must be durable and comfortable.
A bit of history
Invented such a tool as a secateurs, was back in 1815 in France. It is worth noting that in those days a special knife was used to cut the vine. But despite the fact that it was relatively easy to use, the secateurs quickly replaced it. Around the beginning of the 19th century, such an instrument came to Russia. It is no secret that in those days the nobles preferred to use the works of French scientists, teachers, and gardeners. In general, everything that came from France immediately became extremely popular.

Since the secateurs were originally used exclusively for cutting the vine, the pruning knife was popular with gardeners. But soon they began to use secateurs for cutting flower beds, bushes, etc. From here, its various modifications occurred, such as a delimber, brush cutter, rose secateurs, etc. At the present time, there are also different designs, but they differ in more of a blade shape, and the base has one.
"Anvil" for dry branches
This is one of the most popular andcommon solutions. The design of the secateurs is such that the upper blade is active, and the lower one is the support one. They are located strictly on the same line and do not move relative to each other during operation. When the operator presses the handle with force, the upper blade descends to the lower one and cuts off the branch. It is an ideal solution for grafting trees, pruning dry (woody) branches. It is the lower part that is called the anvil. For example, the products of the Gardena company are widely known to all gardeners. This tool is able to work with branches up to 2 cm in diameter. The anvil is plastic and has a ribbed surface, and the top pruner blade is chrome-plated. It is also a great solution for working with vines. In general, such scissors have one small minus - this is a latch, which is far from always reliable.

Pruner bypass, standard
If you do not know how to choose a garden pruner, then pay attention to the bypass options. Such scissors have only one constructive difference from the anvil pruner - that the blades are offset along the cut line. But, as in the previous case, the upper one is working, the lower one is persistent.
The key feature of such a tool is that the main part of the cut branch is not damaged. However, due to the offset cut line, the end is deformed, which must be considered when purchasing. This feature of bypass pruners makes them ideal for working with growing branches. For example, the products of the Swiss company Brigadier are popular withwinegrowers. The tool easily copes with shoots up to 2 cm thick. Teflon coating and plastic ribbed handles make the device comfortable to use.
Ratchet Secateurs
We have already figured out a little about what a garden pruner is. How to choose, we will tell a little later. Now I would like to say a few words about secateurs that are equipped with a ratchet mechanism. Such scissors are necessary for processing shoots with a diameter of 2-3 cm. A powerful ratchet mechanism reduces effort, which allows you to effectively cut dried branches.
The work is done in several stages. At the same time, to cut one branch, the operator must press the handle 2-3 times. The ratchet mechanism will not allow the blade to go to its original position. Due to the immobility of the upper blade, the cut is even and smooth, without visible deformations. As you can see, these secateurs have a number of advantages. Firstly, you do not need to make great efforts, secondly, thick branches can be processed, and thirdly, the cut is even.

If you do not know how to choose a garden pruner, then pay attention to models with a ratchet. They are comfortable in every way. However, before buying, check how comfortable the secateurs are in your hand.
About battery models
The cordless tool is, without a doubt, promising. This solution allows you to significantly save the strength of the summer resident, since he practically does not make any effort. But is it worth overpaying a few thousand rubles forsuch electric scissors? Let's look into this in more detail.
The German company Bosch makes some of the highest quality cordless pruners. The key feature of the tool is that it can work with a live shoot of 1.4 cm, although the manufacturer recommends not to raise the bar above 1.2 cm. Cordless models can cut knots no thicker than 0.9 cm in diameter.
The work knife is actuated by pressing the lever, so there is no need to constantly apply force to press the handle. The blade is in most cases made hidden so that it cannot be injured when the tool is not in working order. It is made of carbon steel, so it stays sharp for a long time. Let's talk about how to choose a cordless grape pruner. Unlike the classic options, there are several features here.
Choice of cordless pruners
You must have noticed that there are a wide variety of garden pruners. How to choose a battery model, you ask? Here, slightly different criteria are important than in the case of classic scissors. In particular, it makes sense to pay attention to the battery capacity, its weight and service life. Lithium-ion batteries are usually installed, they are also the most advantageous from all sides. They have a high resource of work, low weight and dimensions. They charge no more than 5 hours, while the resource is enough for quite a long time. If you are going to buy such a pruner, then give preference to models with a high-capacity battery. On the whole, thisan ideal solution for older people with sore joints, which is due to the uselessness of exerting effort during work. Before choosing a pruner for giving a battery type, be sure to test its performance. Well, now let's look at a few more important details.

How to choose a tree pruner
As for the choice of scissors, there are several important nuances. The main one is the use of high carbon steel for cutting knives. Such metal will remain sharp for quite a long time, but sharpening should be carried out on time. It is extremely important not to wait for the deformation of the edges of metal knives, then they will serve you for a very long time. It is advisable to select a tool that has a special coating against sticking. This greatly simplifies the processing of trees, flowers and vines. For example, many summer residents are wondering how to choose a pruner for pruning roses.

The fact is that such scissors should not crush the trunk during cutting, otherwise it will heal for a long time, which is not good. Therefore, the blade must be sharp. In this case, the cutting line should be one.
Single-sided or double-sided?
Before buying, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the range of products. You will surely notice that there are secateurs with one cutting knife (one-sided), while the lower one is the support one. In addition, there are two-waysecateurs, where both knives are working. In the first case, only the upper working blade becomes dull during operation, in the second case, both knives become dull. At the same time, it is not necessary to say that any of the species is more preferable, and some less. Almost always the question rests on the cost. The best secateurs are made in Germany, Finland and Sweden.
Ergonomics of garden pruner
When choosing, it is extremely important to pay attention not only to the quality of the steel, but also to the ease of use of the tool. The fact is that the secateurs should lie well in the hand, while not rubbing corns and not tiring the brush. Therefore, ergonomics should be given special attention. The coating of the handle, for example, plays a big role. The simplest execution is coloring. More expensive models are rubberized or made of composite material. This solution is most appropriate, since the scissors will have a relatively small weight, and the strength will be at a sufficient level.

If you do not know how to choose a pruner for floristry, then get a light and sharp model that will fit comfortably in your hand. So you definitely can't go wrong.
How to choose a Fiskars pruner
This company has been on the market for a long time and is time-tested. A feature of this manufacturer is that the assortment includes a wide variety of garden pruners. How to choose the right option? Inspiration models are used by florists and PowerStep are used for trimming branches. In addition, the company is engaged inproduction of professional secateurs for work in hard-to-reach places. Therefore, before choosing a garden pruner, decide on the work to be performed. If you want to cut tree branches, flowers, vines, then it is definitely better to give preference to a professional model. Such secateurs cost a lot, but they serve for a long time and do an excellent job with the task.