Pilea: home care, types

Pilea: home care, types
Pilea: home care, types

The world is arranged in such a way that there are many paradoxical and interesting things in it. The familiar stinging nettle, in fact, is for many a weed growing in wastelands, and its closest relative, the pilea, is an exotic houseplant with a similar structure, but a much more interesting look. This is a hardy plant with ornamental foliage, equally well developed in apartments, greenhouses and winter gardens. Any Pilea care at home involves a minimum, but subject to certain requirements.

pilea home care
pilea home care

Pilea's genus: general characteristics

Very extensive genus includes about 600 plant species and belongs to the Nettle family. The natural habitat is the tropical forests of both hemispheres, with the exception of Australia. The bulk are perennial herbaceous plants, sometimes with a woody base. The stem is usually erect, rarely creeping or broadlyprocumbent, strongly branching from the base. The leaves are characteristic, cross-opposite, entire or serrate at the edges, often pubescent with glandular hairs. For example, thick-leaved pilea (home care is presented below) remotely resembles ordinary nettle in appearance, but with corrugated and bright leaves. Small and inconspicuous flowers of representatives of the genus are most often located singly in the axils or collected in an umbrella inflorescence, less often - loose panicles. The nine species currently used in floriculture were introduced gradually, starting in the late 18th century.

Light and soil

Plants of the genus Pilea for the most part prefer bright but diffused sunlight without direct exposure to rays, some species easily tolerate partial shade. The most optimal place in the house is the western or eastern windows. In summer, when shading from sunlight, you can take the plant out into the open air. Pilea care at home requires minimal, but it is important to provide it with the right lighting and good soil. With a lack of light, the leaves of the plant lose their decorative effect, especially in variegated forms. Pileas are perfect for city apartments, where the temperature practically does not change throughout the year. The most optimal indicator for plants is a constant mark at +25 ° С. Although some species feel fine even at +10 ° C (Pilea peperomia). The soil for the plant is recommended loose, well-permeable to moisture, with a drainage layer. Use fertile loam with an equal share of goodleaf humus.

Pilea: home care

Pilea peperomia home care
Pilea peperomia home care

Like any other tropical plant, Pilea requires moist air. Perhaps maintaining the desired indicator is the main aspect of care in conjunction with watering. Spraying the leaves is not recommended, as this makes them lose their decorative qualities. It is best to put the plant pot on a pallet filled with wet sand or expanded clay, or use special tools, but in no case put the container in water. Pilea does not tolerate stagnant moisture, and the roots quickly rot. In spring and summer, the plant should be watered as the top layer of the soil dries out, use settled soft water for this. In winter, the need for moisture decreases. Watering is carried out 2-3 days after the top layer dries out. Excessive waterlogging is something that the Pilea does not tolerate. Home care (the photo above shows us a plant transplant) also involves fertilizing from early spring until the end of summer once a week. Use special mineral complex preparations.

Pilea small-leaved

A bright and amazing plant, nicknamed "artillery". The reason lies in an interesting feature - the release of a cloud of dust (pollen) when opening flowers or touching them. The species is small in height - only up to 15 cm. However, creeping shoots are able to form spectacular green pillows. They resemble fern fronds,strewn with small leaves of light green color, coin-shaped and with a glossy surface. Pilea small-leaved home care involves the same as described above.

Pilea small-leaved care at home
Pilea small-leaved care at home

Pilea Kadie

Perennial plant, forming a bush up to 30-45 cm in height. The homeland of the species is the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The stems are thin and flexible, upright at a young age, but as they grow, they acquire an ampelous shape. Large (up to 10 cm long and 5 cm wide), glossy leaves are oval in shape, located on a long petiole. The upper surface has characteristic silvery stripes along the three main veins. The Minimina form is known - Kadie's dwarf pilea, home care for it is similar. To increase bushiness, it is recommended to pinch the plant as it grows.

Pilea kadie home care
Pilea kadie home care

Pilea Spruce

Effective perennial plant, reaching a height of 20 cm (on the first photo). Its main advantage is green-brown, abundantly pubescent leaves. They are characterized by an oval shape and jagged edges, bubbly outgrowths over the entire surface. A beautiful hybrid form of Norfolk is known with bright green leaves that have a silvery sheen and brown-red veins, the surface is velvety, with many bristles.

Pilea peperomiidea

Home care for the species is similar and quite simple, but as a result you get an extraordinary and interesting plant that grows up to 30 cm in height.homeland - India. Pilea peperomia forms a large number of large (up to 10 cm in diameter) leaves of an almost round shape and with a shiny, glossy surface. They emerge from the stem on long, slightly drooping petioles. Has a period of winter dormancy. Decorativeness loses after 2-3 years of active growth, and therefore requires updating.
