Thanks to the availability of a huge number of special kits and tools on sale, self-creation of a diorama is available to anyone who wants to design their own unique landscape. You just need to stock up on suitable materials and think over the concept.
Working out the overall plan
To make a diorama for models, you need to properly plan it. This concerns a small sketch of the finished scene, and it is also important to estimate the appropriate scale for the structure.
In the process of selecting it, you need to remember that large size means high cost of models and materials used for construction. In addition, it involves a lot of work. For example, if you take a scale of 1:72, then the outlines of faces and small details in the characters' wardrobe will remain indistinguishable, so they do not need to be worked out carefully. Size 1:35, on the contrary, involves painstaking drawing of all the details.

Before you start making a diorama, you need to think about what the action will be. For example, the image of the T-34 tank on a pedestalcannot be called a plot, but the process of pulling a combat vehicle out of a swamp will be that very intrigue. It is important to think in advance about the theme of the future diorama. Do not forget that it is not a picture, so it should be clearly visible from any side. You need to think over the main accents of the plot and actions that will be located in all directions.
For models, it is permissible to choose a comparable scale, that is, 1:72 and 1:76. This technique is considered the most convenient, because it is sometimes difficult to find models of the right size. It is now almost impossible to acquire historical "rail" and "land" type aircraft, which are 1:87 and 1:35 respectively.
Collection of individual items
After a thorough study of the general plan of the diorama, you can proceed to the selection of plastic models. Usually they are assembled from separate parts. Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of different characters, so everyone will find something suitable for their diorama.

At the very beginning, you should prepare a stand, which will become the basis of the entire structure and storyline. If it is not made correctly, it will damage the figurines and vehicles.
In order to make a diorama for 40 mm soldiers, it is recommended to use a box of slats or multilayer plywood. It is best to create a heavy base so that in the future the whole structure does not turn over after an awkward movement or cleaning.
How to make a diorama from available materials
For the construction of individualobjects it is recommended to give preference to extruded polystyrene foam. Such insulation is produced by plates, the size of which reaches 0.5 m by 1.5 m. Its thickness sometimes reaches 10 cm. You can buy material not only in a specialized store, but also on the construction market.

If we talk about its merits, then first of all we need to highlight the ease of processing. A large slab is easy to cut with an ordinary knife, and then go over it with sandpaper. With the help of extruded polystyrene foam, you can simulate a brick wall, a paving stone pavement, and much more. One such sheet is enough for a large number of parts.
Boards are recommended to be replaced with thin veneer, which is easy to find in a hardware store.
How to create a winter landscape
To make a New Year's diorama, you can use any holiday paraphernalia. Miniature toys designed for small Christmas trees are suitable. The basis of the design around the perimeter can be decorated with a New Year's garland. Snow is easy to make from soda, cotton wool, polystyrene foam.

Bricks are recommended to be sculpted from polymer clay intended for children's development. It hardens without assistance and comes in a variety of shades. If desired, you can mix several types to get a new color. There is nothing difficult in the manufacture of parts. First you need to make a cake out of clay, and then cut out small bricks. Crafts made from such material can significantly change the appearance of the diorama.
In creating a structure, it is simply impossible to do without automotive putty. It does not harden for a long time, so the material can be given any shape. The best application is the elimination of defects in the processing of Styrofoam and the creation of small objects.
If it is planned to place a stone, roots and other debris on the diorama, then the material can be taken directly from the street. Ready-made sets are also quite suitable.
Ciacrinum and baking soda are best for making minor changes to models. Performing such work involves the use of a needle. With its help, a small amount of glue is applied to a certain area, and sprinkled with soda on top. There is an immediate reaction between the two materials. The result will be the formation of a strong conglomerate. Excess soda is removed with a simple brush.
Preparing models
After assembling any element intended to be placed on a diorama, it is important to refine it. Many items show wear and tear over time. For example, if the equipment took part in the battles, then traces of military clashes appear on its surface. It is also important to stain the cars, which means they should have splashes from puddles and bits of mud.

Quite often, plastic models after final assembly differ significantly from the original version. To eliminate all inaccuracies, it is important to compare the resulting element with the source, and then make the necessary corrections.
Models of people most often need to be improved. Fromscale depends on the care and diligence with which each figure of a person will have to be worked out. Many people prefer to purchase different sets at the same time, and then collect a character from several sources. For example, if in one model only the upper part suits you, the legs and torso can be taken from another. Of course, it all depends on the flight of fancy. It is best to assemble a dioramic person from a large number of small parts so that it differs from the original base. This will help to achieve the originality of the resulting design.
Making a diorama with your own hands is not difficult at all. It is important to think over the general plan, plot, composition in advance, and also take care of the preparation of models.