Summer residents and tourists often have to carry firewood. The former like to heat the stove or fireplace in winter, while the latter are not averse to having a good time in nature and warming themselves near the fire. In order not to carry logs and dry branches in your hands, you can independently make a special device for these purposes. The following article will describe how to make a firewood carrier with your own hands.

Thanks to this homemade device, it will be possible to transfer a lot of firewood at a time. The device can be taken on vacation, as it does not take up much space in the trunk or backpack. In addition, the clothes will remain clean if you put deadwood into this simple device.
You can make your own firewood carrier from the following materials and available tools:
- metal;
- thick fabric (such as canvas or burlap);
- natural leather;
- vines;
- plastic mesh;
- car tire;
- canisters.
To make this fixture yourself is a simple task, for which you first need to prepare a screwdriver, square, hacksaw and other tools.
Metal carrier

This is a strong and reliable device, the main drawback of which is its impressive weight. A metal carrier is sometimes used as a decorative stand. Forged model will look good near the fireplace, made in a classic style. To make a do-it-yourself firewood rack for carrying firewood of this model, you will need a welding machine.
The main part of the device must be made of two-meter metal rods, and to create the handle and the bottom, two rods 30 cm long will be required. The manufacturing technique consists of several simple steps:
- Bend long rods to end up like a rectangle.
- Connect the resulting blanks with a welding machine. To complete this stage, you must use short rods, with which you need to fix the rectangular parts in the middle between each other.
- Weld the bottom legs.
However, there is a method of how to make a DIY firewood carrier from metal parts without using a welding machine. In this case, coupling bolts and steel corners are used. For the manufacture of the said device, it is necessary to perform the following work:
- Make two metal cornersrectangles, each measuring 50 x 35 cm.
- Tighten the corners of future carrying with bolts.
- Connect the resulting rectangular parts with slats.
- Wrap the top bar (handle) with electrical tape to make it easier to hold on to.
The result is a simple but rather heavy device that can carry a lot of firewood at once.
Thick Carrier

You can make a stylish and comfortable bag for firewood from durable linen, leather or old clothes. Craftsmen do this transfer in a couple of hours, but first you need to prepare a dense fabric, a strong tape for making handles and a piece of linoleum measuring 28 x 44 cm.
To create a bag, you must follow the following instructions:
- Build a firewood carrier pattern (doing it yourself is not at all difficult, even if you do not have the necessary skills). At this stage, you can focus on the sketch below, which indicates the recommended dimensions. With it, you can make a basic bag pattern.
- Mark with chalk or disappearing marker on denim, leather or canvas the contours of the bag. If a durable material is used, then the product should be made single-layer. Otherwise, to increase reliability, you will have to sew two identical pieces of matter.
- Cut the corners of the resulting piece of fabric along the marked lines.
- Fold the edges around the perimeter inwards.
- Sew two handles in this way: fold pieces of strong grosgrain in half, and then fold the edges inward and sew.
- Attach to the bag on both sides of the handle.
- Seal the bottom of the product with a piece of linoleum.
- Sew a side pocket for storing tools and other useful items.

Making your own bag for carrying firewood according to the pattern proposed above, as you can see, is not such a difficult task. If you follow the instructions, correctly build a drawing and correctly transfer it to the fabric in compliance with all sizes, you will definitely succeed.
Wicker carrier

Such a firewood rack will not only be a functional device, but will also decorate the home environment. You can make this useful device yourself from a vine, a willow branch or rattan. Light weight, affordable price and beautiful view are the advantages of a wicker firewood basket. To create it, you need to prepare:
- wood slats;
- willow branches;
- copper wire;
- drill and pliers.
It is necessary to make a bag for carrying firewood with your own hands according to the following instructions:
- Make a rectangular base out of rails. To do this, drill holes with a drill on two opposite wooden parts every 30 mm, into which then you need to insert thick willow branches - racks for weaving.
- Fix the wire in the center and bend it into an arc. The result is the basis for the handle of the futurecarrying.
- Bend the ends of the copper wire with pliers.
- Tilt the thick posts at the right angle to the bottom of the firewood rack and intertwine them with thin branches.
- Wrap willow twigs around the handle and carefully tuck the ends into the basket.
Plastic net carrier
This device has many advantages:
- light weight;
- compact;
- large capacity;
- low price;
- fast assembly time (no more than an hour);
- easy cleaning from dust and traces of dirt.
Before proceeding with the manufacture of this carrier, you need to buy an ordinary fine-mesh plastic mesh and a thick wire. The latter is needed to create handles. In order not to injure your palms, you need to supplement the design with a rubber hose.
The initial stage of creating a do-it-yourself device for carrying firewood of this type is to drag the wire of the required length through the mesh cells along its larger side at a distance of about 10 cm from the edge. Next, you need to push the cord through the first section of the hose and then repeat the previous steps, but from the other end. After you need to push the wire through the second piece and tie its ends into a strong knot. Finally, the cord must be hidden in the hose.
Carrying from a canister

Make your own this device is quite simple. To do this, you need to take a plastic canister with a volume of 10 liters (more capacious containers can also be used). The main thing is that it retains a comfortable handle, but is the lid intact or not?- not important. If there is such a canister, then you need to carefully cut opposite walls in it with a knife. The result is a simple firewood carrier.
It is better to make two of the same devices, since they can be worn on the yoke, which is very convenient.
Carrying from a tire

You don't have to spend a lot of money and time to make such a device. If an old car tire is lying around, making a firewood carrier from this material with your own hands is a simple and inexpensive thing. In this case, you can choose its size at your discretion.
Creating a carrier should start with cutting the tire and turning it inside out. The hardest thing is to turn out the first part. When the described operations are completed, you need to step on the tire with your foot. If done correctly, the rest of the tire will coast out.
The next step is to put a flat board or piece of plywood on the bottom. After that, you need to cut two small strips from a piece of tire. The result is a kind of handles that need to be fixed on the carrier with rivets or glue.
Summing up, we can safely say: making a firewood carrier with your own hands from various materials and improvised means is a simple task that everyone can handle. However, do not forget about safety precautions: it is necessary to completely exclude the accidental loss of chips and wood dust from the device. If the decision is made to create a wicker carrier, such a device must beequip with a double bottom, which will prevent debris from spilling onto the floor. As a rule, tourists prefer to make a device for collecting brushwood from fabric or polymer mesh, and summer residents recommend creating a portable firewood rack from metal or willow vines.