Pots made of various materials are used in everyday life. Over time, any dishes require not only washing, but also cleaning. When choosing a tool, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each material. The longevity of the cookware depends on proper care. How to clean a pot from various materials, it will be interesting for every housewife to know.
When is the cleaning done?
During the cooking process, various impurities inevitably appear on the surface of the pan. In some cases, dirt can be easily removed with warm water and dish detergent. But there are situations when this tactic becomes ineffective, for example, when the jam is burnt. How to clean the pan depends on its material, as well as the degree of contamination. Even blackened dishes can be returned to service after proper manipulation.

Each housewife has her own recipe for dealing with heavy soiling of dishes. However, the question of choosing the fastest, simplest and most effective way remains open. It is important to pay attention to the removal of grease stains, soot and other contaminants regularly. In this case, the pots willit is better to wash off, and boiled over soup, milk or other liquids will not eat into the surface.
When considering how to clean a pan, it is necessary to consider the technique for a particular material. You also need to study the methods applicable to the outside and inside of the dishes.
Cleaning features
When deciding how to clean an enamel pot or stainless steel cookware, there are a number of things to consider about each material.
Stainless steel contains chromium. It reacts with air, forming a strong film on the surface. It prevents the destruction of the material. Spots of fat or soot adhering to it do not allow oxygen to pass to the alloy. Therefore, it becomes subject to destruction. To prevent this from happening, unseemly stains must be removed immediately after the occurrence of pollution.

Aluminum is a soft material. Therefore, its cleaning is treated very carefully. He will not tolerate great physical impacts. It cannot be cleaned with abrasive substances. Glass and ceramics can also get scratched quickly. Therefore, the rule applies to them as well.
Enamelware is more resistant to abrasive particles of detergents. Therefore, cleaning is easier. However, the enamel does not withstand direct blows. As a result, chips and cracks form. Careful handling of the cookware during its use and cleaning guarantees its long service life.
Cleaning stainless steel
To understand how to clean the pan from soot, you needconsider a number of general recommendations for this process. This procedure must be performed regularly. Immediately after the appearance of dirt, they should be removed from the surface of the dishes. After each use, remove traces of fat, food with warm water, detergent and a soft sponge. We do not recommend using a dishwasher.

After washing, the pan should be wiped dry with a towel. If water drops remain on the surface, they may leave stains.
It is forbidden to use steel wool, abrasive cleaners. In the cleaning process, it is better to make linear rather than circular movements. This will keep the attractive appearance of the pan for many more years.
Aluminum cleaning
When choosing how to clean an aluminum pan, there are a number of limitations to consider. This is quite demanding material. When cleaning it, do not use brushes, hard sponges, metal washcloths, etc. It is also forbidden to use products containing abrasive particles. Aluminum scratches easily. This is a soft metal. Therefore, cleaning is carried out in the most gentle mode.
Also, this material is able to come into contact with products containing oxygen or alkalis. In this case, unseemly visual effects are formed on the surface. The dishes will lose their luster, may darken. Therefore, such products should be avoided when cleaning an aluminum pan.
Alsoproducts that contain chalk are not suitable. When learning how to clean an aluminum pan, you should pay great attention to detergents. If they are chosen incorrectly, the dishes will lose their original appearance. Getting it back will be extremely difficult. Also, do not clean these pots in the dishwasher.
Enamel cleaning
To decide how to clean an enamel pot, you need to consider some of the features of this coating. Such dishes are considered very practical. It can be used for a long time.
Enamel does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, you can not put it under water immediately after removing it from the fire. The enamel coating in this case may crack. First, the dishes need to be cooled, and only then you can start cleaning them.
It should also be noted that the enamel can be washed with a hard sponge. However, you should not use a metal washcloth for such purposes. It can leave scratches on the enamel. In these places, the coating becomes vulnerable and eventually collapses.
Also, enamel can be cleaned with various powders, gels and solutions that do not contain solid particles. This is a strong enough coating for a pot.
Cleaning products
When learning how to clean a stainless steel pot, there are a few easy ways to consider. First of all, it should be noted that special products are on sale that can be used to remove various contaminants. The manufacturer's instructions will help you correctly apply such solutions. However, if you want to save money, you canuse other simple tools that almost any hostess has at hand.

Classic substances that can clean the surfaces of dishes from soot are soda and s alt. You can also use dry mustard, vinegar or citric acid. Coffee grounds, onions or sour apples, potato broth are also suitable. With the participation of these components, there are many ways to clean pots at home. The choice depends on the preferences of the hostess.
Additionally, prepare a second pot with a larger diameter. You will also need a sponge and a soft brush (not metal).
Cleaning the pot inside
First of all, it is necessary to consider approaches that allow you to clean the pan inside. In this case, cleaning will not be quick and easy. Inside the pan, you can pour a solution of water and laundry soap or soda (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Then the liquid should be boiled for 10 minutes. After that, even stubborn dirt is easily washed off. To do this, you can use soda or regular dishwashing detergent.

Also, a method that involves the removal of contaminants with activated carbon (black or white) has also proven its effectiveness. It will take several packs of tablets. They are crushed into powder. A little water is added to it. The consistency should be like sour cream. The product is applied to contaminated areas and left for 15 minutes. (but not more than 20 minutes). The mixture is thenwash off with warm water. Dirt can be easily removed with a sponge and detergent.
The means used to clean the inside of the pan must be completely safe for the human body. Therefore, it is not recommended to use aggressive chemicals for these purposes.
Clean outside
When learning how to clean a pot of carbon, you should consider a method that allows you to remove dirt from the outside of the dishes. This will require vinegar and a second pan of a larger diameter. This is an effective way, proven by many housewives.
In a large saucepan, you need to pour vinegar and water in equal proportions. The solution must be brought to a boil. Above this container you need to place a burnt pan. Processing is carried out within 10 minutes. Next, moisten the sponge with vinegar solution and apply baking soda and s alt on it. Burnt places are treated with this tool. Gloves are highly recommended.
After heat treatment with the participation of the presented solution, even strong contaminants are easily removed from the surface. The dishes will return to their original form.
Jam cleaning
When learning how to clean pots at home, there is another easy way to consider. It is effective if jam is burnt to the dishes. Sugar combined with berries leaves a dense crust on the surface. To remove it and not damage the surface of the pan, you will need products containing acid. The best in this matter are apples. You can peel them off or cut the fruit into slices.
Pour water into the bottom of the pot so that it cancover burnt spots. Next, apple peel is poured into it. It is better to use acidic fruits. The mass is left on fire. It boils for 10 minutes. After that, the contents are cooled to room temperature. The jam peel is easily removed from the surface.

Whey can be used instead of apples. It is poured into a saucepan and left in it overnight. This is a safe and simple remedy. It is also allowed to use citric acid for similar purposes. At the bottom of the pan you need to pour water and pour 2 tablespoons of crystals into it. The liquid is boiled for 15-20 minutes. This remedy will also help to cope with stains of grease or scale.
A few tips
Knowing how to clean a pot, there are a few more tricks to consider. To make stainless steel dishes shine, they rub them with raw potatoes. If traces of water remain on the surface, they can be washed off with vinegar. In it, the dishes are soaked for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Many other recipes can be used. Coffee grounds are good for removing greasy stains. It is applied to a soft sponge and surfaces are treated with this gruel. At the same time, the dishes regain their shine and spectacular appearance.
Having considered the basic recommendations on how to clean a stainless steel pot and other materials, each housewife will be able to remove various contaminants from dishes quickly and efficiently.