The presence of two floors in a private house involves the installation of stairs. As a rule, in addition to the function of connecting floors, this element can also become a spectacular accent in the interior. This review will consider how to choose the right staircase lighting in the house, and will also reflect the main problems that may arise at the stage of its installation and design.

When building and designing transitions between floors, many factors must be taken into account. The main requirement is that the ladder should provide the maximum degree of safety. Here you should take into account such moments as the width and height of the steps, finishing materials, the angle of inclination of the flights of stairs, and strong, comfortable railings. Lighting also plays an important role in ensuring safe movement. In addition, the lighting should perform a decorative function and be in harmony with the overall style of the room. Lighting of these interfloor passages can be arranged in various ways using special lighting fixtures.
Types of stairs
What can bestaircase lighting in a private house? There are several types of structures. Stairs differ in the material of manufacture and design features. Depending on these factors, you should also choose the appropriate backlight.
Let's consider the main types of materials from which stairs can be made.
Wood and stone

So what's special about them? These natural materials have for many years been considered the main solutions that can be used for the construction of stairs. High-quality wood, of course, is considered traditional for Russian architecture. This material has practically no competitors. It can be used to build outdoor and indoor stairs.
Stone has been used for many centuries as the main material for the construction of stairs in European countries. The features of this raw material subsequently determined the interior and exterior architectural styles.
Today the stone is rarely used in its pure form. It is mainly used for facing brick and concrete stairs. The tree also does not give up its positions. Structures can be made from it entirely. In addition, wood is used for facing steps.
As for the stylistic performance, the wooden stairs will go well with the classic interior. They are also suitable for houses decorated in country style, ethnic style, chalets and the like.
How to choose the right lighting stairs made of wood? Here it should be borne in mind that wood belongs to the classflammability G4. For this reason, care must be taken to ensure that electrical wiring is well insulated. To illuminate the staircase made of wood, it is necessary to select lamps that do not heat up. Low current systems are best suited for this purpose. For example, it is not recommended to use conventional incandescent lamps to illuminate wooden structures, since they are unsafe even at low power due to the high heating temperature.
Experts recommend further processing the wood used in such structures with special flame retardant solutions. These substances make the material resistant to high temperatures. This helps to greatly reduce the risk of fire from overheating.
What is its feature? Metal stairs have a rich history. They have not been in high demand lately.
This is easily explained by a number of reasons:
- metal structures are heavy;
- high installation cost;
- does not have the best performance;
- may cause injury.
Today, variants made entirely of metal are rarely used. Usually, owners of private houses prefer combined structures, for example, in combination with glass or wood. Such solutions are suitable for rooms decorated in a minimalist style, as well as for classic interiors. In the latter case, designs made using forging technology will look especially good.
Lighting metal stairs is usually arranged by using outdoor lights. You can also use simple wall sconces.
When installing combined structures, it is also worth remembering the combustibility of materials. For example, when heated, some types of plastic can melt and release toxic compounds. Metal is a good electrical conductor. Therefore, the issue of creating special insulation is especially important.
Next, we will take a closer look at the main types of stairs.
Master stairs
What are they? Structures of this type are considered the simplest. It is this option that is usually chosen for installation in a private house. The staircase, depending on the height of the building, may have one or more marches. It is quite convenient to use such structures. Absolutely any types of illumination can be used here.
Spiral stairs

In a small area, it is often impossible to use a full-fledged marching structure. It would be advisable to install a spiral staircase here. It is more compact. If desired, it is quite possible to place it on an area of 1.5 square meters.
Steps in such a ladder are fixed in a spiral, according to the screw thread principle. This is what the name is related to. Screw designs have a number of disadvantages. However, it is very simple to equip the backlight for such a staircase. It is possible to fix lighting devices on one axial rack. Such a lighting system can be arranged after the arrangementstairs.
Staircase on bolts
This type of design looks airy and weightless. Steps are fixed in just a couple of points. On one side on the wall, and on the other - on the bolts (special racks located between the steps).
These stairs have no risers. This is what makes them transparent. Such designs help to keep maximum natural light in the room. This quality is especially important for modern minimalist styles, in which the priority is to preserve the free space.
Steps in this type of stairs can be made of any materials. The frame used to fix them is usually made of metal. Lighting stairs to the second floor in this case can be placed in the wall.
There are also other types of stairs that combine all the elements described above. For example, the transition between floors in a staircase of two flights may have several steps instead of a platform, made according to the helical principle. The type of construction is determined by factors such as the size of the house and the style of the interior.
Types of lighting

What is it like? The lighting of the stairs to the second floor can become a wonderful decorative decoration for a hall or a small hallway. Lighting will help highlight all the aesthetic aspects of this design. The inclusion of lighting fixtures or individual sections of the stairs can be carried out both manually and automatically. As a rule, the staircase lighting control system is included in the functionssmart home systems. However, it can be installed separately on a specific section of the stairs.
Auto switching
How can I organize the lighting of the stairs? A motion sensor installed on the steps will help simplify the operation of lighting fixtures. They can function in different ways.
Some sensors respond to movement in the room, others to touching an element, others work from a voice command or clap. In this case, the lighting of the stairs can only work in one mode. You can provide several degrees of intensity or smooth switching on and off.
Special equipment

Depending on the mode of operation, the automatic staircase lighting system may include various devices. In order for the backlight to turn on when a person appears, a motion sensor is required. When using such equipment, the light will go out on its own after a certain period of time. Usually it is 20-25 seconds. In cases where you want to turn on the lighting of the stairs in the house at a certain time, a special timer will do. It can only be set for morning or evening hours.
Another way to organize the illumination of flights of stairs is touch sensors. They will start to activate only if an external load is placed on them. This means that the light will turn on when someone puts their hand on the railing or starts walking up the stairs.
How else can it be arrangedstaircase lighting? In a private house, special sound sensors can be used. They respond to a clap or a voice. When triggered, such systems turn on the illumination of flights of stairs.
Combined systems are often used, including motion, time and load sensors. For example, the backlight can be turned on constantly from 19:00 to 23:00, and the rest of the time it turns on only when motion sensors are triggered. This approach will help to significantly reduce energy consumption.
Wireless light

Many owners of private houses today are interested in how to equip the lighting of the stairs. Photos of ready-made options raise many questions. For example, is it possible to design the system in such a way that it works from autonomous power sources?
Among consumers, the LED Stair-5 wireless staircase lighting system has gained great popularity. It includes two motion sensors, five lights and instructions. The kit is tuned to a specific signaling frequency, so it does not require additional adjustment. The modules are powered by simple batteries. One set, when using high-quality batteries, will last for about a year.
This staircase lighting has many advantages:
- No electricity costs.
- You can use the backlight even if the house is disconnected from the power supply.
- Illumination thanks to sensorsThe illumination will only turn on at night. This helps conserve battery life.
- To install such a system, you do not have to ditch the walls.
- Anyone can install the kit. This does not require special skills. The luminaires can be fixed either directly on the steps themselves or with double-sided adhesive tape on the wall.

How to properly arrange the lighting of the stairs in the house? Photos of ready-made options, recommendations for choosing a lighting system, types of devices used - all these aspects were considered in this review. The choice of lighting is largely determined by factors such as the design of the stairs, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the financial capabilities of the home owners.