How to transplant ficus? This question is relevant for everyone whose houses and apartments are decorated with a decorative leafy tree. The plant attracts not only with its elegant appearance, but rather unpretentious disposition. However, it still needs proper care in order to please the eye for more than one year.
Do I need a transplant
How to transplant ficus? First you need to figure out when to do this.

- The plant no longer fits in the old pot. Its roots peep out from the drainage holes.
- The soil is deprived of nutrients that ensure the growth and development of the plant.
- Ficus, which was just purchased from the store, should definitely be transplanted.
- It is time to replace the old drain with a new one.
- Ficus breeds.
If the transplant is not carried out in a timely manner, the growth of the plant will stop. Also, its leaves will begin to crumble and turn yellow. A weakened ficus is less resistant to diseases and pest attacks.
When to transplantficus
Many mistakenly believe that the unpretentiousness of the ficus allows you to transplant it in the fall. These plants are really resistant to disease, have a strong root system. However, they do not like the transplant, so it is better to do it in the "convenient" spring or summer.

Can ficus be transplanted in winter? Doing this is highly discouraged unless there is an urgent need.
When is the best time to transplant? Spring is the best time of the year for this task. A plant transplanted in March-April will have time to move away from stress by the beginning of cold weather.
Which pot to choose
How to transplant ficus? First you need to choose a suitable container for it. For this plant, it is allowed to use a pot made of plastic or clay. If we are talking about an old copy, you can stop at a wooden tub. It is desirable that the container has a decent weight: this will prevent the ficus from accidentally tipping over. From this point of view, clay and wood products are preferable.

These plants prefer tight containers. You can not transplant ficus into a pot that does not fit. The roots will not be able to master the entire volume of the soil, as a result of which it will begin to sour. The new tub should be approximately 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the old one.
A few words about soil
How to transplant ficus? Slightly acidic or neutral - this should be the soil for the plant. She ismust pass air and moisture well. It is strongly not recommended to use clay soil. In this case, moisture stagnation is inevitable, followed by root rot.

The composition of the soil should depend on the age of the ficus. For adult plants, a mixture of humus, sand, peat and sod land in equal proportions is suitable. For young specimens, you need to mix leaf humus, sand and peat in equal proportions. You can prepare the earth yourself or purchase a ready-made substrate.
Ficus drainage
How to transplant ficus? Is drainage necessary? This question arises if the container into which the plant is transplanted already has special holes. The drainage system must still be present. This is due to the negative reaction of the ficus even to a short stagnation of moisture. The process of decay begins almost immediately, followed by disease, leaf fall. Protecting a plant is always easier than treating it.

Great for drainage:
- pebbles;
- gravel;
- expanded clay;
- broken brick;
- clay or ceramic shards.
It is strongly not recommended to use sphagnum, peat, shells. They negatively affect the acidity of the soil, from which the ficus suffers. In addition, such drainage will quickly cease to fulfill its task. When laying, you need to make sure that the holes in the bottom of the tub are not clogged with shards or pebbles.
Is it possible to transplant ficus without preparation? No, this is absolutely not recommended. The day before the procedure, it is necessary to water the plant with high quality. This will keep the earth from falling apart, protecting the roots from damage.

Next, prepare a container for the ficus. A drainage layer (two or three centimeters) is laid at the bottom, a small amount of earth mixture is poured on it. Optionally, vermiculite or perlite is added: this will provide better air and moisture permeability.
How to transplant Benjamin's ficus: step by step instructions
The step-by-step instructions below will simplify the task for beginners. The process can be considered on the example of ficus Benjamin. How to transplant this plant?

- Ficus should be carefully removed from the old tub. Its roots are carefully freed from the old soil. A small amount of water will help soften the clods of earth. The roots can be held under a tap or dipped in a basin of water. It is important that no lumps remain after cleaning.
- The cleaned plant is placed in a tub, sprinkled with earth. It is necessary to add earth in small portions, tamping around the roots with your fingers.
- It is important to ensure that the ficus stem does not sink too low into the pot.
- Heavy watering after transplanting is not recommended, a small amount of water is sufficient.
- Re-watering is done a week later, by which time the soil has had time to completely dry.
Transshipment method
The above describes how to transplant ficus at home (step by step). It is impossible not to pay attention to another method, which is called transshipment. Its advantage is that the root system practically does not suffer. As a result, the plant does not receive much stress. Ficus does not weaken, its leaves do not fall.
The method involves minimal removal from the root system of the earth. The plant is removed from a pot with an earthy clod, which is slightly shaken off. The ficus is immersed in a new tub, and the gaps are filled with new soil with fertilizer.
After transplanting, plant growth may slow down for a while, and some of the leaves may also fall off. There is nothing to worry about, as this is just a reaction to stress. The ficus will recover in three to four weeks.
Transfer after store
How to transplant ficus at home after the store? After the purchase, the plant really needs to be transplanted. The substrate in which the ficus is sold is not suitable for long-term use, it is used exclusively for transportation. In addition, the size of the pot in most cases is not suitable, as a result of which the roots grow excessively due to lack of nutrients.
When should I transplant? It is recommended to do this approximately 7-15 days after the acquisition of the ficus. Waiting this period is necessary in order for the plant to adapt to new conditions. It is not worth postponing the procedure longer, as it may die. Transplantation is carried out as described in the step-by-stepinstructions. The transshipment method is not relevant in this case, because the old substrate must be removed.
Post transplant care
It is important not only how to transplant ficus correctly. The plant also needs proper care after this procedure. It is important that watering is moderate. It can be carried out only after the soil has dried. Ficus foliage should be sprayed twice a day with a fine-grained spray gun, it is best to do this in the morning and evening. Soft water at room temperature is used for this.
How to help the plant quickly adapt to new conditions? To do this, the ficus can be covered with polyethylene. You need to air it twice a day. Shelter is removed when plant growth resumes. The humidity of the environment in which the ficus is located should be 70-80%. Also, the plant needs high-quality lighting, reliable protection from drafts. The ideal temperature for him is 18-22 degrees.
We must not forget about feeding. It is recommended to renew them approximately three to five weeks after transplantation. Previously, this should not be done, since an overabundance of nutrients is possible, to which the ficus will react negatively.
This is important
The plant is not recommended to be transferred to a new pot every year if it feels great in the old container. The need for a transplant is signaled by the roots that look out of the drainage holes or rise above the ground. Also, the need to replace the soil is indicated by a h alt in growth. In this case, you need to make sure that the ficus has stoppedgrow not due to disease or pest attacks.
Adult plant is not recommended to try to transplant alone. It is much easier to transfer a ficus into a new tub without damaging its roots. During transplantation, the plant should not be shaken. It must be remembered that he has very fragile shoots and petioles. Any careless movement can lead to breakage.